To be kept with all conve­nient diligence:

By all the Members of this KIRK & Kingdom OF SCOSLAND.

Set down by the Commissioners of the Generall Assemblie.


ABERDENE, Imprinted by James Brown, ANNO 1650.

CAUSES OF A FAST, After the defeat, Sept. 3. 1650.

ALBEIT The Solemn Publick Humiliations, hath bene much slighted, and gone about in a formall way, by many in this LAND: So that it is not one of the least of our provoca­tions, that wee haue drawn near to GOD with out mouthes, and kept our hearts far away from Him. For which the LORD hath turned the Wisdom of the Wyse, into Follie; and the Strength of the Strong, into Weakness. Yet, seeing it is a due­tie, that hath often proven comfortable vnto vs; Unto which GOD now calleth vs in a speciall way, by a singular dispensa­tion, and knowing that all that are acquainted with GOD in the LAND, will make conscience of it; Wee conceaue it expe­dient, the whole LAND bee humbled, FOR THE CAUSES following:

THE Continued ignorance and profanitie of the Bodie of the Land: And the obstinacie and incorrigibleness of ma­ny; not-with-standing all the payns that GOD hath taken vp­on vs, by His WORD, and by His Works, of Mercie and Iudge­ment, to teach vs, in the knowledge of His Name and Way, and to reform vs, from the evill of our wayes.

II THE Manyfold Provocations of the Kings Houss; Which we fear are not yet throughly repented of; nor forsaken of him, to this day: Together with the crooked and praecipi­tant [Page 4]wayes, that were taken by sundry of our States-men, for carrying on the Treatie with the King.

III THE Bringing home with the King a great many Malignants; and endeavouring to keep some of them about him, and many of them in the Kingdom yet; not-with-stan­ding of Publick Resolutions, to the contrarie.

IV THE Not purging of the Kings Familie, from Ma­lignant and Profayn men; and constituting the same of Well-affected and Godly persons; Al-be-it it hath bene often pressed vpon the Parliament and Commissioners of Estates; and vn­dertaken, and promised, to bee performed by them.

V THE Levying of a most Profane and Malignant Gaurd of Horses, to bee about the King: Who being sent for, to bee purged some two dayes, before the Defeat, were suffered to bee, and fight in our Armie.

VI THE Exceeding great slackness of many, and avers­ness, & vntowardness of some, in the chieff judicatories of the Kingdom; And in the Armie, in good Motions, and Publick Dueties: Especially, in these things that concern the Purging of judicatories & the Armie, from Malignant, and Scandalous persons: And not filling all Places of Power and Trust, with men of known integritie, and of Blameless and Christian Conversation: Together with greater inclinations, and en­devours, to bring & keep in Malignants, to the judicatories, and the Armie; As though the Land could not bee guyded, nor defended, without these; And great repyning, and crying out agaynst all that is done, in the contrarie; And studying to make the same vneffectuall.

VII THE Exceeding great Diffidence of some of the chieff Leaders of our Armie; And others amongst vs: Who thought, That wee could not bee saved, but by a numerous Ar­mie: And who when wee had gotten many thousands toge­ther; Would not hazard to act any thing; Not-with-standing that GOD offered sundry fayr opportunies, and fitted the [Page 5]Spritis of the Souldiours, and for the carnall confidence, that was in many of the Armie, vnto the despysing of the Enemie; and promised Victorie to themselues, without eying GOD.

VIII THE Loosness, Insolencie, and Oppression, of many, in the Armie; And the little, or no care, that was taken by any to preserue the Corns: By which it hath come to pass, that very much of the Food of the Poor people of the Land, hath bene needlessly destroyed: And whylst wee remember this, wee wish, that the Profanitie and Oppression of sundry of our Officers, and Souldiours, in ENGLAND; Whylst wee were fighting, for the Assistance of the Parliament of that King­dom, may not bee forgotten, Because as it was matter of great Stumbling to many in the Land: So is it lyke, That it is one of the CAUSES of the LORDS Indignation, now manife­sted agaynst vs, by the hands of these men.

IX OUR Great Unthankfulness, for former Mercies, & Delyverances: And, even for many Tokens of the LORDS Favour, and Goodness, towards our present Armie; whylest they were together; and the great Impatience of Spirit, that was to be seen in many these weeks past; which made them to limit the LORD, and complayn; and weary of His Delay, to giue Delyverance.

X THE Owning and eying of the Kings Quarrell, and Interest, by many, without Subordination to Religion, and the Liberties, and Safties, of these Kingdoms.

XI Next, the Carnal Selfe-seeking, and crooked-wayes; of sundry of our judicatories, and Armie; Who make their places and imployments, rather a matter of Interest, Gayn, and Prae­ferment to themselues, than of advancing Religion, & Righ­teousness, in the Land.

XII THE Not putting difference, betwixt those that serue GOD, and those that serue Him not, in our Services, our Company, and Imployments; But accounting all men alyke, many tymes praeferring those, who haue nothing of GOD in them.

[Page 6] XIII AND Lastly: The Exceeding Great Neglect, That is in Great Ones, & others; in performing of Dueties, in thier Families; Not-with-standing of our former acknowledge­ment of this Sinne: As also, The Neglect of Dueties, of Mu­tuall Edification, & great Fruitlessness, and Barrenness, that is to be seen in al sorts of persons; together with the folowing of Dueties, with a great deall of mixture, of Carnall Affections, and Fleshly Wisdom; Which grieveth the Spirit of GOD; And taketh away much of the LORDS Image, from our ju­dicatories; As wee would bee humbled for these things: So would wee also intreat the LORD; That Hee would sanctifie this sad Affliction, to His People, That they neither despyse His Chastisments; nor faynt, when they are rebuked of Him: But that they may bear His Indignation patiently; And cleaue steadfastly, to the TRUETH, & the COVENANT, & the CAUSE of GOD: Without yeelding to the Furie of the Enemie; Or receaving their Errours; or complying either with them on the one Hand; or Malignants on the other Hand: And, That the LORD would powr out His Spirit, vpon His People; That their Spirit may bee raysed vnto their Duetie: And that they may bee fitted, and furnished of GOD, with Wisdom, and Resolution, to act agaynst their Enemies; For the Honour of GOD, and their own Praeservation: And, That the LORD will not suffer them to bee tempted, aboue that they are able to bear: But that Hee would break the Yoak of their Oppressours from off their Necks; And giue them Sal­vation, and Delyverance: AMEN.


A LETTER, TO THE PRESBYTERIES, From the Commissioners Of the Generall Assemblie.

Right Reverend and dear Brethren,

WEE perswade our selves, that ere this come to your hands, you are deeply affected with the sadde report of the Lords displeasure, declared against the Land by the Defeat of our Armie, instant September 3. And by the woe­ful cōsequences & desolation which is lyke to ensue therevpon, if the tender Mercies of the Lord do not speedily prevent vs, and move Him, for His Names sake, to lift up a Standart agaynst that Enemy, which is now come in as a flood vpon vs, and is prevayling and rageing in our bosoms. And wee doubt not, but you are seriouslie bethinking your selves a­bout your duety, and what the Lord is calling you to as the watchmen of His people in so dark a tyme. Wee beleeve you haue gotten the Letters sent to you from such Mem­bers of the Commission, and other Ministers who had beene with the Armie bearing their advyce for keeping of a So­lemn publique Humilation with your severall flocks, accor­ding to the CAUSES which were sent you. The Com­mission being now mett, thought good to wryte vnto you, and requyre you in the Lord, as wee do also confidently expect of you, that you will be carefull and diligent, to make your people sensible of the Lords Hand, that they do not dispyse & slight so great a wrath; so to stir up, & encowrage them to she dueties, which this tyme and the Lords dispensation calleth [Page 8]for at their hand; that men bee not found now with their hands vpon their loyns, as women in travail, fainting under the chastising and rebukes of the Lord: for though it bee the day of Iacobs trouble, hee shall bee saved out of it, for we are not to doubt, but if wee shall return and seeke the Lord with all our heart, after all this that is come vpon us, that there is hope in Israel, concerning His work and people which are in the dust for the tyme. In a speciall way, wee do recommend to you, that you do carefully and instantly warne your people, agaynst the snares, which they for their tryall may meete with, to draw them to complyance with the present Enemy, their errors and way: and that they patiently wayte on the Lord, vntill the indignation passover, and not feare their feare, neyther be dismayed, but would sanctifie the Lord God in their hearts, that He may be their feare and their dread, so that they do not for their safety & preservation choyse the courses of flesh and blood, tending eyther to complyance with Sectaries on the one hand, or Malignants on the other. But that the work of God may be carryed on, and His people may, follow & adhere vnto it in their stations & places according to the Covenants & former grounds, & principles. We conceive, that these who feare the Lord and make conscience of duety, & desyr to be faithful, wil be so far from slacking their hands in their duety, & in a straight way of persueance therof for any thing chat hath befallē now, that they wil rather look vpon thē ­selves, as called & obliedged to their duetyes, in a more speciall way of strictness and watchfullness than formerly, and that the present difficulties and dangers of the tyme, be not abused for flattering of men in any way, that may tend to turning aside to crooked courses. And because the Lord is trying vs, how far we wil follow our duety, in the fayth of His strength, in a weak & low condition; & there being som endevors at this tyme for making vp the Army, We expect that you will not be wan­ting in your stations, according to your power, for furthering of the levies appoynted by the Committy of Estates, & for the speedie returning of such Officers & Souldiers, who are come home, since the Armie was broken, also such of your own num­ber, [Page 9]who were appoynted to wayte vpon Regiments of hor­ses, & are now at home, your selves would appoint to repair with all diligence to Sterling, where the Randivouss is ap­pointed: for there is of every Regiment a considerable num­ber remaineing, and are together here, and about, without Ministers, though this be a time wherein they have most neede of them. Thus praying the Lord to powre out u­pon His people and servants through-out the land, such a measure of the lyf and consolation of His Spirit, as may furnish them, for their duetyes & tryalls, at such a time as this, Wee remayn

Your affectionate Brethren in the LORD, The Commissioners of the Generall Assemblie. M. Robert Dowglas, Moderator.

This short Declaration herewith sent, wee desyre, That at your first opportunitie, you reade publicklie in your severall Congregations: And wee desyre se­riouslie, That you will bee instant in your prayers vnto GOD, in private and publick: That Hee would pre­serue with vs the Ordinances of IESUS CHRIST, the Kingdom, the Kings Majesties person, & Ministe­rie, from the Furie of this Enemie: Who is seeking the Overthrow of all.

A short Declaration and Warning, to all the Congregations of the Kirk of Scotland; From the Commiss. of the Generall Assemblie.

ALBEIT The LORD whose judgements are vnsearch­able; And whose wayes past fynding out, hath brought the Land very low, vnder the hand of a prevayling Enemie: Yet must not wee bee silent; Nor forbear to declare the Mynd of GOD; Nor others refuse to hearken therevnto. It were superflous, to giue answer to the many Calumnies and Reproa­ches, that are blazed abroad: For, albeit in every thing, wee can not justfie the Conduct of the Armie: Yet wee hold it our Duetie, to desyre every one not to belieue groundless Re­ports: But rather to Eye the LORD, and to look up to the Hand that smyteth them.

1. AND therefore, in the first place, wee exhort & warne all the Inhabitants of the Land, to search out their iniquities, & to bee deeplie humbled before the Lord; that Hee may turn away His Wrath from us: The Lord hath wounded, and chastised us sore, which sayeth, that our iniquities are many, and that our sinnes are increased: It concerneth the King to mourne for all these grievous Provocations of his Fathers Houss, & for all His own guiltiness, & to consider, that if hee have come in to the Covenant, & joyned Himself to the Land, upon politique interests, rather for gaining a Crown to himself, than to advance Religion, & Righteousness; that it is an iniquity which GOD will not forget, vnless it bee speedily repented of. It concerneth also our Nobles and Iudges to consider, whether their cariage in publique matters, be strayght & equal, or rather savouring of seekeing themsel­ves, & the things of this world, & how they walk in their Fa­milies, [Page 11]& in their privat conversations: There is in many a great deall of Perversnes & incorrigibleness, in reguard of forsakeing some sinnes, & performing some Duetyes, not-wish-standing of publique confessions, & engagements; and this can not but highly provoke the Lord: And it concer­neth the Officers of the Armie, especially these who are Chief amongst them, to weygh well what the Lord hath a­gaynst them, & to repent of their Diffidence, & Carnall way of acting, & undervalueing Gods people: And Ministers haue also neede to search themselves concerning their fayth­fulness & diligence, doubtless even amongst these is much Negligence & Unfayhfulness to bee found, for which GOD is angry.

2. Albeit the Lord hath suffered that Armie of Perfidious & Blasphemous Sectaries to prevayll, yet GOD forbidd that the Land should comply with them, what ever may bee the plausible & fayr cariage of some in their Armie: yet doubt­less there is a Leaven of Error & Hypocrisie amongst them, which all the Lovers of Trueth & Sincerity, would discern & avoyd. As the Lord hath tryed the stability & integritie of His People in the Land heeretofore, by the prevayling of Ma­lignants, so doth Hee now try them, by the prevayling of Sectaries; and we trust, that they will think it their duety & commendation, to prove stedfast agaynst the one, as well as agaynst the other.

3. Neither would men be less careful & active in opposing this Enemy, than in opposing of Malignants. Our Religion, lyves, Liberties, & Estates are as much in hazard now as ever: Al the Ordinances of Iesus Christ, in this Land, are in danger, and the foundations lyke to be overturned, by these men, who are oblieged by the Band of the Covenant, to mayn­tayn all these; & it were a great guiltiness to lye down, & crouch under the burden of the strange impositions, that they wil lay upon us, & as men without heart to suffer our Land, to be brought in Bondage, & our selves to be robbed off all [Page 12]these things which are most precious & dear to us,: If wee should do so, the Lord would be angry with us, and our Posterity, could not but curss us.

4. Wee would not think, that all Danger from the Ma­lignants is now gone; seing there are a great many such in the Land; who yet maintain their former Principles. And there­fore, we would with as much watchfulnes & tenderness, now as ever, avoyd their snares, & beware of complyance, & con­junctions with them, & take heede that under a pretence of doing for the Cause, & for the Kingdom, they get not Power & Strength into their hands, for advanceing & pro­moting their old malignant Designes: Douhtless our Sa­fety is in holding fast our former Principles, & keeping a Strayght Path, without declyning to the right hand, or to the left.

5. IT Concerneth all the Inhabitants of the Land, to beware of murmuring, & complayning agaynst GOD, His Dispensations, & questioning the trueth & goodness of their Cause, or quarrelling with GOD, or blameing, or casting off the COVENANT, because of any thing hath befallen them; That were a great iniquity not to bee par­doned; Let us beare the Indignation of the LORD patient­lie, because we haue sinned against Him, untill Hee plead our Cause, & execute Iudgement for us: Hee will bring us foorth to the Light, & we shall behold His Righteousness.

A. Ker.

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