THE Christians Calamities: OR, The Protestants Complaint, Collected out of many severall Letters, that were sent from beyond the Seas into England, and presented to his High­ness the Lord Protector, of England, Scotland and Ireland.

The very truth of the matter is plainly set down in this little Book, to the end that whosoever either reads or hears it, may take good notice of what is here set down.

And withall, to pray unto the Lord, that the like miseries may never be­fall us here in England.

Faithfully collected, drawn up and written, By Laurence Price. 1655.

From famine, blodshed, plagues and sudden death,
Good Lord deliver us whilst we are on earth.

London, printed for Thomas Vere at the Angell without Newgate. 1655,

AN INTRODUCTION, or Epistle to the Reader.

BEloved Friends & Countrymen, the reason why I drew up the co­py of this little Book, is, because the world should know the truth of the mater, how crueIly & how barbarously our Christian brethren are dealt with­all beyond the Seas by their blood­thirsty enemies. It is a picture not drawn to the life, but of the death of many thousands of true and Faithfull hearted Protestants; and so hoping that example of them may be a meanes to make us turn from our wicked wayes, and seeke the Lord whilst he may be found in mercy, I remain your loving Friend and well-wisher.

L. P.

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