THE CASE OF Many Inhabitants of the Town of DEPTFORD, in the County of Kent; many of which are Inn­holders and Victuallers,
To the Honourable the House of Commons in Parliament Assembled.

WHereas the said Inhabitants did, at the latter End of the last Sessions of Parliament, deliver their Case to this Honourable House; which was as followeth:

That the said Inhabitants from time to time, as often as occasion hath been, entertained Sick and Wounded Seamen, sent on Shoar from His Majesty's Ships, during all the time of the late War, and have furnished them with Meat, Drink, Washing, Lodging, and all other Necessaries for their Sub­sistance.

That the said Inhabitants, by such Subsistance, have run themselves into very many and great Debts with their Brewers, Bakers, Butchers, and other Tradesmen, for Three or Four Years together.

And since the delivery of the abovesaid Case, the New Com­missioners for that Office have discharged the Debts for the Sick and Wounded Men at all the Ports of this Kingdom, from the First of July 1698, to the Thirtieth of September 1699. And though the former Commissioners have often been sollicited on that Account, being in Arrears to this, as also to most, if not all the Ports of the Kingdom, from the Year 1695, to the Last of June 1698; yet nothing hath nor can be obtained of them, They alledging they have not any Money to discharge the same, which occasions the Creditors of the said Inhabitants to act with greater Severity to­wards them.

That the said Inhabitants are become so very Poor, by having entertained Seamen upon His Majesty's Account, (having mort­gag'd and made away all that they had) that they and their Fami­lies, must unavoidably perish, if not timely relieved, several of them having been Arrested by their said Creditors, and Others with­drawn from their Habitations, to the utter Ruin of their Families.

Wherefore the said Inhabitants most Humbly beg, That this Honourable House would be pleased to take their most miserable and deplorable Condition into Your serious Considerations; and to grant them such Relief therein as Your Honours shall think convenient; that there­by they may regain their former Credit, and be enabled still to supply the said Sick and Wounded Seamen for His Majesty's Service.

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