Cupids Trappan: Or, Vp the green Forrest.

The Scorner Scorned, or Willow turn'd into Cornation.

Described in the ranting resolution of a forsaken Maid.

To a pleasant new Northern Tune, Now all in fashon.
ONce did I love an a bonny bonny Bird,
thinking that he had been my own;
But he lov'd another far better then I,
& he has taken his flight, & he's flown, brave boyes
and he has taken his flight and he's flown.
Up the gréen Forrest, & down the gréen Forrest,
like one much destressed in mind,
I hoopt and I hoopt, and I flung up my Hood,
but my bonny Bird I could not find, brave boys
but my bonny Bird, &c.
But she that hath gotten my bonny bonny Bird;
would the Devil had had her for me,
It was not a Crown, nor a Noble so round,
that should have bought my bonny Bird from me, brave boyes.
that should have, &c.
He set me upon his dissembling knee
and looked me all in the face,
He gave unto me and a Judas Kiss,
but his heart was in another place, brave boyes,
but his heart was, &c.
She that hath gotten my bonny bonney Bird,
let her make as much of't as she can;
For whether I have him, or I have him not,
I will quaff with him now and than, brave boys
I will quaff, &c.
He told me he lov'd me far better then all
the richest Temptations i'th world,
Then Treasure or Mony, he cal'd me his Hony;
but now from his heart I am hurld, brave boys
but now, &c.
He could not indure to be out of my sight,
he lov'd me like Silver or Gold;
His bloud was on fire with the flames of desire,
but I find his hot love was soon cold, brave boys
but I find, &c.
His tongue was so tip'd with Temptations that I
could have suffer'd him (without controul)
To have done what he wou'd & have humor'd his bloud,
had the venture béen body and soul, brave boyes
had the venture been, &c.
And now he requites me with scorn and disdain,
some other hath got him from me;
But let her take heed, at the last how she spéed,
least a third do prove better then shée brave boys
least a third, &c.
One Man for one Maid, the Creator hath made,
he that hath more, hath more then his due;
Sure two is to many, he'l never love any,
for twenty Maids will be too few, brave boyes.
for twenty, &c.
Those Virgins that take him, I think are stark mad,
for he that proves false unto one
That loved him like life will be false to his wife
I have cause to be glad that he's gone, brave boyes.
I have cause,
The Witchcraft of love, is enough to undoe
the hearts of poore credulous Creatures,
My freedom to me, is far sweeter then he;
for Freedom is softer then Fetters, brave boys.
for Freedom is, &c.
If he had continu'd he might'a had all,
his Carriage and Wit was so brave;
Although he had like to have given me a fall,
yet the Iewel of Iewels I have, brave boyes.
yet the Jewel of, &c.
Which still I will keep from such Gamsters as he,
by such I will ne're be betray'd;
My Portion shall be, my Virginity,
'tis Dowry enough for a Maid, brave boyes.
'tis Dowry, &c.
I'le Swagger and Rant, & Ile nere think upon't,
but bring Willow Garlands in fashon;
Although for my part, my own merry heart
shall turn Willow into Cornation, brave boyes
shall turn, &c.
I vow to be jolly, brisk, bonny and frée,
and march under Chastities Banners;
I'le sing, and I'le dance, and my spirits advance
in spight of all Cupids Trappanners, brave boys
in spight of, &c.
When he comes disfigur'd, & crippl'd from War
I'le jéere him, and laugh him to scorn;
His wife too will scoff, when he comes lamely off
and give him a Night-cap of Horn, brave boys.
and give him, &c.
All you that are Virgins, and live at your wills
be wise and take warning by me;
Nere venture your hearts, to a tongue and good parts
if the man have no fidelity, brave boyes
if the man, &c.
It is better to live in a Virgins degrée,
then marry a false hearted Mate;
Their cunning shall nere, take me in their snare
the Devil shall catch them for Kate. brave boyes
the Devil shall catch them for Kate.

London, Printed by E Crowch, for F. Goles, T. Vere, and J. Wright.

With Alowance.

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