Kings most Excellent Majesty, THE HUMBLE ADDRESS OF THE Lord Mayor Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Com­mon Council assembled.


THat we Your most loyal and dutiful Subjects, having with asto­nishment received the discovery of a most traiterous and horrid Conspiracy, of divers ill-affected and desperate Persons, to compass the death and destruction of Your Royal Person, and of Your dearest Bro­ther James Duke of York; and that to effect the same, they have held several Treasonable Consultations to Levy Men, and to make an Insur­rection, and made great Provision of Arms; a design notoriously tend­ing to the present destruction, not only of Your best Subjects, but of the Sacred person of Your Majesty, the best of Princes, and to involve this and the future Generation into confusion, blood and misery; carried on, notwithstanding their specious Pretences, by known dissenting Conventiclers, and atheistical Persons,

And having in the first place offered up our solen n thanks to Almigh­ty God, for His Watchful Providence in bringing to light this Impi­ous and Execrable Machination,

VVe do in the next place humbly offer to Your Majesty the deep Resentments of Our loyal hearts concerning the same, and beg Your Majesty to rest fully assured, that as no Interest in this VVorld is valuable to us in comparison of Your Majesties Service, and Safe­ty; so we are determined readily to expose our lives and fortunes in defence of Your Majesties Person, Your Heirs and Successors, and Your Government Established in Church and State, and particu­larly, for discovering, defating, and destroying all such Conspiracies, Associations, and Attempts whatsoever.

All which Resolutions are accompanied with our dayly and fervent Prayers, that Your Majesty may vanquish and overcome all Your Enemies; and that the Years of Your Happy Reign over us, may be many and prosperous.

It is His Majesties pleasure that this Humble Address be forthwith Printed and Published.


Edinburgh, Re-printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson [...]

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