INTIMATION By the Town-Clerk of Edinburgh, to the whole Bur­gesses of the said Burgh, concerning the Election of their Commissioners to the Meeting of the Estates of this Kingdom, which is to be Holden the 14 th Day of March 1689 Years.

WHereas by an Letter from his Highness the Prince of Orange given at St. James's the 5th day of February in the year of our Lord 1688/9, direct to the Town-Clerk of Edinburgh; Requiring him upon the Receipt of His Highness Letter to make publick Intimation of the famine on the first Mercat Day at the Cross of the Royal Burgh of Edinburgh, in the usual manner; and to appoint a Day, to be at least Five Days after the said Intimation, for the whole Burgesses to Meet and Chuse their Commissioners for the said Meeting of the Estates at Edinburgh the 14th Day of March next, and that a Copy of His Highness Letter, and of the Clerks Intimation, containing the Day of Election, be left Affixt on the said Cross, the Burgesses and Commissioners being Protestants, without any other Exception or Limitation, and that the said Clerk report his Diligence therein to the said Meeting, as is fully contained in His Highness Letter. In Obedience, and in Pursuance of the Order of His Highness Letter, These are to make publick Intimation to the whole Burgesses of the Royal-Burgh of Edinburgh being Protestants, that they Meet and Conveen within the Parlia­ment-House, upon the Twenty Eight Day of February instant, at Eight of the Clock of the Morning, for Electing and Choosing their Commissioners to the said Meeting of the Estates; And likewise as previous to the more order­ly carrying on of the said Election, and for preventing Confusion, and that none may have Vote in the same but such as are Protestants, and has Interest by being Burgesses; Therefore these are to make publick Intimation, that all Protestant Burgesses of the said Burgh, produce their Burgess-Tickets to the Clerk in the Town-Council-House of the said Burgh, where they shall be attended dayly by him and his Servants, from Eight of the Clock in the Mor­ning till Six of the Clock at Night, and that from and betwixt the Twenty and the Twenty Seventh of this instant Month of February, to the effect a Roll of their Names and Designations may be taken up by way of Alphabet, that every Burges may be called according to the said Rolls upon the foresaid Day of Election.


WHEREAS the Lords and Gentlemen of the Kingdom of Scotland, met at White-Hall, at Our desire, to Advise Us what is to be done, for Securing the Protestant Religion, and Resto­ring the Laws and Liberties of that Kingdom, according to Our Decla­rations, have desired Us, for the attaining these Ends, to call a Meeting of the Estates, to be holden at Edin­burgh, in March next.

WE being Desirous to do every Thing that may Tend to the Publick Good and Happiness of that King­dom, have Resolved to call the said Meeting against the Fourteenth Day of the said Month of March next; and do therefore in pursuance, and according to the Tenor of the said Advice, Require you upon the Receipt of this Our Letter, to make Publick Intimation of the same on the first Mercat Day at the Cross of the Royal Bur­rough of Edinburgh in the usual manner, and to appoint a Day, to be at least Five Days after the said Intimation for the whole Burgesses to meet and chuse their Com­missioners for the said Meeting of the Estates at Edin­burgh the said Fourteenth Day of March, a Copy of this Our Letter and of your Intimation, containing the Day of Election to be left affixt on the said Cross. The Burgesses and Commissioners being Protestants, with­out any other Exception or Limitation. And that you Report your Diligence herein to the Convention.

W. H. Prince of Orange.
To the Town-Clerk of the Town of Edinburgh.

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