Constant Coridon; OR, Coy CLORINDA's unspeakable Cruelty.

To an Excellent New Tune: Or, See yonder she Swims, &c.

Licensed according to Order.

ONe Morning in pleasant weather,
a Heavenly sight was seen,
Young Goddesses met together,
upon a Delightful Green,
On Lutes they were sweetly playing
Which then did most pleasant prove,
I felt in an hours staying,
the violent flames of Love.
No Minnaway Dance, or Boree,
was ever so sweet a strain,
Now while I beheld the Glory
of Flora's delightful Train,
My sences was soon surrounded,
these Eyes I could not remove,
Untill my poor heart was wounded,
with Violent shames of Love.
Clorinda the sweetest Creature,
on her did I fix my Eyes,
Whilst viewing each Charminging feature,
my sences she did surprise,
For ever I will adore her,
I swear by the powers above,
I'll honour no Nimph before her,
if that she will grant me Love.
Then coming with all submission,
unto my sweet Charming Saint,
Delivering my Petition,
With sorrowful sad Complaint,
Desiring she'd behold me,
who ever would Loyal prove,
With Angry frowns she told me,
She never did mean to Love.
With Languishing heart I waited,
to Conquor and win the field;
And every truth related,
my Passion I ne'er conceal'd:
Then proffering to advance her,
if that she would constant prove,
But straight she return'd this Answer,
she never did mean to Love.
Her Conquering Eyes hath wounded
my innocent melting heart,
In sorrow I am surrounded,
I never felt greater smart,
When ever I chance to meet her,
and tell her I'll Loyal prove,
She frowns when I do intreat her,
and vows she will never love.
She's fled to the Shades and left me,
by Conquering Beauty slain,
Of Glory and Joy bereast me,
true Love is a killing pain,
My Heart it is wrack'd in sunder,
no pity that Saint will move,
Distraction I here lye under,
by violent flames of Love.
I find her both Coy, and Cruel,
which Tortours me day and night,
Yet I must adore that jewel,
although she distroys me quite,
My fancy can no ways waver,
for ever I'll Loyal prove
And dye if I may not have her,
by violent flames of Love.

Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare J. Back.

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