The Contented PILGRIM: Or, The Pilgrims troublesome Journey to his long home.

He waits with patience and is well content,
And desires all Christian people to repent,
For the blessed soul that intends to Heaven to go,
Must work with patience whether he will or no.
Tune is, Let patience work for me.

This may be printed,

R. L. S.
I Am a poor Pilgrim in this life,
And tost with misery;
There's nothing here but care & strife
with the poorer sort we see.
Let who will strive for to be great,
it's all but Vanity,
To save our souls let's strive for that,
and let Patience work for me.
In sickness and in poverty,
patience is the best;
Let's keep the Lords Commandements
then our souls they will be blest.
And forgo all wicked sinfulness,
which must us'd we see,
We must not think an evil thought,
and let patience &c.
Let's not dispair in our good God,
what misery we do abide,
But with patience take his blessed Rod,
then God will be our guide;
Ts bring us on in our Pilgrimage,
our blessed Saviour he
Did dye for us to save our souls,
and let patience &c.

NON INTRET CATO aut si intrauerit Spectet

The glory of this sinful world
comes to nothing at the last,
We are uncertain of our life;
all is Vanity that is past;
Who wou'd be proud of this same world,
all is nothing we do see,
When in the Grave that we are hurl'd,
and let patience work for me.
VVhat are we when the stroke of death
calls for our life away,
Its nothing but a puff of breath
that makes us here to stay;
Therefore we need to have a care
and do no wrong you see,
But keep Gods laws and love him dear
and let &c.
VVhen he doth ring his alarm-bell,
and it soundeth in our ears,
Happy's that soul that lived well,
then well it shall appear
Before that blessed Iudge of Heaven,
when Sentence there will be,
Come blessed soul, thou art forgiven,
thou art welcome unto me.
Then happy is that blessed soul
that lives in a penitent way;
And patient be in all our wants
in this life I do say;
VVhen death he comes, he takes no bribe,
away from hence go we,
The blessed God be on our side,
and let pa [...]ience work for me.
If we be cold or hungry,
and maintenance it be scarce,
The Lord he will our wants supply,
and will help us at the last;
VVe need not fear of any want,
our gracious God is free
To those that love him to be sure,
and let &c.
Now let us keep a watchful eye,
and prepare our souls for death,
Before that we do come to dye,
that death doth stop our breath:
That soul that dies that's unprepar'd,
is in great misery;
God bless us all from the Devils snare
and let patience &c.
Lord give us grace both rich & poor
that we may be content,
For Patience is a goodly store,
if we our sins repent;
Gods servants can not want be sure,
tho poor and bare some be,
Our blessed Lord is sufficient store,
and let patience work for me.

Printed for P. Brooksby at the golden Ball in Py-corner. Where any English or Irish Chapman may be furnished with all sorts of [...]ew Books & Ball [...]ds.

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