THE Case of J. Howe, Touching the ELECTION of CIRENCESTER.

The Poll originally taken, as agreed on all Hands, stands as follows.

J. Howe. H. Powle. Ric. Howe.
409. 340. 323.

Cast up as taken at the Hearing before the Com­mittee, Wednesday, 22 October, in manner following.

Admitting the 157 Voices which were excepted against by the Sitting Members Council to be bad, Mr. John Howe's Number yet remains 252.

Take from Mr. Henry Powle 51 bad Voices, being of the afore­said 157, which voted for him and Mr. John Howe, with 56 which polled for him and Mr. Richard Howe, and were proved to have received Relief, together with 2 set down for R. H. and H. P. which were confessed not to have been at the Poll, in all 109; his Number remains 231.

Take from Mr. Richard Howe 27 bad Voices, (being part of the aforesaid 157) which voted for him and Mr. John Howe, to­gether with 56 which were confessed to have received Relief, and polled for him and Mr. H. P. with 3 which polled single for himself, and the 2 which were proved not to have been at the Poll, being in all 88, his Number is 235.

So that the true Account of the Poll, all Exceptions against the Petitioners Voices allowed, is as follows.

Mr. John Howe. Mr. Richard Howe. Mr. Henry Powle.
252. 235. 231.

But for more certainty, the Petitioner humbly desires to refer himself to the Original Account taken by the Honourable Chair­man of the Committee.

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