Courage Crowned with Conquest;

OR, A brief-Relation, how that Valiant Knight, and Heroick Champion Sir Eglamore, bravely fought with, and manfully slew, a terrible, huge great Monstrous Dragon.

To a pleasant new Tune.
SIr Eglamore that valiant Knight
with his fa, la, lanctre down dilie,
He fetcht his sword and he went to fight;
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
As he went over hill and dale
All cloathed in his Coat of Male.
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
A huge great Dragon leapt out of his Den
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
Which had killed the Lord knows how ma­ny men
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
But when he saw Sir Eglamore
Good lack had you seen how this Dragon did roare
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
This Dragon he bad a plaguy hids
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
Which could both sword and spear abide
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
He could not enter with hacks and cuts
Which vext the Knight to the very hearts blood and guts;
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
All the Trees in the Wood did shake
with his fa la lanctre; &c.
Stars did tremble, and men did quake,
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
But had you seen how the birds lay peeping
'Twould have made a mans heart to fall a wéeping
with his fa la lanctre, &c.

The second Part.

To the same Tune.
But it was too late to fear
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
for now it was come to fight Dog, fight Bare
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
And as a yawning he did fall
He thrust his Sword in hilt and all,
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
But now as the Knight in choler did burn
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
He owed the Dragon a shrewd good turn
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
In at his mouth his sword he bent,
The hilt appeared at his fundament,
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
Then the Dragon like a coward began to fly
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
Unto his Den that was hard by
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
And there he laid, him down and roat'd
The Knight was vered for his Sword
with a fa la lanctre, &c.
The Sword that was a right good Blade,
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
As ever Turk or Spaniard made.
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
I for my part do forsake it
And he that will fetch it, let him take it
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
When all this was done, to the Ale-house he went
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
And by and by his two pence he spent Dragon
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
For he was to hot with tugging with the
That nothing would quench him but a whole Flaggon.
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
Now God preserve our King and Queen,
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
And eke in London may be seen,
with his fa la lanctre, &c.
As many Knights, and as many more,
And all so good as Sir Eglamore.
with his fa la, langtre down dilly.

London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, 1672.

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