MEMORIAL To his Grace, His MAJESTIES High Commissioner, and the Honou­rable Estates of Parliament, concerning a Fond for a yearly Sallary to the Judge of the High Court of Admirality.

THE High Court of Admirality, being by Act of Parliament declared a Sovereign Court, it is suitable to the Dignity thereof, that the Judge have a settled Sallary for his Pains and Encouragement, as other Judges of Soveraign Courts have, and that he be not left to the meanness and uncertainty of Sentence-money.

The most natural Fond that occurs, is some small Tunnage on Shipping, which may be made to easie, that it will be very insensible to those lyable in payment.

In the last Session of Parliament there was Imposed Sixteen Pence on the Tun of every Foraign Ship which came into any Harbour or Road within this Kingdom, each Voyage, and Four Shilling Scots on every Tun of Scots Ships above Twelve Tuns Burden, once ilk Year, which was to be applyed by the Lords of Privy Council for Re-imbursing Captain Slazer and Mr. Adair, for certain Mapps, Prospects, and Descriptions of Scotland, with power to stop the said Imposition in whole or in part, when the saids Maps and Prospects were perfected.

How far Mr. Slazer and Mr. Adair are payed or might have been payed out of the said Fond, may be enquired into if the Estates of Parliament think fit.

It is certain this Imposition was complained of as a very heavy Burden by those concerned with Shipping, for easing them thereof in a great Measure.

It is humbly proposed, that the one half of the said Imposition be continu­ed to be a Fond for a Sallary to the Judge of the High Court of Admirali­ty, and for making it the more effectual, that a Collector be appointed toup­lift the whole Termly, and that he have a suitable Allowance, as also that the Judge and Collectors Sallary be appointed to be payed out of the first and rea­diest of the said Imposition, and if the Parliament think fit to continue any part of the said Tunnage for Mr. Slazer or Adairs Behoves, that the same be payed out of the superplus: But Captain Slazers performances being altogether extrinsick from Shipping, the Parliament may possibly fall on some other more proper Fond for his Reimbursement.

The Royal Burrows who are most concerned in this Matter, will willingly agree to this Proposal, and what shall be the Quota of the Sallary, is submit­ted to the Commissioner his Grace and the Honourable Estates of Parliament.

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