Giving an Account of a fearful Battle between her and two thumping Taylors, whom she bring'd and [...]ugg'd by the Ears till they were forc'd to Run to save their Lives: And Betty threathing to have them Prest, they were forced to come to her, begging her Pardon upon their Knees.

To the Tune of, Lilli-butriero.

Licensed according to Order.

[...] his wife Ione

BOys lest sung the Glory and same,
if a young Lass Couragious and stour,
[...]ift its Betty this was her name.
she with true Courage valiantly fought,
With two thumping Lussy Taylors;
[...] away their Bodkin and Shiers.
But Betty was [...]nible and made them to tremble,
so sweetly she lugg'd the Rogues by the Ears.
One of these Taylors did her provoke,
[...] she was passing thorough the street,
Betty to him immediately spoke,
With with your Match you'l happen to meet:
With these words she laid about her,
[...] like a Lyon strait way appears,
The Taylors did tremble, but Betty was nimble,
and sweetly she lugg'd the Rogues by the Ears,
There was the Master Taylor and Man,
both to encounter Betty the Maid,
But she so thick and fast did [...],
that they we'r ne'r so gallantly pay'd:
By the hair she likewise [...]wl'd them,
till they were almost drowned in tears,
She haug'd 'em and bruis'd 'em, and bitterly [...]'d em,
poor Taylors was ne'r so lugg'd by the Ears.
They would a fain got out [...] Fist,
but she did still supply them with blows,
Till the poor Rogues their Breeches Be-pist,
I and the Blood ran point from their Nose:
Still their Heads she th [...]ipt together
saying you Rogues I'll pay your arrears,
They cry'd Mistris Betty, have some kind if patty,
but still she did lugg the Rogues by the Ears.

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