The CASE of Francis Stratford Esq; Sitting Member for the Bo­rough of Newport, in the County of Cornwall, against JOHN PRIDEAUX Esq; Petitioner.

UPON the Day of Election, the Vianders adjourn'd the Poll to the House of John Rattenbury, where all were admitted before the Poll began; But there appearing very many Unqualified Voices amongst them, the Vianders found themselves oblig'd to take convenient time to consult the Rates, and to inform themselves fully, who were good Voices, before they declar'd the Election. The next Day after, they Sign'd the Indenture for the Sitting Member at Werington, but a Mile distant from the Borough; The 23th. Stat. of Hen. 6. Chap. 15. not obliging them either to Time or Place.

The Sitting Member had 39 Voices.

The Petitioner had—72

Against the latter, 50 were excepted against, as not duly qualified, and 13 more having received Gifts and Entertainments were left to be disqualified by this House.

45 Forty five were excepted against for having no Freehold in the Borough, or not paying Scot and Lot.

11 The Petitioner's Councel gave up Eleven, (viz.) Mat. Pomroy, Christopher May, John Lucas, Isaac Carter, John Kellard, Robert Frost Junior, John Bear, William Bray, Thomas Hodge, John Paul, William Kingdome Junior.

12 Twelve others not justified or spoke to by the Petitioner, (viz.) Nich. Hodge, Tho. French, Francis Manaton, William Bewes Junior, William Bunsell, Alex. Carew, Ely Foster, Degory Doidge, John Dimsie, Abel Rawl, Nicholas Kittau, Degory Glanville.

4 Four no farther justified, than by Saying they had Voted formerly, (viz.) Oliver White, Thomas Baker, Samuel Gift, Thomas Facy.

4 Four acknowledg'd by the Petitioner to be only Trustees, (viz.) Edward Ellyot Esq; Phil. Congdon, William Prout, Nicholas Phillips.

4 Four Produc'd Sham-Deeds without Livery, (viz.) William Major, John, Dawe, Chr. Burnard, William Patchcott, Disqualified.

1 Robert Hecks own'd he was put upon the Poor rate only to entitle him to a Vote, but never Paid, and had 2 s. 6. d. given him.

1 John Clements rate appear'd to be only for Skirme's House.

1 William Cary Esq; was at the Committee, and did not pretend to be a Freeholder, and John Wood declar'd, That he went with Degory Bewes to view his Land, and they agreed it was in the Mannor, but not in the Borough.

1 Degory Geake is no Payer, as appears by the Poor rate left on the Table.

1 William Bewes Senior, no Payer, prov'd by a Deed left on the Table, whereby Degory Bewes is oblig'd by Covenant to pay the rates.

1 Philip King produc'd a Deed of 9 d. per Annum, but could not say he had receiv'd any Rent in 20 Years.

1 Richard Kingdome Junior, had a Freehold made in consideration of Marriage, which was not consummated till after the Election.

1 Tho. Wood produc'd a Deed for a Freehold, and John Wood offer'd to produce another proving the Sale of his Lands, which the Com­mittee did not think fit to allow of, nor to admit of Evidence to prove others had been treated besides the 13 mention'd in the Poll, which your Sitting Member thought a great hardship, by Reason when the Councel would have confronted some of the Petitioner's Witnesses, they were told, they should be heard afterwards.

5 Five Voted for Estates others had done before, (viz.) Chr. Baron, Voted for the same Tenement John Murth Voted for.

Arth. Tucker, for the same Estate John Harris Voted for before.

Tho. Wadden, for the same Plott of Land Leonard Pethick Voted for.

William Yeo, for the same Land John Fortescue Voted for.

Henry Glanville, for the same Tenement John Bartlet Voted for; and was also treated.

13 Thirteen receiv'd Gifts and Entertainments, (viz.) Thomas Horwell, Walter Kingdome, John Bennet, Robert Frost, Senior, Nicholas Burt, William Kingdome, Senior, John Pearce, Degory Doidge, Senior, Christopher Kingdome, Edward Kingdome, Paul Hopegood, Robert Pepperel, Timothy Harvey.

61—Sixty One Disqualified in all.

11—Eleven only remained good.

Of the Sitting Member's 39 Votes, 17 were excepted against, wherof 6 were disqualified, and 3 stood dubious. So remains at least 30 good Voices, which makes a Majority of 19 for your Sitting Member.

The Gifts and Entertainments were Prov'd as follow:

Robert Hecks declar'd, That he had 2 s. 6 d. given him by the Parson, Ely Foster, who desir'd his Vote at the same time for Mr. Prideaux.

That the said Foster order'd him to draw 10 s. in Drink for Mr. Prideaux's Friends, which he accordingly did.

That about Forty of Mr. Prideaux's Voters were Treated at Mr. Horwell's with Cyder, and about Twenty Gallons of Punch, where Mr. Prideaux was present, and desir'd their Votes.

That Mr. Prideaux, and several of his Voices, drank out a Barrel of Ale at Mr. Foster's, which was sent in from a Publick-House.

That Mr. Prideaux was at Christopher Kingdome's with most part of his Voices, and drank with them before the Election.

That he told Mr. Foster, He thought he would get a Hundred Guinea's for his Interest and Pains in procuring Votes for Mr. Prideaux. To which Mr. Foster answer'd, No, Robert; but I shall get Fifty by it.

Thomas Kingdome testified, That Mr. Foster said he had receiv'd of Mr. Specott Five and twenty Half Crowns for the Voters, and that he saw him give one to Degory Doidge, Junior, who Voted for Mr. Prideaux; and also told the said Thomas, That he and several others were to have Cordivan Gloves the next day at Mr. Specott's where the said Kingdome went, and so did Horwell, Foster, Bennett, Pearce, William Bewes, Senior, Edward Kingdome, Richard Kingdome, Junior, and several others, and Dined there with Mr. Prideaux, and had each of them a Pair of Gloves; and as soon as the Gloves were given, Mr. Prideaux call'd the Glover into another Room, (as he believ'd) to pay him for them.

John Rattenbury declar'd, That on the 6th. of January he was with Robert Pepperel, to wait on Col. Specott, and that Col. Specott sent for him into his Chamber, and desir'd his Vote for Mr. Prideaux: Which he refusing, Col. Specott told him, That he should lose a Pair of Gloves by it; and that Robert Pepperel, who complied with the Colonel, had Gloves, and he had none.

John Wood declar'd, That Robert Pepperel, William Kingdome, Senior, and Degory Doidge had promis'd him to Vote for Mr. Stratford; but the first acknowledg'd to him that he had receiv'd Gloves, and the two latter confess'd they had each Half a Crown given them.

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