SCOTLAND'S REJOICING, OR, A Gratul [...]torie Poem upon his ROYAL HIGHNESS Arrival into SCOTLAND.

To be sung with a pleasant New Tune.
MAy half dead spirits now revive,
and clouds of grief quite banisht be
For reason of this quick survive,
the approach of Iames of Albanie:
Of Albanie, of Albanie.
let's all with one consent agree;
And pray still for that Royal Race,
And IAMES, the Duke of Albanie.
Let's thankfull prove for these blest dayes,
and all with pen and tongue agree;
To welcome, write, and sing the praise,
of Iames the Duke of Albanie.
Of Albanie &c.
His Wit, his Valour and his Grace,
his goodness, and his pietie,
Do shew of what a Royal Race,
is James, the Duke of Albanie,
Of Albanie, &c.
His praises, I will ever sing,
and humbly beg upon my knee,
God to preserve our Royal King.
and Iames the Duke of Albanie:
Of Albanie, &c.
The Commons now are at a stand,
and evermore I hope shall be:
For Scotland will be help at hand,
for James the Duke of Albanie,
Of Albanie, &c.
A braver Nation he can not have,
for Truth, for Love, for Loyaltie,
Each man will fight unto his Grave,
for Iames the Duke of Albanie.
Of Albanie, &c.
A souldier stout he is and brave,
as ever any man did see,
God bless our King and Queen, and save
our Iames the Duke of Albanie.
Of Albanie, &c.
He very wise and prudent is,
and generous in Majestie,
Let all good subjects still him bless,
and Love brave Iames of Albanie.
Of Albanie, &c.
All Loyal subjects now reioice,
and honour him in each degree,
Next to the King he is our choise
brave Iames Duke of Albanie.
Of Albanie, &c.
Then let our reason our will sway,
and every one upon his knee:
I do not mean to drink but pray
for Iames the Duke of Albanie.
Of Albanie, &c.
There is no man so mad to think
that drinking can availing be,
It,s better for to fight then drink,
for Iames the Duke of Albanie,
Of Albanie, &c.
Yet do not think Il [...]e balk his health,
but take my cup most moderatlie:
I'le drink, I'le fight, I'le spend my wealth
for Iames the Duke of Albanie.
Of Albanie, &c.
His Highness now to Scotland's come
from whence he draws his pedegreè:
Wh [...] should it not be then the home.
of Iames the Duke of Albanie.
Of Albanie, &c.
Right welcome is He, and no less
his noble Dutchess only she:
Lor [...] fill their hearts with thy goodness,
that they may many good dayes see.
Of Albanie &c.
Let Bon-fires burn, and let Bells ring,
let's drink his health upon our knee,
Let Preachers pray, and players sing,
for Iames the Duke of Albanie.
Of Albanie, &c.
Let Cannons roar, and Trumpets sound,
and let us always joyful be:
Let shouts unto the Skyes rebound,
for Iames the Duke of Albanie.
Of Albanie, &c.
Whilst some will preach & some will pray
for him and his posteritie,
I'le drink all night, Il'e fight all day,
for Iames the Duke of Albanie.
Of Albanie, &c.
We cannot fully sing his Praise,
the joy, the hope of our Countrie:
Yet let us loyal be always,
to Iames the Duke of Albanie,
Of Albanie, &c.
Now as I did begin, no doubt,
it's fit each Catch should ended be,
Once more let this health go about.
for Iames the Duke of Albanie.
Of Albanie, of Albanie,
let's all with one consent agree,
And pray still for that Royal-Race.
and IAMES the Duke of Albanie.

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