THE CASE OF Many Inhabitants of the Town of Chattham, in the County of Kent, many of which are Inn­holders, and Victuallers.
To the Honourable House of Commons in Parliament Assembled.

THAT the said Inhabitants have from time to time as often as occasion hath been, Entertained Sick and Wounded Seamen, sent on Shore from the Men of War, during all the Time of the late War; and have furnished them with all Necessaries for their Sub­sistence.

THAT the said Inhabitants have by such Subsistence run themselves into very many and great Debts with their Brewers, Bakers, Butchers, and other Tradesmen.

THAT the said Inhabitants are brought so very poor, that they cannot any longer give Subsistence to the said poor Seamen; and the said Inhabitants and their Families must unavoidably perish, if not timely reliev'd; several of them having been Arrested by their said Creditors, and others withdrawn for fear, having left their Families to Ruin.

Wherefore the said Inhabitants most Humbly beg, That this Honourable House would be pleased to take their misera­ble Case into Your serious Considerations; and to give them such Relief therein, as Your Honours shall think convenient, that thereby they may be enabled still to sup­ply the said Sick and Wounded Seamen;

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