Commissioners Names. WILLIAM the Third, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Thomas Lord Jermyn, Our Right Trusty and Right Well-beloved Councellor Thomas Lord Coningsby, Our Trusty and Well-beloved the Lord James Russel; Goodwin Whar­ton Esq Henry Paget Esq Robert Cecill Esq Sidney Wortley alias Mountagu Esq Charles Mountagu of Esq Sir William Langham Bar. Sir Walter Young Bar. Sir Henry Ashurst Bar. Sir Richard Atkins Bar. Sir Richard Blackham Bar. Sir Tho. Pope Blount Bar. Sir Josiah Child Bar. Sir Robert Cotton Bar. Sir Heale Hooke Bar. Sir Henry Ho­bart Bar. Sir John Mordant Bar. Sir Walter St. Johns Bar. Sir Basil Dixwell Bar. Sir Peter Paravacine Kt. Sir Humphery Edwin Kt. Sir Rowland Aynsworth Kt. Sir Owen Buckingham Kt. Sir John Banks Kt. Sir Benjamin Bathurst Kt. Sir Edward Clarke Kt. Sir Thomas Cooke Kt. Sir Samuel Dashwood Kt. Sir Thomas Davall, Kt. Sir John Eyles Kt. Sir William Forester Kt. Sir John Fleet Kt. Sir Edward Farmer Kt. Sir Joseph Herne Kt. Sir Christopher Hales Kt. Sir Robert Jefferies Kt. Sir Thomas Lane Kt. Sir John Moore Kt. Sir Tho. Mompesson Kt. Sir William Pritchard Kt. Sir Gabriel Roberts Kt. Sir Leonard Robinson Kt. Sir Tho. Stamp Kt. Sir Jeremy Sambrooke Kt. Sir Joseph Tyley Kt. Sir Peter Vandeputt Kt. Sir Thomas Meares Kt. Sir Edward Wills Kt. Sir Thomas Rawlinson Kt. Sir Edmond Wiseman Kt. Sir Francis Child Kt. Sir Charles Hedges Kt. Sir Peter Daniel Kt. Sir Benjamin Newland Kt. Sir Henry Johnson Kt. Sir Godfery Copley Kt. Robert Austin Senior, Esq Robert Austin Junior, Esq John Archer Merchant, John Arnold Esq Mordecai Abbot Esq William Aspin Esq John Asgil Esq Tho. Andrews Esq Gabriel Armiger Esq Capt. Jonathan Andrews, John Aviolle Merch. Isaac Aviolle Merch. John Billers Merch. James Ball Merch. Col. Robert Byerly, David d'Bur­ry Merch. James Boddington Merch. John Brown Merch. Arthur Bailey Merch. Theophilus Boughey Merch. John Scroop Esq John Borrett Esq George Bohun Esq Ro­bert Breedon Esq Dr. Nicholas Barbon, James des Boverie Merch. John Bellamy Merch. [Page 2] John Briscoc Merch. John Browning Gent. Peter Burrel Merch. Tho Boone Merch. Robert Brown Merch. Francis Boynton Merch. William Baber Esq Ralph Bucknal Esq George Boddington Merch. John Blackler Merch. Francis Buzelin Merch. David de la Bretonniere Merch. Nicholas Carey Esq Arthur Chamney Esq William Coward Merch. Richard Carey Merchant, Awnsham Churchill Merchant, Stephen Cooke Merchant, Francis Chapman Gent. Tho. Coleby Senior Merchant, John Dutton Colt Esq Capt. William Childe, Tho. Colson Esq John Delow Merchant, Francis Dashwood Merchant, Charles Dubois Merchant, Peter Delaune Merchant, Paul d'Aranda Mer­chant, Richard Dove Merchant, Abraham Dolins Merchant, Paul Darby Merchant, George Doddington Esq Alvarez Mendez d'Costa Esq William Cockram Merchant, John Cook Merchant, John Deagle Esq Paul Docminique Esq Richard Dalton Esq Antho­ny Mendez d'Costa Merchant, John Mendez d'Costa Merchant, Jacob de Lilliers Mer­chant, Adam de Cardonnel Esq Dennis Dutry Merchant, John Duboys Merchant, Capt. Robert Dorrel, Paul Dufoure Esq Peter Deline Merchant, Francis Eyles Mer­chant, Barrington Eyton Merchant, John Evans Merchant, William East Esq Hen­ry Eyre Esq William Ettrick Esq Martin Folkes Esq William Faulkner Merchant, Andrew Franklyn Merchant, Samuel Foot Junior Merchant, Christopher Fouler Mer­chant, Thomas Foley Senior Esq Philip Foley Esq Tho. Foley Junior Esq William Fenwick Esq George Furnace Merch. Peter Fanshaw Merch. Samuel Fuller Esq Edward Fenwick Merch. Israel Feilding Esq Mark Huggetan Merch. Serjeant Tho. Goodin, Tho. Glover Esq Tho. Guy Esq Thomas Gunstone Merchant, James Green Merch Gabri­el Glover Merchant, Bartholo Gracedieu Merchant, Francis Gosfright Merchant, Al­min Garraway Merchant, Thomas Gratwick Merchant, Dr. William Gibbons, Benja­min Giles Merchant, George Gresham Merchant, Tho. Hodges Esq Tho. Hall Esq Peter Henriques Senior Merchant, Edmond Harrison Merchant, Nathaniel Herne Merchant, Robert Heysham Merchant, Joseph Hoskinstiles Merchant, Beddingfield Higham Merchant, John Hanger Merchant, Edward Haistwell Merchant, Thomas Hancock Merchant, Dr. Edward Hulse, Lyonel Herne Merchant, Frederick Herne Mer­chant, Thomas Harley Esq William Hewer Esq Charles Hooper Merchant, Ʋrban Hall Esq Nathaniel Horneby Esq George Hawes Merchant, Richard Harnage Mer­chant, Edward Harley Esq James Hooper Esq Charles Herle Merchant, Hercules Horsey Esq Ralph Hough Esq Luke Hodges Merchant, Ebenezer Hall Merchant, John Hall Merchant, Daniel Haies Merchant, Robert Henly Esq John Harvey Esq James Hallet Goldsmith, Michael Hubart Esq Jeffe­ry Jefferies Esq John Jefferies Merchant, George Juce Merchant, Henry Ireton Esq John Jackson Esq Peter Henriques Junior Merchant, Charles Hargrave Merchant, Henry Kiffin Merchant, Maurice Kendal Esq Samuel Keckwich Merchant, William Lowndes Esq Robert Leydal Merchant, John Love Merchant, James Lever Mer­chant, John Lethullier Merchant, Robert Lancashire Merchant, Edward Lloyd Esq Joseph Lane Esq Dr. Fisher Littleton, Thomas Lucas Merchant, Nehemiah Lyde Mer­chant, Peter Henriques Leferrer Merchant, Solomon d'Medina Esq John Morris Esq Nichilas Mors Junior Merchant, Samuel Moyer Merchant, Samuel Mitchel Merchant, Ralph Marshal Esq John Martyn Merchant, William Mead Merchant, Tho. Mulso Esq Arthur Moore Esq William Milman Esq Richard Mead Merchant, James Misson Mer­chant, Charles Middleton Merchant, Anthony Meeke Esq Nicholas Martin Esq Charles Mason Esq William Nichols Merchant, Thomas Nisbet Merchant, Francis Negus Esq Hugh North Merchant, Michael Noble Esq Richard Noys Esq Thomas Owen Esq Walter Overbury Esq Samuel Onely Senior Esq Samuel Powel Esq Joseph Paice Merchant, John Paschall Esq John Pearson Merchant, Colonel John Perry, Richard Petty Esq John Powell Merchant, George Paske Esq John Packer Esq Col. Pilkinton, Thomas Papillon Esq Bartholowew Phillibert Merch. Tho. Radbord Esq Gabriel Roberts Merch. Henry Renew Merch. Peter Renew Merch. Edward Richier Merch. Edward Ruge Merchant, Capt. Richard Rider, Samuel Read Merchant, Nicholas Richards Esq Tho Rawlins Esq John Roydhouse Merchant, Dr. Radcliffe, Tho Robin­son Merchant, Sir Isaac Rebow Kt. Jacob Reynardon Merchant, Stephen Signiorett Mer­chant, Arthur Shellett Merchant, Thomas Skinner Esq Dr. William Stokeham, John Sherbrooke Merchant, Capt. John Smith, John Sikes Merchant, John Skinner Esq Arnold Squibb Esq Edward Salloway Merchant, Ebenezer Sadler Esq Thomas Sla­ter Esq Thomas Sutton Merchant, John Smith Gent. Thomas Swinbourne Esq Sam. Sheppard Merchant, William Sheppard Merchant, William Sedgwick Merchant, Ro­bert [Page 3]Sanderson Merchant, John Schoppins Merchant, Samuel Sale Merchant, Robert Stephens Esq Paris Slaughter Merchant, Francis Tussen Junior Esq Richard Tilden Merchant, John Trenchard Esq Richard Trevor Esq Major General Trelawny, Colonel Henry Trelawny, Joseph Tompson Merchant, Frederick Tilney Esq Thomas Trench Merchant, Robert Tracy Esq John Tulley Esq Francis Terrence Merchant, Thomas Taylor Esq Dalby Thomas Esq Nicholas Tourton Merchant, Mr. Protho­notary Tempest, Robert Thompson Esq John Du Tilleux Merchant, Constantine Ver­natti Esq Henry Vincent Esq Leonard Wessell Merchant, Joseph Woolfe Merchant, William Withers Merchant, Samuel Wickens Merchant, Solloway Winnington Esq John Weston Esq Thomas Winford Esq Basill Wood Gent. Edward Wood­house Esq Jaques Wiseman Merchant, Thomas Williams Merchant, Isaac Watling­ton Esq Thomas Williamson Esq Walter Whitfeild Esq Edmund Waller Esq William Young Esq and Warwick Yard Merchant, Greeting, Recital of the Act. Whereas in and by an Act made in the late Sessions of Parliament, Intituled, An Act for Continuing to His Majesty certain Duties upon Salt, Glass Wares, Stone and Earthen Wares, and for Granting several Duties upon Tobacco Pipes, and other Earthen-Wares, for the Carrying on the War against France, and for Establishing a Na­tional-Land-Bank, and for taking off the Duties upon Tunnage of Ships and upon Coals; It is Enacted (amongst other things) That all and every the Rates and Duties in the said Act mentioned should be Continued, Raised, Levied, Collected, Answered and Paid unto Us, our Heirs and Successors, in manner and form as in the said Act is mentioned, into the Receipt of Exchequer, under certain Pe­nalties therein mentioned: And that all the said Sums, by virtue of the said Act, to be paid into the Receipt of Exchequer, should be the Fund for the several and respective intents and Purposes in the said Act expressed. And that year­ly, and every year, reckoning the First Year to begin from the Seventeenth Day of May One thousand six hundred ninety six, the full Sum of One hundred seventy nine thousand four hundred and eighty Pounds, out of the Mo­neys to arise by the several Rates and Duties by the said Act Granted and Continued, and to be brought into the Receipt of Exchequer as aforesaid, should be the whole and entire yearly Fund. And in case the said Payments should not amount to One hundred seventy nine thousand four hundred and eighty Pounds per Annum, then the said Payments, so far as they will extend, should be part of the yearly Fund for and towards the answering and paying of the several yearly Sums in the said Act mentioned.

And it is thereby further Enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for Us by Commission under Our Great Seal of England, to Authorize and Ap­point any Number of Persons to take and receive such voluntary Subscriptions as shall be made on or before the First Day of August, One thousand six hundred ninety six, by any Person or Persons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate (other than the Governor and Company of the Bank of England) for and towards the Raising and Paying into the Receipt of Exchequer the Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds: And that the yearly Sum of One hundred seventy nine thousand four hundred and eighty Pounds arising by and out of the said Duties and Impositions before mentioned, shall be applied, issued and directed, and is thereby appropriated to the Use and Advantage of such Person or Persons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, as shall make such voluntary Subscriptions and Payments their Executors, Administrators, Successors and Assignes for ever, proportionable to the Subscription of each Person or Body Politick so subscribing the same.

And it is thereby further Enacted, That the Commissioners of Our Treasury, and the Under-Treasurer of Our Exchequer now being, and the Lord High Treasurer and Under Treasurer, or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being, are thereby strictly enjoined and required by virtue of the said Act, and without any further or other Warrant to be sued for, had or obtained from Us, Our Heirs or Successors, to direct their Warrants yearly for the payment of the said yearly Sum of One hundred seventy nine thousand four hundred and eighty Pounds to the Contributors of the said Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds, in manner and proportion in and by the said Act directed and appointed. And the Auditor of the Receipt of Exchequer, and all other Officers of the Exchequer for the time being, are thereby directed and enjoined to issue the said Moneys so set apart for the Uses thereby directed [Page 4]from time to time without any Fee or Reward, under such Penalties as are by the said Act to be inflicted. And it was thereby declared, That it should be lawful for Us to Incorporate all and every the Subscribers and Contributors, their Executors, Successors and Assigns to be one Body Corporate and Politick, by the Name of the Governor and Company of the National Land-Bank, to have perpetual Succession, and to have such Capacities, Priviledges and Powers, and to be under such Rules as are therein mentioned. And in case the whole Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds shall not be ad­vanced and paid into the said Receipt of Exchequer before the first Day of Ja­nuary, which shall be in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety six, that then the Subscribers and Contributors for and towards raising the said Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds, their Executors, Successors and Assigns, shall only have and receive so much and such part and proportion of the said yearly Fund as shall be after the Rate of Seven Pounds per Cent. per annum, for such Sum and Sums of Money as shall be so respectively paid and advanced: And that from and after the Granting the said Letters Patents of Incorporation, the said yearly Sum of One hundred seventy nine thousand four hundred and eighty Pounds, or so much thereof as shall be pro­portionable to the several Sums of Money before that time advanced, or to be then afterwards advanced, before the said First Day of January One thousand six hundred ninety six as aforesaid, shall be paid and payable unto the said Go­vernor and Company and their Successors for ever in Trust, in the First Place, for paying and satisfying all Bills and other Charges which they shall from time to time charge thereupon under their Common Seal; and from and after Pay­ment of such Bills and Charges then in Trust for the several and respective Members of the said Incorporation, according to the proportion of their several Stocks therein. And that the Interests and Stock of the particular Members of the said Incorporation shall go to Executors and Administrators, and not to Heirs. and shall be Transferrable and Devisable in such manner as We shall direct in and by the said Letters Patents, and not otherwise.

And in the said Act is contained a Proviso, That in case the Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds, or a Moiety thereof should not be Subscribed on or before the First Day or August, One thousand for hundred ninety six, that then the Powers and Authorities in the said Act for Erecting a Corporation as aforesaid, shall cease and determine: And in such case so much of the said yearly Sum of One hundred seventy nine thousand four hundred and eighty Pounds as shall belong to the said Subscribers, according to the meaning of the said Act, shall be transferrable by the respective Sub­scribers their respective Executors, Successors or Assigns, to any Person or Per­sons whatsoever, by any Writing or Writings under the Hand and Seal of the Person or Persons transferring the same, attested by two or more credible Witnesses, and entred within Twenty Days after the Sealing thereof, in a Book or Books to be for that purpose kept in the said Exchequer by the Re­membrancer for the time being; (for the Entry whereof nothing shall be paid;) which Entry the said Remembrancer is hereby required upon Request to make.

Words of Com­mission.And that every such Subscriber shall at the time of such Subscription, pay or cause to be paid unto the said Commissioners one Fourth Part of his or her Sub­scription, and in Default thereof such Subscriptions shall be void, and that the Residue of the said Subscription Moneys shall be paid into the Receipt of our Exchequer, as we shall direct, before the First Day of January, One thousand six hundred ninety six; and in Default of such Payments, that then the Fourth Part first paid as aforesaid, shall be forfeited to, and for the Benefit of Us, Our Heirs and Successors.

Now know ye, That we being resolved and determined, in case the said Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds, or one Moiety thereof, shall be Subscribed on or before the First Day of August, One thou­sand six hundred ninety six, to Grant and pass our Royal Charter or Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, for Erecting and Establishing a Corpo­ration or Body Politick, to be called by the Name aforesaid, and to have a perpetual Succession with such Powers and Priviledges as are prescribed by the said Act, and such others as shall be Lawful and Reasonable for Us to give and [Page 5]grant, as well for the publick Good as for Our own Service, subject nevertheless to the Proviso's, Restrictions and Rules in the said Act of Parliament contain­ed, and reposing especial Trust and Confidence in your Abilities, Faithfulness and Prudent Circumspections in and for the performance of so much of this Af­fair as shall be committed to your Care and Charge, have Nominated, Constitu­ted Authorized, and Appointed, and by these Presents for Us, Our Heirs and Suc­cessors do Nominate, Constitute, Authorize, and do Appoint you the said Thomas Lord Jermyn, Thomas Lord Coningsby, Lord James Russell, Goodwin Wharton, Henry Pagett, Robert Cecill, Sydney Wortley alias Mountagu, Charles Mountagu, Sir William Langham, Sir Walter Young, Sir Henry Ashurst, Sir Richard Atkins, Sir Richard Blackham, Sir Thomas Pope Blount, Sir Josiah Child, Sir Robert Cotton, Sir Heale Hooke, Sir Henry Hobart, Sir John Mordant, Sir Walter St. Johns, Sir Basil Dixwell, Sir Peter Paravacine, Sir Humphery Edwin, Sir Rowland Aynsworth, Sir Owen Buck­ingham, Sir John Banks, Sir Benjamin Bathurst, Sir Edward Clarke, Sir Thomas Cooke, Sir Samuel Dashwood, Sir Thomas Davall, Sir John Eyles, Sir William Forester, Sir John Fleet, Sir Edward Farmer, Sir Joseph Herne, Sir Christopher Hales, Sir Robert Jefferies, Sir Thomas Lane, Sir John Moore, Sir Tho. Mompesson, Sir William Pritchard, Sir Gabriel Roberts, Sir Leonard Robinson, Sir Thomas Stamp, Sir Jeremy Sambrooke, Sir Joseph Tyley, Sir Peter Vandeputt, Sir Thomas Meares, Sir Edward Wills, Sir Tho­mas Rawlinson, Sir Edmond Wiseman, Sir Francis Child, Sir Charles Hedges, Sir Peter Daniel, Sir Benjamin Newland, Sir Henry Johnson, Sir Godfrey Copley, Robert Austin Senior, Robert Austin Junior, John Archer, John Arnold, Mordecai Abbot, William Aspin, John Asgil, Thomas Andrews, Gabriel Armiger, Jonathan Andrews; John Aviolle, Isaac Aviolle, John Billers, James Ball, Robert Byerly, David d' Burry; James Boddington, John Brown, Arthur Bailey, Theophilus Boughey, John Scroop; John Borrett, George Bohum, Robert Brown, Robert Breedon, Nicholas Barbon, James des Boverie, John Bellamy, John Briscot, John Browning, Peter Burrel, Tho. Boone, Francis Boynton, William Baber, Ralph Backnal, George Boddington▪ John Blacklar, Francis Bazelin, David de la Bretonniere, Nicholas Carey, Arthur Chamney; William Coward, Richard Carey, Awnsham Churchill, Stephen Cooke, Francis Chapman, Thomas Colby Senior, Thomas Compere, Anthony Gracherode, John Churchill, John Dutton Colt, William Childe, Thomas Colson, John Conyers, Thomas Coleby Junior, Sir Pary Cust, James Dewy, John Delow, Francis Dashwood, Charles Dubois, Peter Delaune Paul d'Aranda, Richard Dove, Abraham Dolins, Paul Darby, George Doddington; Alvarez Mendez d'Costa, William Cockram, John Cook, John Deagle. Paul Docmi­nique, Richard Dalton, Anthony Mendez d'Costa, John Mendez d'Costa, Jacob de Lilliers, Adam de Cardonnel, Dennis Dutry, John Duboys, Robert Dorrel, Paul Du­foure, Peter Deline, Francis Eyles, Barrington Eyton, John Evans, William East, Henry Eyre, William Ettrick, Martin Folkes, William Faulkner, Andrew Franklyn, Samuel Foot Junior, Christopher Fouler, Thomas Fobey Senior, Philip Foley, Thomas Foley Junior, William Fenwick, George Furnace, Peter Fanshaw, Samuel Fuller, Edward Fenwick, Israel Feilding, Mark Huggetan, Serjeant Tho. Goodin, Tho. Glover, Thomas Guy, Thomas Gunstone, James Green, Gabriel Glover, Bartholo Gracedieu, Francis Gos­fright, Alwin Garraway, Thomas Gratwick, Dr. William Gibbons, Benjamin Giles, George Gresham, Thomas Hodges, Thomas Hall, Peter Henriques Senior, Edmond Harrison, Nathaniel Herne, Robert Heysham, Joseph Hoskinstiles, Beddingfield Higham, John Hanger, Edward Haistwell, Thomas Hancock, Dr. Edward Hulse, Lyonel Herne, Frederick Herne, Thomas Harley, William Hewer, Charles Hooper, Ʋrban Hall, Na­thaniel Horneby, George Hawes, Richard Harnage, Edward Harley, James Hooper, Charles Herle, Hercules Horsey, Ralph Hough, Luke Hodges, Ebenezer Hall, John Hall, Daniel Haies, Robert Henly, John Harvey, James Hallet, Michael Hubart, Jeffery Jefferies, John Jefferies, George Juce, Henry Ireton, John Jackson, Peter Hen­riques Junior, Charles Hargrave, Henry Kiffin, Maurice Kendal, Samuel Keckwich, William Lowndes, Robert Leydal, John Love, James Lever, John Lethullier, Robert Lancashire, Edward Lloyd, Joseph Lane, Dr. Fisher Littleton, Thomas Lucas, Nehe­miah Lyde, Peter Henriques Leferrer, Solomon d'Medina, John Morris, Nicholas Mors Junior, Samuel Moyer, Samuel Mitchel, Ralph Marshal, John Martyn, William Mead, Thomas Mulso, Arthur Moore, William Milman, Richard Mead, James Misson, Charles Middleton, Anthony Meeke, Nicholas Martin, Charles Mason, William Nicholas, Thomas Nisbet, Francis Negus, Hugh North, Michael Noble, Richard Noys, Thomas Owen, Walter Overbury, Samuel Onely Senior, Samuel Powel, Joseph Paice, John Paschall, John Pearson, Colonel John Perry, Richard Petty, John Powell, George Paske, John [Page 6]Packer, Col. Pilkinton, Thomas Papillon, Bartholowew Phillibert, Tho. Radbord, Ga­briel Roberts, Henry Renew, Peter Renew, Edward Richier, Edward Ruge, Richard Rider, Samuel Read, Nicholas Richards, Thomas Rawlins, John Roydhouse, Dr. Rad­cliffe, Thomas Robinson, Sir Isaac Rebow, Jacob Reynardon, Stephen Signiorett, Arthur Shellett, Thomas Skinner, Dr. William Stokeham, John Sherbrooke, John Smith, John Sikes, John Skinner, Arnold Squibb, Edward Solloway, Ebenezer Sadler, Thomas Slater, Thomas Sutton, John Smith, Thomas Swinbourne, Samuel Sheppard, William Sheppard, William Sedgwick, Robert Sanderson, John Schoppins, Samuel Sale, Robert Stephens, Perry Slaughter, Francis Tussen Junior, Richard Tilden, John Trenchard, Richard Trevor, Major General Trelawny, Colonel Henry Trelawny, Joseph Thompson, Frede­rick Tilney, Thomas Trench, Robert Tracy, John Tulley, Francis Terrence, Thomas Taylor, Dalby Thomas, Nicholas Tourton, Mr. Prothonotary Tempest, Robert Thompson, John Du Tilleux, Constantine Vernatti, Henry Vincent, Leonard Wessell, Joseph Woolfe, William Withers, Samuel Wickens, Solloway Winnington, John Weston, Thomas Win­ford, Basill Wood, Edward Woodhouse, Jaques Wiseman, Thomas Williams, Isaac Watlington, Thomas Williamson, Walter Whitfeild, Edmund Waller, William Young, and Warwick Yard, to be our Commissioners, to take and receive all such volun­tary Subscriptions as shall be made on or before the said First Day of August, in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety six, by or for any Person or Persons, Natives or Foreignors, or by or for any Body Politick or Corporate (ex­cept as aforesaid) for or towards the Raising or Paying the said Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds in the said Act mentioned: And to you, or any Five or more of you, We do by these Presents give and grant full Power and Authority to take and receive; and you, or so many of you as aforesaid, are hereby directed and required to take and receive all such volun­tary Subscriptions of and for any Sum or Sums of Money (not exceeding in the whole the said Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds) as any Person or Persons, Natives or Foreigners, or Bodies Politick or Corporate (other than the Governor and Company of the Bank of England) shall be willing to make as aforesaid, or shall cause to be made within the time before.

To Provide the Office in Ten Days.And for the better pursuing of the End and Intent of the said Act of Parlia­ment, and of our Royal Purpose and Intention in these Presents, we do for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, order, direct and appoint that you or so many of you as aforesaid, shall within Ten Days after the Date or making of these Presents, provide, appoint, and keep one or more Convenient House or Houses within the Cities of London and Westminster, or one of them, or within the Suburbs of the same, to be the Publick Office or Offices to which all or any Person or Persons shall or may resort for the making of the said Subscriptions, and to pay the Fourth Part of the Moneys which they respectively are to pay thereupon; and shall give such publick Notice thereof as you shall think most conduce­able to this Service.

Books in Ten Days.And that you, or any Five or more of you, shall within Ten Days after the Date or making hereof, provide or cause to be provided one or more Book or Books of Vellum or Parchment for the said Subscriptions to be made therein.

Which Book or Books shall lie open every Day ( Sundays excepted) at the said Publick Office or Offices, Books to lie Open. from the Hours of Eight to the Hours of Twelve in the Forenoons, and from the Hours of Three to the Hours of Eight in the Afternoons, until and upon the said First Day of August One thousand six hundred ninety six, unless the Subscriptions for the said whole Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds shall be sooner Compleated.

And that in the Title or Front of every or any such Book or Books, there shall be fairly written proper Words, Title of the Book. importing that the same doth or do con­tain the Subscriptions authorized to be made in pursuance of the said Act of Parliament, and of these Presents, of the respective Sums which the several Person or Persons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, whose Names shall be written therein, do or shall set or cause to be set against their Names respectively.

One full Fourth Part of which said Sum or Sums of Money, and every of them so to be Subscribed is to be paid at the time of making each Subscription by the respective Subscribers, Fourth Part payd down. to the Hands of you our Commissioners, and the residue thereof in such manner as is herein after directed.

[Page 7] Sums in Words at length and Figures.And you are severally to take care, that the Sums so Subscribed be written as will in Words at length as in Figures, with a Colume for expressing the Day on which every such Subscription shall be made; and that the Subscriptions so to be made from time to time, be attested under the Hands and Seals of two or more of you, Subscription: Attested under the Hands and Seals of two or more Commis­sioners. our Commissioners who were present at the making of those Subscriptions.

And that no such Subscriptions shall be made or taken after the said First Day of August now next ensuing.

Duplicates At­tested by Five Commissioners. to be delivered to the Auditor of the Exche­quer.And that you, or any Five or more of you, do without delay after the said First Day of August next ensuing, or after the said Subscriptions for the whole Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds shall be Com­pleated (which shall first happen) make or cause to be made true Duplicates, or Copies fairly written in Parchment, of the said whole Book or Books of Sub­scriptions, and deliver the said Duplicate or Duplicates of the said Book or Books, attested by Five or more of you as aforesaid, into the said Office of Auditor of the Receipt of Our Exchequer, that so it may appear whether the whole Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds be Sub­scribed within the said limited Time, or not, or how much thereof, and by whom the same or any part thereof shall be so Subscribed, and that thereby the Commissioners of Our Treasury, or Our Treasurer, and Under Treasurer, and other Officers of the Exchequer for the time being may know how the yearly Fund appropriated by the said Act, or any proportion or part thereof, is to be Issued or Applied, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the same Act of Parlia­ment: And we do hereby Authorize, Require and Command the said Auditor of the Receipt of Our Exchequer to Enroll, and the Clerk of the Pells in the Receipt of Exchequer to Record the said Duplicate or Duplicates in the Registers or Records of their respective Offices, for the Ends and Purposes aforesaid.

And also, we do by these presents, for us, our Heirs and Successors, Direct, Authorize and Appoint, that you our said Commissioners, Any five to re­ceive the first fourth part. or any five or more of you, shall and may receive and take from every such Subscriber or Subscribers as aforesaid, respectively, at the time of his, her, or their Subscription, the full fourth part of every Sum so Subscribed, which by the Tenor and true meaning of the said Act, is then to be paid in Ready Money.

And that you Our said Commissioners, or any five or more of you, shall and may Appoint such Person or Persons as you shall think fit to Intrust, To Appoint a Cashier. and shall be also Approved by the Commissioners of Our Treasury or any three of them now being, or by the Treasurer of Our Exchequer, or any three or more of the Commissioners of our Treasury for the time being, to be the Cashier or Cashiers for the Custody or Keeping of all or any the Sum or Sums of Money arising by or for the first fourth part of the Moneys to be Subscribed as aforesaid, taking from such Person or Persons respectively, such Security or Securities as to you shall seem good and sufficient, and shall also be Approved by the Commissioners of Our Treasury, or the Treasurer of Our Exchequer as aforesaid, by Bond or Bonds in the Name of us, Our Heirs or Successors, for the due Answering, Paying and Accounting for the Money which they shall respectively receive, according to such Rules or Directions as are hereafter in these Presents contained, for or con­cerning the Payment or Application of the same.

To keep the Mo­ney till payable into the Exche­quer.AND We do by these Presents, for us, our Heirs and Successors, Direct, Au­thorize and Command, that you Our said Commissioners, or your Cashier or Cashiers who shall Receive or have in their Custody all or any the Moneys ari­sing by the said Subscriptions for the first fourth part as aforesaid, or any Person or Persons, Chargeable therewith; shall safely keep the same and every part there­of (as it shall be received) to Our use until the said Moneys shall be payable into the Receipt of Our Exchequer, according to Our Directions herein after con­tained (that is to say,)

How the first fourth part shall be paid into the ExchequerOUR Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby Direct, Authorize and Command, that you Our said Commissioners, or the said Cashier or Cashiers or others that shall have the Custody of the money of the said first fourth part, or any part thereof, or be chargeable therewith, shall and do, in case the whole Sum of Two Millions Five Hundred Sixty four Thousand Pounds, or the Moyety, or any greater part thereof, shall be Subscribed on or before the first Day of August now next ensuing as aforesaid, as soon as our Charter of Incorporation shall be made and passed [Page 8]under Our Great Seal of England, pay or cause to be paid all the Moneys which shall then have been received of or for the said first fourth part into the Receipt of Our Exchequer, in the Name of the Governour and Company of the National Land Band, and upon such Payment or Payments to be made in the Name of such Governour and Company of the National Land-Bank of the Moneys of the said first fourth part, the Commissioners of Our Treasury, Treasurer and under Trea­surer of Our Exchequer, and all other Officers to whom it doth or shall appertain in the Receipt of the Exchequer for the time being, are hereby Required and Autho­rized to Levy or Strike Talleys for the same, Importing so much Money Re­ceived from such Governour and Company by the hands of you Our said Com­missioners, for or towards the Sum not exceeding Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds, to be raised upon the said Act, and to Draw and Sign Exchequer Orders fairly written in Parchment for paying to the said Gover­nour and Company of the National Land-Bank and their Successors for ever, (Sub­ject nevertheless to the Condition of Redemption in the said Act contained, a proportionable part of the said yearly Sum of One hundred seventy nine thou­sand four hundred and eighty Pounds per Annum, for every or any Sum of the said first fourth part which shall be so paid into the Receipt of Our Exchequer, according to the Tenor and true meaning of the said Act of Parliament.

AND Our Will and Pleasure is, And We do hereby Direct, Authorize and Command, that you Our said Commissioners, or the said Cashier or Cashiers, or others, who shall have the Custody of the said Moneys so to be received for the first fourth part of the said Subscriptions, or any part thereof, shall and do (in case so much as a Moyety of the said Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds shall not be Subscribed on or before the said first day of Au­gust next) pay or cause to be paid, all the Moneys which you shall have received for the said first fourth part upon the said Subscriptions into the Receipt of Our Exchequer, in the Names of the respective Subscribers or Contributors thereof, his, her, or their respective Executors, Administrators, Successors, or Assignes; and upon every or any such Payment or Payments to be made; (as is last mentioned) the said Commissioners of Our Treasury, Treasurer, and under Treasurer of Our Exchequer, and all other Officers to whom it doth or shall appertain in the Receipt of Our Exchequer for the time being, are hereby Authorized and Required to Levy and Strike Talleys for the same, Importing so much Money Received from the respective Subscribers and Contributors, their Executors, Administrators, Suc­cessors, or Assignes, by the hands of you Our said Commissioners upon the said Act, and to Draw and Sign Exchequer Orders fairly written in Parchment, for paying to the said respective Subscribers and Contributors, their Executors, Ad­ministrators, Successors and Assignes for ever, (subject nevertheless to the con­dition of Redemption in the said Act contained) proportionable parts of the said yearly Fund of One hundred seventy nine thousand four hundred and eighty Pounds, according to the true meaning of the said Act, for every or any Sum which shall be so paid into the Receipt of Our Exchequer, and these presents of the Entry or Enrollment thereof, shall be to the said Commissioners of the Trea­sury, Treasurer, under Treasurer, and all other Officers and Persons who are, or may be concerned, a sufficient Warrant and Discharge in that behalf.

And as to the remaining three fourth parts of all and every the Sum and Sums of Money which shall be Subscribed and Contained in the said Books of Subscription as aforesaid; How the residue shall be paid. Our Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby Declare, Limit and Appoint, that every entire Sum Subscribed, or to be Subscribed as aforesaid, being divided into four equal parts (whereof the first fourth part is to be paid and brought into the Receipt of our Exchequer, by and according to Our Directions aforesaid.)

A Second fourth part thereof shall be paid and brought into the Receipt of Exchequer, Second Pay­ment. on or before the first day of October now next ensuing.

Residue of the Payment.And the remaining two fourth parts (which will compleat the whole Sub­scriptions) shall be paid or brought into the Receipt of Exchequer, before the first day of January) now next ensuing.

How the Resi­due shall be paid in case of Incor­poration.And in case the whole Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thou­sand Pounds or the Moiety, or any greater part thereof, shall be Subscribed on or before the first day of August next as aforesaid, then all the Moneys which shall be Subscribed as aforesaid, (the first fourth part only excepted) shall and may be [Page 9]brought and paid into the Receipt of Our Exchequer, at such times and by such Ways, Methods or Means, as the Governour, (or in his absence) the Deputy-Governour, together with Sixteen or more of the Trustees, to be constituted by the said Charter of Incorporation, shall from time to time Direct, Limit or Appoint.

So as a full Second Fourth part of all and every the Sum and Sums of Money to be Subscribed as aforesaid, be entirely paid and brought into the said Re­ceipt of Exchequer, on on or before the said first day of October now next en­suing.

And so as that the remaining two fourth parts to compleat the whole Account of the said Subscriptions be paid, or brought into the said Receipt of Exchequer, before the said first day of January now next ensuing as aforesaid.

How the Residue shall be paid in case there be no Incorporation.And in case so much as a Moiety of the said Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds, or any greater Sum, shall not be Subscribed on or before the first day of August now next ensuing, then all the Moneys which shall be Subscribed as aforesaid (the said first fourth part only excepted) shall be paid and brought into the said Receipt of Exchequer by the respective Subscribers of the same, his, her, or their Executors, Administrators, Successors or Assignes, at or be­fore the respective days or times, and in such proportions as are herein before li­mited and appointed for the payment of the last three fourth parts, in case five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds, or a Moiety, or any greater part thereof, shall be Subscribed as aforesaid, and according to the Tenor and true meaning of the said Act.

Talleys struck for the Pay­ments.And upon every or any such Payment or Payments so to be made, of all or any the Moneys arising by or upon the said Subscriptions, (the First Fourth Part only excepted, touching which Our Pleasure is herein before declared,) Our Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby for Us, Our Heirs, and Succes­sors, Direct, Authorize and Command, That the said Commissioners of Our Treasury, Treasurer, and Under-Treasurer, and all other Officers in Our Ex­chequer for the Time being, to whom it doth or shall appertain, shall from Time to Time Levy and Strike Talleys for the Moneys which shall be so Paid by the Governor and Company of the National Land-Bank, importing the Receipt thereof from them; and Tallies for the Moneys which shall or may (in the Case before-mentioned) be so Paid by the respective Subscribers or Contribu­buters, his, her, or their Executors, Administrators, Successors, or Assigns, im­porting the Receipt thereof of and from them respectively; And shall from Time to Time, upon the said Tallies, Draw and Sign such Exchequer-Orders as are above-mentioned, for the Proportionable Parts of the said Yearly Fund, which (in the respective Cases aforesaid) are to be Paid and Issued, either to the Governor and Company of the National Land-Bank, and their Successors, for ever; or to the respective Subscribers and Contributers, their Executors, Administrators, Successors and Assigns, for ever, according to the Tenour and true Meaning of the said Act of Parliament, and subject to the Conditions of Redemption therein contained.

Any Five Com­missioners to give ReceiptsAnd We do also Direct and Appoint, that you Our said Commissioners, or any Five, or more of you, who shall Receive any of the above-mentioned Pay­ments of the said First Fourth Part, in pursuance of these Presents, shall imme­diately give to the Person or Persons paying the same, a Receipt in Writing for the several Sum and Sums of Money so received.

Entries of Pay­ment.And shall cause an Entry thereof to be made in a Book or Books for that purpose to be kept in your said Office or Offices, wherein shall be Entred and Registred the Day on which every such Payment shall be made; the Names of you Our said Commissioners, to whom each Sum shall have been paid; the Name, and Place of Abode, of the said Person or Persons making the Payment, with his, her or their proper Additions; and the Sum that shall be actually paid.

Transmit an Acccount of the Payments to the AuditorAnd that you Our said Commissioners, or any Five, or more of you, do without Delay, after the said First Day of August next ensuing, make, or cause to be made, a true Account, fairly written in Parchment, of all the said Receipts of the Money of the said First Fourth Part; expressing therein such Particulars as are herein before directed to be Inserted in the said Receipts; and deliver the said Account, Attested by any Five, or more [Page 10]of you, as aforesaid, into the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt of Ex­chequer.

Account to be Inrolled and Re­corded.And We do hereby Authorize, Require and Command the said Auditor of the Receipt to Inrol, and the said Clerk of the Pells to Record the said Ac­count, in the Registers or Records of their respective Offices; as well for the Charging of you, Our Commissioners, who shall Receive the said Moneys, or your Cashiers, with the Money so Received, as for the better Guidance of the said Commissioners of the Treasury, Treasurer, Under-Treasurer, and other the Officers of the Exchequer, for the Time being, in the Issuing and Payment of the said appropriated Fund, or any Part or Proportion of the same, pursuant to the said Act of Parliament.

To give Atten­dance.And Our Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby Require and Command, That you Our said Commissioners, and every of you respectively, do from Time to Time Assemble and Meet together, and give your Attendance at the Publick Office or Offices before-mentioned.

And if the First, Subdivide. or any other General Meeting of you Our Commissioners, which shall be had, or appointed to be had, for the putting of this Com­mission in Execution, you, or the Major Part of you then present, shall judge it most convenient to have or keep several publick Offices for the Purpose aforesaid; In that Case you are hereby Directed and Authorized to Sub-di­vide your selves for the said several Offices; taking Care that a sufficient Number of you Our Commissioners shall be, and do Attend in each Office; And that you selves, and the Cashier or Cashiers to be Employed under you, do from Time to Time carefully and diligently Attend the Execution and Per­formance of this Our Service, in all Things, as becometh.

Commissioners of the Treasury to be Aiding.And the said Commissioners of Our Treasury now being, and the Treasurer and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer, or Commissioners of Our Treasury for the Time being, are hereby required to be Aiding and Assisting to you in the Performance of this Our Service.

Commmissioners of the Treasury to issue Moneys for the Charges.And are hereby also Impowered and Commanded, out of any Our Treasury, from Time to Time, being and remaining in the Receipt of Our Exchequer, (not appropriated to particular Uses by Act of Parliament,) to Issue and Pay to such Person or Persons as you shall nominate, such Sum or Sums of Money as shall be necessary to be Expended or Laid out as Incident Charges in the Exe­cution of this Our Commission.

Notice of the first Election.And to the End the said Corporation, or Body Politick (in Case the said Sum of Two Millions Five Hundred Sixty Four Thousand Pounds, or the Moye­ty, or any greater Part thereof shall be Subscribed on or before the said First Day of August next ensuing) may be Erected and Setled to the best Content and Satisfaction of the Subscribers or Contributers aforesaid, We do by these Presents give full Power and Authority to you Our said Commissioners: And We do hereby for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Require, Cmmand, Consent, and Agree, That you Our said Commissioners, or any Five or more of you, shall and may immediately after the said First Day of August next, or so soon as the said Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds shall be Sub­scribed as aforesaid (which of them shall first happen) cause Publick Notice to be given by Writing under your Hands, to be openly set up and affixed upon the Royal-Exchange in London, and at your own Publick Office or Of­fices, to and for all and every the Person and Persons, Bodies Politick or Cor­porate, who before the making of the Elections herein after mentioned, shall severally or respectively have Subscribed in the said Book or Books as aforesaid, any Sum or Sums of Money not less than Five hundred Pounds, and shall have severally paid one Fourth Part of the Sum or Sums so by them Subscribed, and shall have taken the Oaths, Qualification of Electors. or made the Declaration herein after mentioned, their Executors, Administrators, Successors or Assigns, to Assemble and Meet together at some convenient Place within the Cities of London or Westminster, and at a Day to be Prescribed or Appointed in the said Writing; (Which Day is not to be sooner than Four Days, or later than Eight Days after the said No­tice shall be Set up or Affixed upon the Royal Exchange, and your said Office or Offices as aforesaid: Provided that no one to Elect.) Then and there to Elect and Chuse Persons (qualified as is herein after mentioned) to be the First Governor, First Deputy-Governor, and First Trustees of the Corporation, or Body-Politick, to be Erected and Esta­blished in pursuance of the said Act.

[Page 11] Chose by Ballat.And that it shall and may be lawful, to and for all and every such Subscribers qualified as aforesaid; their Executors Administrators, Successors and Assignes, then and there to assemble and meet together; and too and for them, or the Major part of them so assembled, to Nominate, Elect and Choose (by way of Ballat) out of the whole number of Subscribers, None above one Vote. (whereof none to have more then one Vote) one Person who shall have Subscribed in his own Right, the Sum of Four Thousand Pounds at least, and shall have paid one fourth at the least of the Sum so by him Subscribed, Stock of Gover­nor. to be made the first Governour of the said Cor­poration, to be erected as aforesaid; and one other Person who shall have Sub­scribed in his own Right the Sum of Three Thousand Pounds at least, and shall have paid one fourth part at least, of the Sum so by him Subscribed, Stock of Depu­ty Governor, Thirty Trustees. to be made the first Deputy-Governor of the said Corporation; and thirty other Persons, each of which shall severally have Subscribed in their own Rights, the Sum of Two Thousand Pounds at the least, Stock of Tru­stees. and who shall severally and respectively have paid one fourth part, or more, of every such Sum so by them respectively Subscribed, to be the first Trustees of the said Corporation, or Body Politick; which Election shall severally be determined by the Majority of Votes of the Subscribers then present, by way of Ballat as aforesaid.

In case of Equa­lity.And in case they shall be Equal, then by you Our Commissioners, or the Major part of you then present.

Persons Elected to be inserted in the Charter.And the Persons so to be Elected or Chosen, shall be incerted in Our Royal Char­ter of Incorporation, to be granted as aforesaid, and shall thereby be made and con­stituted the first Governour, Deputy-Governour, and Trustees of the Company, thereby to be Erected and Established, and to be and continue in those several Offices of Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Trustees, from the date or ma­king of Our said Charter, until the Tenth Day of April, which shall be in the Year of Our Lord, One thousand six hundred ninety eight, First Trustees to continue till tenth of April, 1698. and till others shall be duly chosen in their Rooms and sworn, Subject nevertheless to the Rules, Re­strictions, Provisoes and Directions contained in the said Act of Parliament; and to such other Rules and Appointments as shall be inserted touching them in the said Charter: The Draught whereof is contained in a Schedule hereunto annex­ed.

Provided always, and Our Royal Will and Pleasure is, And we do hereby Appoint, that no Subscriber shall be capable to Vote, as aforesaid, in the Electi­on of the said Persons, to be made the first Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Trustees, Oath of Elect­ors. or any of them, until he shall have taken an Oath, in the form and to the effect following, (to wit) I A. B. Do swear that the Sum of Five hundred Pounds by me Subscribed, or the Sum of Five hundred Pounds at least, of the Moneys by me Subscribed, is my own proper Money, for my own Use, and in my own Right, and not in Trust for any Person whatsoever.

Provided nevertheless, that any Person or Persons commonly called or known to be Quakers, who shall have Subscribed Five hundred Pounds, or more, as aforesaid, Proviso for Quakers. and shall have made and Signed the Declaration following (that is to say,) I A. B. Do Sincerely and Solemnly Declare, in the Presence of God, that the Sum of Five hundred Pounds by me Subscribed, or the Sum of Five hundred Pounds at least, of the Moneys by me Subscribed, is my own Proper Money, for my own Use, and in my own Right, and not in Trust for any Person whatsoever,) shall be capable of Voting, and the Elections or choice of the said Persons, to be made the First Governor, Deputy Governor, and Trustees, as aforesaid.

Governor, De­puty-Governor, and Trustees, to be Natural Born or Naturalliz­ed; and to take Oaths.Provided also, and Our Royal Will and Pleasure is, and we do hereby Ap­point, that no Subscriber or Subscribers shall be capable to be Chosen as afore­said, to be made the First Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Trustees, as afore­said, unless he or they be Natural born Subjects of England, or Naturalized and shall severally and respectively have taken an Oath, that the Sums, which in their respective cases are requisite to have been Subscribed by them as aforesaid, (that is to say) Four Thousand Pounds by the Person to be made Governor, Three Thousand Pounds by the Person to be made Deputy-Governor, and Two Thousand Pounds by every one of them that shall be the Trustees (are their own proper Moneys respectively, and Subscribed for their own Use, and in their own Right, and not in Trust for any other Person or Persons as aforesaid,) nor shall be capable of Executing his or their Office or Offices, until he or they shall respectively have taken the Oaths in the said Recited Act prescribed for that purpose, and the Oath herein before-directed.

[Page 12] Two Commissi­oners to administer Oaths to First Governor, Deputy-Gover­nor and TrusteesAnd We do hereby Direct, Require, Authorize and Impower you our said Commissioners, or any Two or more of you, to Administer the said several Oaths and Declaration to the said Persons who are to chuse or be the First Go­vernor, Deputy-Governor, and Trustees respectively, as aforesaid; any thing in these Presents contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

And to the End all and every Person and Persons who shall Subscribe and Contribute their Moneys, in pursuance of the said Act of Parliament (which manifestly Designs and Intends the Publick Good and Convenience of the People of this Kingdom, and the Profit and Advantage of the Persons who shall be Con­cerned in the said Company, as well as the Accommodation of Our Affairs, in respect of the Moneys which are intended by this Means to be Supplied, for the Carrying on the War against France; and the Just Satisfaction of Persons who had Securities upon the Duties of Tunnage, Coals, and other Things by the said Re­cited Act, Taken away, or Altered) may be fully Assured and Satisfied, That the Powers Vested in us by the said Act of Parliament for Erecting and Establish­ing the said Corporation, or Body Politick, shall be justly and truly Executed, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the said Act.

King's Cove­nant to Incorpo­rate.We are Graciously pleased to Promise and Declare, and we do by these Pre­sents solemnly Promise, Publish, Declare and make Known, and We do also for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Covenant, Grant and Agree to and with you Our said Commissioners, and every of you, for and on the Behalf of your selves, and every or any one of you, and of every or any other Person or Persons whatsoever, that shall Subscribe and Pay any Sum or Sums of Money as afore­said, that in case the whole Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds, or a Moiety, or any greater part thereof, shall be Subscribed upon the Security of the said Act, or in pursuance of these Presents, on or be­fore the said First Day of August now next ensuing, that then immediately after the said First Day of August, or so soon as the said Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds shall be Subscribed as aforesaid, which of them shall first happen, We, Our Heirs or Successors, shall and will Grant and make forth Our Royal Charter or Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, Who shall be In­corporated, ac­cording to the Schedule an­nexed. and thereby Incorporate all and every such Subscribers and Contributers who shall then be living, and who shall not have Assigned their Interest in their said Subscriptions: And in Case any of them shall be dead, the Executors or Administrators of such Subscribers: And in Case any of the Subscribers shall have Assigned their Interest in their said Subscriptions, in all such Cases the As­signees of such Subscribers to be one Body Corporate and Politick, by the Name of the Governor and Company of the National Land-Bank, with such Powers, Capacities, Priviledges, Benefits, Liberties, and Advantages, and under and subject to such Rules, Restrictions, Power of Redemption, Provisoes, Limita­tations and Clauses as are contained in the said Act of Parliament, or are In­tended by the Schedule hereunto annexed, and with such further Power or Pri­viledges (being such as We can Lawfully Grant) as shall be reasonably Advised and Desired by Council Learned in the Law, for or on the Behalf of the said Subscribers and Contributers, and shall be Approved by Our Attorney or Solli­citer-General on Our Behalf.

Subscription-Money shall be called, The Ca­pital Stock.And We do by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, Declare, Limit, Direct and Appoint, That the whole Sum or Amount of all and every the Sum and Sums of Money that shall be Subscribed and Paid as aforesaid, shall after the said Grant of Incorporation, be and be called, accepted, esteemed, re­puted and taken, The Capital Stock of the said Incorporation; and all and every Per­son and Persons, or Bodies Politick, his, her, and their Executors, Administrators, Successors or Assigns, according and in proportion to the Sum or Sums or Mo­ney by him, her or them respectively Subscribed and Paid thereunto, shall have and be deemed to have an Interest or Share in the said Capital Stock (not in the whole to exceed Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds as afore­said. Which Interest or Share, or any part thereof, shall be Assignable and Trans­ferrable, and shall and may be Assigned and Transferred by any Person or Per­sons Entituled thereunto, to any other Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Cor­porate, except the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, [...] Stock shall be Assignable. who shall be willing to accept thereof, his or their Executors, Administrators, Successors or Assigns, and so over toties quoties as fully and effectually as any other Interest [Page 13]whatsoever is by Law Assignable: Which Assignment shall Vest the Interest in the Assignee and Assignees, his, her and their Executors, Administrators and Successors, according to the Purport and Effect thereof. And after such Assign­ments made, it shall not be in the Power of the Assigner or Assigners, their Executors or Administrators to Revoke or make Void any such Assignments, so such Assignments or Transferrances be made in Writing, and Entred or Re­gestred in such manner as is herein after mentioned (that is to say.) All Assign­ments or Transferrances which shall be made on or before the said First Day of August next ensuing, or the full and compleat Subscribing of the whole Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousand Pounds, which shall first happen, and before the Granting of Our Royal Charter of Incorporation before men­tioned shall be Entred or Registred in the said Office of Auditor of the Receipt of Our Exchequer, within Six Days after the making of the said respective Assignments. And all Assignments or Transferrances which shall be made after the Granting of Our said Royal Charter of Incorporation, shall be Made En­tred and Registred in such Manner and Form as shall be thereby prescribed▪ And if for Default of Subscribing one Moiety of the said Sum of Five and twenty hundred and sixty four thousound Pounds, on or before the said First Day of August next, the Powers and Authorities in the said Act contained for Erecting a Corporation as aforesaid, shall Cease and Determine; then all the Assignments and Transferrances to be thenceforth made, shall be Entred in the Office of the Remembrancer in the Exchequer, in such Method as the said Act in that Case directs.

Provided always, and Our Will and Pleasure is, and We do by these Pre­sents for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, signifie, express, declare and grant, That you Our said Commissioners, or any of you, Commissioners to be answerable for their own Acts only. who are joyned in this Our Commission, shall be nevertheless Liable and Answerable unto Us, Our Heirs and Successors severally, (to wit) Every one of you for his own particular Re­ceipts, Actings and Doings, and not for the Receipts, Actings, or Doings of one another, or of your Casheir or Casheirs, or in any Case where there is not perticular Fraud or Deceit.

Commissioners to be Sworn.Provided also, and Our Will and Pleasure is, That you Our said Commis­sioners, and every of you, before you respectively do intermeddle in the Exe­cution of this Our Commission, be Sworn to the Faithful and Honest Discharge and Execution thereof.

And we do hereby Authorize and Impower the Keeper of Our Great Seal of England, or Our High Chancellor of England for the Time being, or the Chief Baron of Our Court of Exchequer for the Time being, or such two or more of you our Commissioners, as shall first be Sworn before Our said Keeper, Chan­cellor or Chief Baron, to Administer unto you severally such Oath in the Words, or to the Effect following, (that is to say)

Form of Com­missioners Oath. I A. B do Swear, That I will Faithfully and Honestly Discharge and Execute the Duty and Trust Reposed in me, as one of the Commissioners Appointed by His Majesty under the Great Seal of England, for taking Subscriptions, and doing other Matters and Things pursuant to the Act of Parliament, Intituled, An Act for Continuing to His Majesty certain Rates and Duties upon Salt, Glass Wares, Stone and Earthen Wares, and for Granting several Duties upon Tobacco Pipes and Earthen Wares, for the Carrying on the War against France, and for Establishing a Notional Land-Bank, and for taking off the Duties upon Tunnage of Ships and upon Coals, to the best of my Skill, Unsterstanding and Power, and without Fraud or Deceit: (So help me, God.)

In Case of death of Commissi­oners.Provided also, and Our Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby Declare, Ordain and Appoint, That in Case any of you, Our said Commissioners, shall happen to die before all the Matters and Things hereby Authorized and In­tended to be done and Executed shall be fully Performed and Accomplished, That then this Our Commission, or any the Powers hereby Granted, shall not Deter­mine or become Ineffectual, but shall and may be Executed and Performed by the rest of you Our Commissioners, so long as there shall be a sufficient number left to Execute the same.

And in Default thereof We do hereby Promise and Declare, That a New Commission and full Powers and Authorities shall be Granted under Our Great Seal of England, for the Accomplishment and Performance of all Matters [Page 14]and Things hereby Directed or Intended to be Done for the Benefit or Se­curity of the said Subscribers and Contributers, their Executors, Successors or Assigns.

Any Commissi­oners may Sub­scribe.Provided also, and We do hereby Signifie and Declare, That it is Our Royal Intention and Purpose in these Presents, that any of you Our Commissioners may be Subscribers; and the rest of you Our Commissioners, or so many of you as aforesaid, may take such Subscriptions from any of you, and Receive the Money, and do all other Things thereupon, as are hereby directed to be done in the Case of any other Subscribers, any thing beforementioned to the Con­trary notwithstanding.

Provided Nevertheless, that where any of you Our said Commissioners shall be Subscribers, such Subscriptions shall be made before, and be Attested in the Books by some other of you Our said Commissioners, who are to give Receipts for the same.

When Inrolled.And Lastly, Our Pleasure is, That these Presents shall be Inrolled in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt, and Recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Pells in Our Exchequer, and these Presents, or the Entry, Ex­emplification or Inrollment thereof, shall be to you, and every of you, and all others herein Concerned, a sufficient Warrant and Discharge for all, and whatsoever Matters and Things shall be Done, Executed or Performed in pur­suance of the same, or of Our Pleasure therein declared. In Witness


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