THE CASE OF Robert Weston, NOMINATED By the Committe, as Register and Clerk of the Court of Conscience, for the Division of the Burrough of Southwark, and Parishes adjacent.

Robert Weston an Inhabitant within the Burrough of Southwark, be­ing a Person well known to Sir Peter Rich, Kt. and John Arnald, Esq Burgesses for the said Burrough, to be fitly qualified for Register and Clerk of the Court of Conscience, for the Division of the said Burrough and Parishes adjacent: And he being recommended for that purpose by several Hundred of the Inhabitants there (some of whom did formerly Expend considerable Sums of Money, in order to the obtaining a Court of Conscience there;) and he having prepared a Bill for a Court of Con­science there only; and since this Bill brought in by another Hand, for the setling Courts of Conscience in the City of Westminster, and other Out Parts of the City of London (and in which, to ease the Charge, a Court of Con­science for the said Burrough was included.) The said Robert Weston having attended this Honorable House, and the Committee, on behalf of the In­habitants of the said Burrough, in order to procure some Alterations and Amendments in the said Bill, which the Committee judged reasonable, and agreed to. Sir Peter Rich and Mr. Arnold, together with rest of the Com­mittee, to whom the Bill was committed, have Named him therein as Re­gister and Clerk of the said Court of Conscience.

It is now Humbly requested, That you will be pleased to agree to the Bill, as to that particular; and continue him therein, he being capable of Executing the said Place of Register and Clerk, being brought up to the Law, and having so behaved himself from his very first beginning, that not only his Clients and Neighbours, but others, to whom he is known, will give this Honroable House as ample a Testimony for him (if it shall be required) as ever any Man of his Age, or Profession yet had.

He will likewise, to avoid any Colour of Clamor, Pay a proportionable Part of all such Charges as have been truly Expended in the pro­curing this Act.

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