THE CONDUCT and CONVEYANCE OF OUR Fathers and Martyrs Testimony. In The CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Justified and Continued.

The Paralel Testimony in 38 and 49 Reci­procal, with the present Testimony against Popery, Prelacy, Liberty of Conscience, Stated and Delineated, from the Bible, Reason, and Testimony of History.

Job 17.9.

The righteous shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall wax stronger and stronger.

Cypr. Ep. ad Carth.

Fratribus in plebe consistentibus Exa­minabuntur singula presentibus & vobis judicantibus.

By W. H. Minister of the Gospel, and prisoner at Edinburgh, January 9th; 1690.

Printed in the Year 1690.

THE clamant case of Confession in keep­ing the word of Gods patience in order to transmitting of a testimony, among the Primitive Christians, was Magnanimously maintained against Paganism by Culdees, by the Tabrits of Bohemia, by the Lollards of Eng­land (so named) the Protestants Evidenc [...] clearly delineat, notwithstanding all the World did dip their pens in poyson, and sharpened their tongues in Gall: Calumni [...] audacter, & semper aliquod haerebit; glour with their eyes, and gore with their tongues, hate nick-name rail, which word of GODS Patience, gifts, yea graces, without supply of grace, even the power of GOD: Adam in in the estate of innocency when he had wisdom at his will, and reason at command [...] could not maintain, (yet Scotland once stiled the life guard of Heaven, whose strength did ly in their tongues before the Crown rights of Heaven, were betrayed into the hands of Tyranny, and lawless Liberty, even the Declarative and Mediatory glory of Christ) was not only among the first of the Conquest o [...] Christs Kingdom, but even, also then when [Page]32 parts of the world, 27 were Pagan, 5 de­generate to worship wood and stone, one em­braced che Oligarchical Tiranny of Prelacy; the remnant of Bohemia and Scotland, and Jo­shua Gianevel in Piedmont, and many others, witness Birkbers Protestant Evidence, (tho GOD did scum the remnant) concerted and mar­vously grapled for the pure and powerful te­stimony of our Lord, for the Kirk and Kernel thereof. Hence some neatly, tho critically, yet candidly allude to Scotizei: In the Revela­tion, that is, shall darken the seat of the beast, viz. Scotsmen; it being a Covenanted Nation to the Lord, 2 Chron. 15. and Jer. 50.6, 7. tells us the fruites thereof, what ever the irregula­rities of an Oath may be, yet are not the cir­cumstances conversant about the Act of swear­ing, but the intrinsecal matter of the Oath which do annihilat the obligation thereof: witness the Confession of the learned Dr. San­derson, tho an enemy, who ever read with Gra­nosalis, plainly perceive the vainity of this Distinction, the Relaxation of the matter, and strength of an Oath; he terms it, materi­am and vim juramenti: Yet Arnisaeus Doct: Pol: Leydeker, &c. And all agree, my will, con­tract, according to what my knowledge reacheth, and in so far am I bound to espouse mutually persons, lives, goods of the Cove­nanted party, much more when there is a po­sitive [Page]law of GOD, against Idolatry, Prelacy, liberty of Conscience, which we have illu­strate in the Dimentions of the Primitive Bi­shops, commenserat according to their pasto­ral relation: Ignatius stiling them, Fraternity, Consociations, and Presbytery, Printed at London in the 84 from the Historical Rela­tions of Holingshead, Pamelius, Albaspineus, Syl­vanneus History; Tho much more may be read in the books of Gods Judgements on perjured persons. In that Roll of Ezekiel cal­led Opisto grapha 9. ch. having the foreside, all our sins the backside, all our Judgements. And in the 17 of Ezekiel, As I live saith the Lord, its my oath, ye have broken my Covenant, ye have despised. Zedekiah, Whom God roasted in the fire, for breach of Covenant, shifted the Watchmen; because Jeremiah preached one thing, Ezekiel the clean contrary; Jere­miah told him he should be carried down to Babylon, Ezekiel, he should never see Babylon: Yet God reconciled them both to his ruine, his eyes were pickt out of his head, he never saw Babylon; The same end fell to Almerick King of Jerusalem, Ʋladistaus breach of Cove­nant with the Turks, Harold the last King of the Danes that ever reigned in England, for his breach of Covenant, with William Duke of Normandy. Thus have we Absolutely consi­sidered; now Relatively the case, Paul to the [Page] Romans 13.11. Tells us, Its high time to awake for our Salvation, is nearer then when we believed; As knowing the time to awake from sleep, tho signes Diagnostick of former, and Progno­stick of future times, easily ventilat, all Ob­jections in a transient view of the same.

Moral Signs, are palpable in a long delay of common equity betwixt man and man.

Evangelical, a spirit of Gospel love, and frame suitable to a Deliverance, where that Porter of prejudice that stands sentinal at the hearts of men, against truth is removed, 1 John 3.14.

Forenscical, or the Court of Justice, Isaiah 16. v. 12.13.

Political signes hitherto these 28 years ap­peared, when pynts of Protestants and Saints blood have been shed; for which we may ra­tionally fear, Tunns of others, the Effusion of blood the Lord prevent: Yet shall we trust to Micah 5.5. Ecclesiastical signs are plain, the Church waxing, not weaning, fair as the Moon, clear as the Sun, terrible as an Army with Banners; Ministers having fire in their Tongues to kindle Zeal in Peoples breasts, the Kirk the Kernel. Military signs are a praying Army, when Moses hands knockt off from Prayer, Amaleck prevailed; certainly when Aemilius a Pagan would not give over sacrifice­ing till a sign of Victory, much more we, [Page]Martyrological 1851 Martyrs, have sealed this with their Blood. Caelestial by Perpen­dicular and presaging Comets, portending ing chiefly the computation of seven Seals, seven Trumpets, seven Vials, pouring out on Babylon: Yet may all dread the cup of God's wrath go round, and drops falling u­pon us the Lord avert a besom of destruction. Nor do we want Accademical signs, few Metaphi­sical heads, much more Theological hearts; Arminianisime planted many years agoe, not yet eradicated; hence is Scotland's glory stain'd by illiterate and raw prophane, and polluted Nurseries. Neither do we trust to Immediate Mission, or Revelation yet Prognostick Symptomes, are patent penitential. 3 Jonah 8 Man and Beast cry'd to the Lord, the Heathen deputed a day for mourning, to eat the bread of mourners, and drink a cup of their own tears.

Testimonial where the Testimony is not flung at our heels, but Valiantly propugned. Critical a glorious Manifestation of the Me­diatory Kingdom of Christ before the day of Dooms-day, whether it shall be by a for­mal sworn Covenant, or more Glorious Dis­covery, I shall not determine. Zech. 14. No Cannanite in the House of the Lord, that is, none mak'n slaves of the souls of men, Architectu­ral, that is not only a regular Disposition of the Members of a Work, but a Symmetri­cal [Page]proportion to that glorious work of Refor­mation in our Fathers dayes; Homogenical and Organical, The right our Fathers had to hold a Christian Society among themselves, by publick Societies, and the exercise of their Ministry the property peculiarly of believers; since Faith, Piety and Charity binds us to an external Society, without which they can­not be called sheep, not in respect of their ordinary Pastors, but in respect of their Faith in Jesus Christ. To note, that it is Faith and not the Ministry, which makes the Society, and by consequence renders their Assemblies Lawful and Necessary: Yet (mind I am a perfect Enemy to the 32 Sects of England, and abhore the right of gifted Brethrening) my Testificates, plainly make appear to the Provost and Solicitor of Edinburgh, who read them, but especially my writting against them at London, whereby for truth, I became the object of their Malice. Tho the External Society, be common to good and bad, Wheat and Tares, mingled externally in the Body of the Church, yet the right of External Society resides in the Faithful only. His Mystical Body for which he dyed, the Seed which he Sowed with his own hand, against the Harvest, Isa. 7. Who has required this of thy hand, to tread in my Courts! And Ps. 51. What hast thou adoc to read my Covenant, [Page]and Laws. The Tares have communion, only by accident, till the Harvest. Austin. Lib. 7. C. 5. Teaches plainly that the Power of the Keys Binding and Loosing, is given to the Church of the truely Faithful, in Opposition to the men of the World, that are mixt with them. They then having a right to be in a Religious Society, over whom Christ is Supreme Law­giver, Isa 35. Their Law binds the Elicite Acts of the Conscience, of all indefinitely: Hence Sun, Moon, Stars, are said to bow to Joseph, that is to the Church. (yet we safe­ly maintain a Co-ordination of Powers and Sub-Ordination of Persons. Its the Elegant saying of the Honourable Lord Brook of England, if the Church swallow up the State inflowes Superstition and Idolatry: If the State swallow up the Church, inflows A­theism and Ignorance. Hence Paul draws the inference of the Authority, which the Lord hath given to us, not for your destruction, but for your edification; which right the Church, has at the bottom, her formation and subsistence, as secretly in a good and so­veraign hand preserved: In Parenthsi know this is no negative, much more a positive se­paration, as the noble Orthodox party against the Arians meeting, as they could sometimes in their fields. But rather a standing still. Jer. 15.19, 21. Till men return to their old princi­ples. [Page]38 and 49. Amongst all our signs none more penetrating and pierceing, then Desertion, Penal, Medicinal or Probatory. The first, when God judicially delivers up a man to hardness of heart as Pharoah. The 2 & 3, a blessing for the future, but a judgement for the time; and some may say oh, that they could water the steps of their backsliding with tears; the fear of man brings a snare, he that trusts in the Lord shall be delivered, the sun of righteousness runing under a cloud that they cannot read their evidences for Heaven, has been burdensome to some, tho I knew o­thers and the same persons in the like case, might attain to have their thoughts break the Clouds, there soul a chronicle of the love of Christ, a psalm book of his praise. Yet lustful Gallants may carouse at leisure, their pouder hair may forget the dust, were their skin as thick as the Whales, the Bullet of Death will pierce them. Of such was one Parker of England, who mockt at aquaintance with God, & obtain­ed his short Heaven and long Hell, a sun of wealth and prosperity, before a thunder bolt of Vengeance: Nor are they better, who wash Sarans face with a colour of Religion.

Naked truth, that needs not the purple partociny (even tho' of Constantine extorts me to speak? that thereby I may be seen, about those dozen of years wandering, which God [Page]booketh down, and will the Innocents, and Sufferers tears bottle up. It pleased the Lord after my licence and formal trial at London, to order my lot in the company of Holy and faithful Mr. Welsh in the west of Scotland, by whom I was invited to preach; Mr. John Cuninghame, and Mr. John Black, and M. W L. being present: Then the Church of God in Scotland like a Ship among the Jaws and Waves of Tribulation: sore tost, many of her Passengers drowning, and her Skippers and Watch men, rowing ashore to save to save their life. I kept the fields and other places for some time after: Bothwel in the 81 then being induced and invited by others, inclined to that my self, I went for Holland to print, the Testimony of the Church of Scotland, against Popery and Prelacy; the Con­veyance thereof in all the Centuries, and in each period of time. At Leith being perceiv­ed, and my Brother in Law taken, the Cop­pies cancelled, and I escaped and went for London: Where falling happily acquainted with a vertuos person, the Earle of Anglesey I wrote a Reply in 4 to. to the Cassandrian Do­ctrine emitted from one of the Frogs of Anti­christ: The book it self bears the Tittle, Scot­land pulling down the gates of Rome, Christ a­gainst Antichrist, the Lambs friends against the Dragons followers, with some remarks historically [Page]upon the Comet Star, and examination of the Popish Confessions, and description of the Romish Morals: [...]o which my Name is affixed. Which was prin­ [...]ed about that fatal conjuncture of time, the death of the famous Lord Russel: from thence returning to Scotland. I privately re­sided at Whiteborn, till one Armillan younger, who received the Sacrament, as Presbiterian, as Test-man, as Papist all in 11 years time. Co­wardly and Craftily, apprehended and abu­sed me cruelly; 4 years before having plun­dered and pillaged the whole Country, and my Chamber and Books amongst the rest; for which he and others, God in providence shall fetch to a Court of blood shed and op­pression; he not being satisfied with perjury and forgery of my hand writting; which he pretend he had, but debauched mens and womens consciences to 400 Oaths, he and o­thers, in a day; till at last he landed in A­dultery, with his servant, and Murther of the same child, the woman being presently executed at Air for the same; did depone (he escaping by the policy and power, of Craigy Wallace.) I being carried prisoner to Glasgow, Falkirk, and other places, in a pitiful manner. I was staged before the Counsel for Lybels and Books, and preaching in the Fields, at the resentment of which, I cannot cover the sen­timent of my thoughts, but with grief, that [Page]the fear of Man, did so prevail to hinder more full and faithful Testimony: Yet w [...] I keeped free that my heart, and the Tem [...] ­tation never meet with Oaths, Bonds, [...] This being over, I return'd to the West, an [...] publickly preacht; and then went for London where that Book was printed Gods Garde [...] hedged and watred. In reference to an Essay o [...] Antidote against distractions, in Gods wor­ship; coming too speedily from London hom [...] again, and embraceing an Invitation did preach, upon the 33 of Isa. The Lord is our King, the Lord is our Lawgiver. where I asser­ted the headship of Jesus Christ.

Then again was I apprehended, at the or­der of Buchan, and some others, and guard­ed 10 weeks, and 4 days, in the Dungeon of Air; where the Arm of the Lord rescued me, and two other old men, from my Ene­mies; who had blood in their Teeth, and abominations in their mouth, 9 Zec. I brake out, the Sentinalls sleeping. Now this is the third time of my imprisonment as was reported by the (Right Honorable Earle Crawford's order) the provost of Edinburgh, and the Solicitor, coming into the Prison, did que­stion me upon several heads, and after­wards did take away my testimonials to peruse, and did return the same by a Macer, not only my Licence and Ordinati­on [Page]but Testificates of my former Deport­ [...]nt; the Testimony privately and pub­ [...]kly I maintain, I openly yet Reverendly [...]ed out; I was against Popery, Prelacy, Li­ [...]y of Conscience, and that thorow Grace, I [...]olved to dye by the Acts of the Assembly [...]nd 49. as consonant to the Analogy of [...]th and holy Bible. I cannot omitt what [...] betwixt Me and the Reverend Mr. J. W. [...] at Glasgow, then at Ecclesom, who at the [...]inning of the Popish Toleration, was swal­ [...]wed up, by this Jonahs Whale: Boggle not, [...]es he, since ye ventered your neck with Mr. J. R. [...]erly, I plainly prohibit him to own it or [...] Addresse, as Diametrically against our [...]sciples, when Julian summoned hell to [...] him, the Devil gave him the engine of [...]ration.

There remaineth one Objection unremov­ [...]tho a threed bare Argument: thus it is, as [...] had conversed with one Dunbar, one of the [...]ans in order to my deliverance, a horrid [...] wicked lye, even such as they branded [...] Worthies formerly: For I take GOD [...] witness, I never spoke with one of them, [...] I knew him either name or surname, [...] or figure, save him who was my Anta­ [...]ist, against whom I wrote, the examina­ [...] of the Popish Catechism, neither did debate [...] him, or converse an hour in all, and [Page]that in a publick Coffee-house; so let the [...] of hell smoke out of their mouths and ha [...] ­lies, the Devils babes, hot coals of Juni [...] are prepared for false Tongues; sin is [...] Souls sickness, Confession the souls vo [...] which the 8 Levites, in the 9. of Nehemiah, [...] Precept, by Pattern, acknowledge be [...] they lay one Stone in Gods house, the [...] of Defection, having blown out the eye [...] the World: Darkness sayeth Jeremiah, [...] the Earth, gross darkness the People. After s [...] dayes deliberation, scrutiny and due exaa [...] ­nation of my Principles, Papers, Persist [...] and Adherence to the Acts of Assem [...] The Right Honourable the Earle of C [...] ­ford, personally with a Macer, came to [...] Prison door and ordered my Liberat [...] having every day entered the List, [...] Episcopal Clergy and Gentry, and Tolera [...] Truth, with its Energie did sufficiently [...] ­dicate me. Hence Ministers are to cont [...] for the Faith, once delivered to the Saints, [...] by suffering, were it to seal with their Bl [...] what they speak with their mouth in [...] Chair of Truth, for the same indivi [...] Truths, the former Lords Days at K [...] Kirk, and Drumshorlin moor, preceeding [...] Imprisonment; I plainly Preached, w [...] ­fully and freely, I did aver before My [...] Provost. From Jer. 50 Come joyn your selves [Page]the Lord in a perpetual Covenant: I could not pass from the Reformation, and Protestation relating thereto, for the Lawdable Laws of my Masters house, tho I should have gone the gate of Mr. Rennick: These were the in­dividual words to My Lord Provost and Solicitor; For Illustration and Confirmation whereof, take a Transient view of the Assemblies Acts.

Acts of the General Assemblie Sess. 23. Dec. 17.

Anent the Entry and Conversation of Ministers, its expedient that the Acts of Assembly holden at Edinburgh, March 4. 1595. Be ratified and put in Execution in every Presbyterie; And to that end, get a Coppie under the Clerks hand, whereof the Tenure followeth Sess. 7. March 26. of the Assembly at Edinburgh, 1596. Concerning the Defections of the Ministerie, the same being at length read out and considered, in order to see the Kirk and Ministrie purged, to the effect, the Work may have better suc­cess; they think it necessary that this Assembly be humbled for want of such care, as became in such points, and that some Zealous and Godly Brethren in Doctrine, lay them out for their Humiliation; and they make Solemn promise bifore the Majestie of GOD, to make new Covenant with him, for a more careful and Reverend discharge of their Mini­sterie [Page]And that speedily the Corruptions and Enor­mities of the Ministerie be Remedied, to Avert the impendant Judgments in order thereto. Sess. 8. August 17. Containing the Causes and Remedie of the bygone Evil of the Kirk. The Kings Will and Pleasure is, That all Questions about Religion and matters Ecclesiastical, be determined by the Assembly of this Kirk: And Moreover, that no Persons blaked with Publick Defection, have power to Vote in the Lords House, till they condemn Doctri­nally these Defections, &c. Hence are condemned the sordid and sullen Apprehensions of many, where­by their vile Aspersions are wept off; &c. As suffer­ing honest men, intended the unchurching of the Mi­nisterie, and easting off of the same, when nothing is designed nor desired, save reducing of the Church to the Rules of her Husbands house. Hosea 2. v. 1.3.

The Church of Scotland was unite 45 years, by by means of Discipline.


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