The Contented Cuckold, or Patience upon force is a Medcine for a Mad Man.

You batchellors both young and old
give ear unto this ditty,
A story here I will unfold
in mirth I hope it will fit ye,
A batchellor of threesscore years
a Damsel young did marry
Now he complains she doth him wrong
and basely doth miscarry:
Near Worksworth Town in Darby-shire
this couple they do dwell,
With patience pray this ditty hear
and then I bid farewell.
To the Tune, She cannot hold her Legs together.
YOu young Men all to you I call
whether you live in Town or City,
A Warning take by this my fall
which I shall declare in this my ditty
When as you do a Wooing go
pray have a care you be not scorned,
For if fortune say it must be so
you soon may come for to be horned.
A Batchellor full thréescore years
I lived long in joy and pleasure,
I was quite bid of grief and cares
I had house & Land & store of Treasure,
I did provide Mony to hide,
at last blind Cupid he me Wounded,
With a dart[?] of Love but now I can prove
my heart with grief is almost drown did.
Then to Cupids Court I did resort
and there I met with Venus Sister,
Full thréescore pound a true report
I gave for Mally would God I had mist her
To make her gay I slung away
full ten pound more to buy her cloathing
Still my Estate goes to decay
for to Cuckold me she counts it nothing.
All Darby-shire could not compare
with pritty Mally for Wit and beauty
I thought she was a Jewell rare
which made me dote in love and duty
With a Forehead high and Rouling eye
which signifies that she loves sporting,
She scorns with me [...]ow for to lye
but to. &c.
A Young Man living in the Town
has stollen from me her love & duty,
No comfort I get but a frown
not scarce a look upon her beauty:
For all her delight both day and night
is in his company for sporting
The boys cry Cockoo in my sight
for to Cuckold me she counts it nothing.
My aged looks she doth disdain
with taunts and fears I now am scorned
My bed likewise she doth refrain
by Dick it is I must be horned,
Thus Mary she abuseth me
which makes my friends to fear & scoff me
And the boys cry Cuckoo in my sight
because Dick doth make a Cukold of me
My means they Wast both night and day
most wilfully without all measure
My Goods and Cattle is their prey
they séek all means to Wast my treasure
While they do Sing my hands I Wring
which makes my friends to fear & scoff me
And the boys, &c.
Now may I sigh lament and mourn
I do confess it was my folly,
Now I may I sit like an idle drone
or like one struck in a Melancholly,
While Mary and Dick doth play the trick
of Put In, Or else get of me,
In house or barn if weather warm
there Dick must make a Cuckold of me.
Thus night and day they spend away
their time in this unlawful carriage,
Which makes me cry as well I may,
to curse the day and time of Marriage
My Garments bare and my White Hair
and my Fore-man with her is scorned,
The boys cryes Cuckoo to my face
and says that Dick my head has horned
You Batchellors and married men
whether you live in Town or City,
Let me intreat you once again
to read this harmless ditty,
No harm at all is in this Wall
For all poor Robin now is scorned,
Pray do not fear at Robin here
you know not who may next be horned.
Now the Proverb old I think upon
sayes a Cuckold is a good mans fellow
My time is spent I must be gone
come fill's a cup of Ale that's mellow
For Mal and Dick will play the trick
of Put In, Or else get of me,
In house or barn &c.
Now to conclude and make an end
hoping I have no Man offended,
Nor yet done wrong to any friend
he that thinks so pray let him mend it,
For Mary and Dick will play the trick
of Put In, Or else get of me,
And the boys cry Cuckoo to my face
because Dick doth make a Cuckold of me.
T. R.

Printed for Thomas Passenger at the three bibles on London-bridge.

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