Doctor WILD's Squibs Return'd; Or, Observations on his Counterfeit Thanks.

HOw now my Wild? of Modesty forsook?
Hath Liberty thy Reason Planet-strook?
Good Manners, that grown scarse too? has thy Zeal
Devour'd all Civility at a Meal?
Doth none remain? is Wild turn'd Hector too?
Making the Stars of Heav'n and Earth to bow
Under thy Whipcord? or, hast thou Beadle hight?
To lash Star-students coming in thy sight,
Because they are but Men, and do not know,
Kings Hearts as well as God that made them so?
Old Merlin's Genius haunts thee, or thy Crown
Could never be so grossly over-grown
With dull Stupidity. Is there no mean
Between the Doubtful, and the Epicoene?
Must men be Fools or Witches? can't Medics know
Approaching Ills, but just the hour too?
How Stars incline, for Mortals is enough;
What Fates compell, none but the Gods above
Can well declare; we'll not presumptuous be:
To know in part, is Man's Felicity.
Yet, should Astrologers write all they know,
They would be then reputed Wild, as thou;
'Tis Treason, Wild, to touch Great things too near
But Madmen of such Crimes stand not in fear.
Thy croaking humor is return'd I see,
Behold Phanatick Thanks for Liberty!
Sure Mercury at thy Birth was in the Ram,
In hostile ray of Mars, and thence it came,
That thou didst thus disgorge thy troubled breast
Which all the friendly Stars would have at rest.
Some Opiate I advise thee for thy Health;
Thy feav'rish Brain consumes thy spirits wealth.
Bless thee from Madness, Wild! thy heat appears
So strong 'gainst Bishops, 'thath increast my fears.
But hark thee, Wild! what shall I fancie thee?
A Theologue, or Spawn of Poetry?
If a Divine, such Gravity should appear,
As should be charming to each Heart, Eye, Ear;
Such Olive Branches from thy Pen should spring
As should beget a Love from every thing;
Such blessed breathings from the sacred Quire,
As kindle in all hearers Holy fire;
Good Order then in Churches thou'dst approve,
Not gibe at Bishops, but invoke their Love.
But ah! my Wild, no such persuading Theme
Art thou possest of, (scarsely in a dream)
Thou'rt the Phanaticks Poet, and dost rant
As high among them, as the best can cant;
Singing of Thousand Quakers, that will fight,
As loyally as angry Wild doth write.
Thus utt'ring Squibs and Crackers, to provoke
Some trifling Sheet to match thy smoak with smoak.
No son of Saturn is my Wild I see,
For then in private shades he'd quiet be;
Nor fruit of Jove, for Jove is Juvans Pater,
And helps, by's nourishing rays, our Alma Mater;
Protects the Rev'rend Clergie, and maintains
Religions rights against Phanatick Brains:
Bright Phoebus knows him not, for Princes shine
From his fair Beams; Wild's spots endarken him.
The beauteous Cynthia in him claims no part,
She's a mere stranger to the Poets Art:
Besides, she's apt to change; wou'd Wild were so!
That he from — might good Church-man grow.
To call him Son of Venus I not dare;
And Hermes, nobly placed, will not care
To own a Riming railer; 'tis hot Mars,
Ill dignifi'd, begets Wild's Metre-wars:
He should be placed too with Dragons tail,
By th' poys'nous raptures that so fills his sail.
Then Son of Thunder, Religious Boanerges,
(Great Second unto Pious Doctor Burgess)
Not Priest, but Minister, or Poetaster!
Whose halting doggrelrimes come from him faster
Than Holy Sermons; cease thy Canting strain,
Give ease a little to thy tired Brain;
No more abuse Grave Prelates, least the curse
Of Schisme, Heresie, or some what worse,
So closely cling unto thee, that thy Prayers
Missing Heav'ns Blessing, stand in need of theirs.
They are the Moysesses which daily do
Sit in the gap to save such Souls as you.
Is't Crime in them that you the Laws oppose,
And must your obstinate stomach haulk at those?
You'd be thought Loyal, and yet Prelates sting;
None hate the Clergie that ere lov'd the King.
But durst VVild be as bold with Majesty,
As with the Bishops Holy Hierarchy;
He would as briskly vomit forth his Gall,
(As now gainst Bishops) 'gainst ye Monarchs all.
So VVild farewell, thy person, parts I love;
But mourn thy Principles no better prove.

London, Printed for J. R. Anno Dom. 1672.

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