Mr. Penn's ADVICE In the Choice of Parliament-Men, IN HIS Englands great Interest in the Choice of this New Parliament;
Dedicated to all her Free-holders and Electors.

PRay see that you chuse sincere Protestants: Men that don't play the Protestant in Design, and are indeed disguis'd Papists, ready to pull off their Masks when time serves: You will know such by their Laughing at the Plot, disgracing the Evidence, admiring the Tray­tors Constancy that were forc'd to it, or their Religion and Party were gone beyond an Excuse, or an Equivocation. The contrary are Men that thank GOD for this Discovery, and in their Conversation zealously direct themselves in an Opposition to the Papal Interest, which indeed is a Combination against good Sense, Reason and Conscience, and to introduce a blind Obedience without (if not against) Conviction; and that Principle which introduces implicit Faith and blind Obedience in Religion, will also intro­duce implicit Faith and blind Obedience in Government; so that it is no more the Law in the one than in the other, but the Will and power of the Superior, that shall be the Rule and Bond of our Subjection: This is that Fatal Mischief Propery brings with it to civil Society, and for which such Societies ought to be aware of it, and All those that are Friends to it. [ Pag. 4.]

The abovesaid being not unseasonable at this present Conjuncture, it is thought meet to have it thus Published this Fourth of December, 1688.


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