THE CASE OF Col. Samuel Venner, Late Governour of His MAJESTIES Hospital for Sick and Wounded Men in IRELAND.

THAT by His Majesties Warrant Dated the 2d. day of July, in the Second Year of His Reign he was Appointed Gover­nour of the said Hospital; And being commanded by His Majesty into Flanders, he was about the 1st of March 1692/3, Super­seded by the Earl of Meath, and that there then was, and still is due to him 1099 l. 2 s. 5 d. ½ q. of which Summ 487 l. 2 s. 6 d. was laid out by him, for the necessary Subsistence of the said Hos­pital, for which he hath the (now Earl of Athlone) then Com­mander in Chief's Warrant dated the 27th day of November 1691; and the Remainder, Viz. 611 l. 9 s. 11 d. ½ q. is due to him for Sa­lary, as by his Accounts Regularly Stated and Signed by the Com­missioners of Accounts in Ireland, and by a Report made by Charles Fox Esq; dated the 1st day of August 1695, in Obedience to an Order of Reference to him directed from the Treasury to Exa­mine and State the Truth of the Premises, may Appear.

And notwithstanding the said Just Debt hath been Stated as above, and all possible Application made for Payment there­of, to the great Expence of Time and Money; yet Your Petitioner can have no Relief: And therefore, Humbly Recommends his Case to the Great Wisdom and Justice of this Honourable House.

THE CASE OF Col. Samuel Venner.

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