The Constant Lovers Mortal Mistake.

While Phaons absence caus'd suspition strange
In her who wondred that his love should change,
Her bloody knife a mortal blow did give her,
Startled here at he fell into the River,
His dream was fatal while her deep suspition
Caus'd these poor souls to dye in this condition.
Tune of, Young Phaon.
YOung Phaon sate upon the brink
to view the silver stream,
He overtaken was with sléep
and fell into a dream.
He then beheld a sight most strange
the like he ne'r did see
Phillis did stand with Knife in hand
and thus complained she.
Old wretched fate you now too late
show me my misery,
My Phaons gone so fair so young
now for him I must dye:
Why was I robb'd[?] and then she sobb'd
of my delightful bliss,
So soon that he could not give me
one smile or parting kiss.
While he did live he ne'r did give
me cause to mourn or grieve,
His life is fled and he is dead
I perfectly believe.
Therefore will I make haste and fly
out of this world of pain,
With him so sweet I fain would méet
with him for to remain.
While him I miss no pain like this
no blessings can I meet,
Had I but dy'd by his dear side
death I had counted sweet,
And there withall she soon did fall
by wounding her fair brest,
Oh! now quoth she I come to thee
she shrick'd and went to rest.
He heard this cry as she did dye
and thought it was her voice,
Whom he did love all souls above
in her he did rejoyce.
He started then and strait fell in
he never more was seen,
Phillis he cryed and then he dy'd
was lost in that sweet stream.
'Tis so [...]row great for to relate
these constant lovers cross,
Few in this wo [...]ld were ever whirld
into so great a loss.
Both[?] terrified these Lovers dyed
and ne'r were seen again,
In vain did he lament while she
was by her self thus slain,

The second part

to the same Tune.
The great mistake that she did make
because he did absent,
This mischief caus'd, for when she paus'd
on him she did lament.
Dispairing love did passion move
which prov'd to be extream,
She gave deaths wound while he was drownd
nothing could them redeem.
You happy lovers then beware
that you do not miscarry,
Perchance they may abscent away
whom you'd have alwayes tarry,
Then have a care and dont despair
and hug not d [...]scontent,
When from you they do keep away
they by themselves lament,
In lovely H [...]mnes and Stratagems
they'r singing forth your praise.
In hopes e're long there will belong
to them a Crown of Bayes.
For to adorn their not forlorn
nor yet forsaken loves,
When Himey comes with sugar-plumbs
they bill like Turtle Doves.
And when they'r strange their links & Ch [...]ins
are stronger then before,
For when they'r tane in them again
they'r fast for evermore.
Tho fallings[?] out may breed some doubt
count my assertion true,
They do encrease loves joyes & peace
and passion doth renew,
These are loves toys and lovers joys
sometimes to prove the heart,
Such charmes they breed that I indeed
cannot to you impart.
Their grieves don't last, love with a blast
These seeming clouds disperse,
But where or when they meet agen
their passions they rehearse.
One sigh alone joyn'd with a groan
more Penetrates the brest,
Then twenty why in company
they pass it as a jest,
But secret tears tears produc'd by fears
and none do them oppose,
They work upon the melt [...]ng one
and prove their mortall foes.

LONDON. Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere. J. Wright. J. Clark. W Thackery and T. Passenger.

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