Iohn Robinsons Park, Or a merry fit of Wooing.

Within a Park a young Man met a Maid
With courting and sporting the Damsel with him staid
In pastime and pleasure she uttered her mind
Saying pray thee sweet hony be loving and kind,
AS I went through
John Robinsons Park,
I heard a Bir [...] singing
which pleased my heart:
It pleased my heart
and contented my mind,
Saying pray thee sweet hony
be loving and kind.
Be loving and kind Love
and take my advice,
And be no more cheated
at Cards or at Dice,
For the Cards and the Dice
Love, will do the much harm,
Then stay at home Honey
to keep thy love warm.
Sweet hony make much
of thy Fallow Déer,
To hurt them and chase them
thou needst not to fear;
Take pleasure at home
to content thy mind,
And I pray thee sweet hony
be loving and kind.
To take my advice,
it will do thee good,
To encrease thy hearth
and nourish thy blood,
It will be to thy pleasure
and content my mind.
Then pray thee s [...]eet hony
be loving and kind.
Within thy own Park, Love
thou hast a pure Doe,
To hunt at thy pleasure
full well thou dost know,
Then take thy fill
to content thy mind,
Then I pray thee sweet hony
be loving, &c,
Uncouple your Dogs
and sound up thy horn,
And lay them on closely
thy Doe for to chase,
For better thou may hunt her
from Evening till Morn,
while I in my arms [...]ove
Thy body imbrace.

The second part

to the same Tune.
CAll Herpin and Terepin,
and bonny Blew Bell
Call Terry [...]g and Malkin
to soun [...] up the Knell:
Call Prickear and Primrose
the game for to mind,
And I pray thee sweet hony
be loving and kind.
Call D [...]ummer and Plummer
and Ginger d [...]line;
Cal [...] [...]aller and Waller
the gam's at the prime
And let the Beugle horn
soundly you blo [...],
So meerily ran the hounds
all on a row.
Here's Nector and Hector
and Sampson so strong,
And Lilly white Larkin
said the Doe all along,
Yet had no great hurt
which pleased my mind,
And I play thee sweet hony
be loving and kind.
The game being ended
the tru [...]h for to tell,
He took up his Dogs
which ran passing well;
The pleasure and pastime
well pleased my mind,
Saying pray thee sweet hony
be, &c:
Well now my swyet hony
thy counsel I'le take,
The cards and the Dice, Love,
I mean to forsake,
And nay at home hony
to content thy mind.
And I vow evermore
to be, &c.
For many a time
abroad I did go
To see my Hounds run
after [...] wild Doe,
Though now I confess
it hath done me much harm,
Now l'l stay at home hony
to keep my love warm,
At Cards and at Dice
I have many a day
Delighted my self
to sport and to play,
And when the night came
I have chast the wild Doe
But now I intend Love
to do no more so.
Come all you brave Huntsmen,
that loves Fallow Deer
Vnto this my story
I pray lend an ear.
If hunting the Doe
come to you by kind,
The sound of the Horn
will run still in your mind.
Your Dogs and your horn
I and your Cross Bow
Is all your delight
where ever you go
And the quarter staffe
must not stay behind;
Saying pray thee sweet hony
be loving and kind.
Concluding if any
desire to know
What is the true m [...]ning
of this Fallow Doe;
Or wh [...] this Theam
doth run so in mind
To say pray the sweet, &c.
As late in an evening
I chanced to walk
I heard a young couple
most lovingly talk.
But what they did else
It must stay behind,
Saying, &c.
Their sport being ended
alway they did go
This gallant brave Keeper
and his Fallow Doe.
For sporting and courting
he had pleased her mind,
Saying pray thee sweet honey
be loving and kind.

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