CUPIDS Victory over the Virgins hearts OR, LOVE in its Colours.

When Cupid's Dart does pierce the heart
of a fair Youthful Maid;
She's forc'd to bend, and not Contend,
his Laws must be Obey'd.
To a Pleasant New Play-Tune; Or, The Maids a Washing themselves.

This may be Printed,

R. P.
WHere's my Shepherd (my love) hey-ho,
On yonder Mountain amidst the Snow;
I dearly love him I vow, and now,
will follow, and merrily to him go:
My young Shepherd has Beauty and Charms
And I long to find him in my arms,
I long for Night, to Embrace him a Bed,
And I long to give him my Maiden-head.
Soft and sweet are the joys of Love,
Which every Virgin does long to prove,
I will not tarry, but Marry,
and every Rival will soon remove:
Bonny Susan does muse on all night,
Vpon all our joys and sweet delight,
She dreams of Kisses, Embraces, and charms,
And she starts, and thinks my love in her arms
Sweetly looks the fair Bride in Bed,
With thousand Cupids all round her head,
She softly sighs, and wishes, and Kisses,
as soon as the Curtains are closely spread:
Every Bridegroom does then what he please,
And the lovely Brides their flames appease,
I need not name what young Lovers do do,
For 'tis known to every one, I and to you.
Mark how kindly she looks next day,
More lively, lovely, more brisk and gay,
'Twould make maids long to be cooing & wooing
to see how these wantons do sport & play:
Some new charm in his looks she espies,
And then he looks Babies in her eyes;
Then while her fondling new pleasures does seek
She kindly kisses and claps his cheek.
Vain it is to be nice and coy,
And let old Time all our youth destroy,
I like not Whining and pining,
for that which one easily mightly enjoy;
There are bonny, brisk lovers in store,
And then what can Maidens wish for more,
What need has Susan to sigh and look pale,
When she might o're Thomas his heart prevail.
Have not Women soft charms and Arts,
By Nature given to conquer hearts,
Which never does fail, but prevail,
as often as ever they shoot their Darts;
No brisk youth can withstand a Maids charms
But does strangely soften in her Arms,
The Roughest Hero in all the bright field,
To a brighter Beauty will bow and yield,
Now young buxom fair Maids come here,
And learn this Lesson (to Love give ear)
The little Boy is so pritty and witty,
and pleasant and soft, that you need not fear:
Roger he shall have Cisley and Nan,
And young Kate shall kiss my Ladies Man,
Doll shall have William, & Iohn shall have Ione,
And thus neither Sex shall lye alone,

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