[blazon of the Commonwealth]


By the Lords Proprietors of the Island and Region of Newfoundland.
To all Planters and Inhabitants of the said Island, and all others whom it may concerne.

WHereas the late King did by his Letters Patents, bearing date the thirteenth day of November, in the thirteenth yeare of his Raigne, give and grant unto James late Marquesse of Hamilton, Philip late Earle of Pembroke and Mountgomery, Henry late Earle of Holland, and to Sir David Kirke Knight, all that the Region or Island of Newfoundland, in the Confines of America, and all Lands and Islands within thirty Leagues of the same; Together with all the Royalties and Immunities thereof, to have and to hold to them the said James Marquesse of Hamilton, Philip Earle of Pembroke, and Mountgomery. Henry Earle of Holland, and the said Sir David Kirke, their Heires and Assignes for ever. And whereas the sole Right, Property, and Interest of the premisses, did survive, and come by the Lawes of England, to the said Sir David Kirke and his Heires, and the said Sir David Kirke hath by his Deed Indented under his hand and seale lawfully executed, and bearing date the eighteenth day of this instant Iune, suf­ficiently conveyed and assured to Philip Earle of Pembroke and Mountgomery, Colonell Nathaniel Rich, Colonell Richard Ingoldesby, Iohn Claypooll, Esq and Colonell William Goffe, their Heires and Assignes for ever, All the said Region and Island of Newfoundland, and all and singular the Premisses with their Appurtenances; and all Rents, Issues and profits of the same, to be equally divided in sixe parts, betweene the said Sir David Kirke, Philip Earle of Pembroke and Mountgomery, Nathaniel Rich, Richard Ingoldesby, Iohn Claypooll, and William Goffe, as by the said Letters Patents and the said Convayance, more at large appears. Now know ye that we the said Sir David Kirke, Philip Earle of Pembroke and Mountgomery, Colonell Nathaniel Rich, Colonell Richard Ingoldesby, Iohn Claypooll, Esq and Colonell William Goffe▪ doe hereby notifie and declare to all and every person and persons whatsoever, that we are sole and onely Lords, and Propri­etors of the said Region or Island of Newfoundland, and of all Lands and Islands, within thirty Leagues of the same. And of all Ports, Creeks, Harbours, Royalties and immunities whatsoever, belonging to the same; And doe hereby will and require all Planters and Inhabitants of the said Region or Island of Newfoundland, to take notice thereof, and to attorne Tenants to us or our Commissioners, (by us empowered and sent, to our use) for the Lands they severally hold in the said Region or Island, and to pay their Duties, and severall Rents reserved upon any former grants made to them for the time to come, upon the twentieth day of August, to such Receivor or Receivor or Receivors, as we shall appoint from time to time by our warrant, under the seale of the said Island, to collect and gather the same, and that they the said Planters and Inhabitants, and all others resorting thither, or residing there, doe live in obedience to the former Lawes and Ordinances, enacted for the Government of the said Island or Region, which are not repealed, untill other Lawes and Ordinances shall be made, established and published by the Le­gislative power of the Common-wealth of England, for the better Government of the said Island and Region, and the Planters and Inhabi­tants thereof, and others resorting to the same. For the doing and performing whereof, we doe hereby promise to renew and confirme unto them upon their severall surrenders of all their antient grants of any their Lands and Priviledges, in as ample manner as they now doe, or for­merly have enjoyed the same, and to give them safety and protection as much as in us lyes, against all invaders and intruders upon their pos­sessions, Rights and Liberties, and redresse of all their injuries and grievances. And to the end we may be the better informed of the state of the said Island, and Grievances, we have made, constituted and appointed, our said Commissioners and Agents herewith sent, to receive all Rents and Duties accrewing by reason of any grant, or grants, Lease or Leases, heretofore made unto any persons, or persons, by the forecited Proprietors or any of them, or by reason of the occupation and enjoyment of any part and parcell of the said Region or Island, by any per­son or persons to whom no such grant or grants, Lease or Leases, have been had, made, granted and confirmed, by all or any of the said Proprietors. And to receive their severall acknowledgments and attornments unto us, and to heare and receive their Complaints and Grie­vances, to the end we may by the power, ayde and authority of this Common-wealth, apply timely and due remedy and reliefe unto them according to equity and justice.

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