THE CHRISTIANS Daily PRACTICE of PIETY: OR, Holy walking with GOD. AS ALSO, Scripture Rules to be ob­served in Buying and Selling. Very Useful for all sorts of People that desires to make Conscience of their ways here, and to fit themselves for their great Account hereafter.

Licensed according to Order:

London Printed for J. Deacon, at the Angel in Gilt-spure street, 1698. And Re-printed at Edinburgh, by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. 1698.


1. BE sure to get God, and the things of God next thy Heart when thou awak­est. God, the World and Satan with his suggestions knocks to get first in. Open first to God, if Satan or the World hath possession, out them speedily, and let thy Meditation on God be sweet; spend thy first thoughts on him, and thy Eternal condition, whose thou shall be at the opening of the Graves, and the rising of the Dead: think also thou art on Night nearer Heaven or Hell; resolve to do some­thing towards thy Salvation that day in mortifying some sin, and getting nearer to Christ.

2. Before thou entertainest the World, get more solemnly to God, lift up thy heart unto him, first in thanksgiving for the Bed blessing, thy re­newed life and strength, and then pour out thy Soul in supplication to him for his grace to en­able thee in thy duties, to resist the temptations, and to be kept from the evils of that day, enlarge thy self, as time and place will permit, read withal some potion of Scripture If thou canst.

[Page 4]3. Alter thou hast been with God, set a watch upon thy Heart, and keep it close, that thy Heart [...] not depart too far from God that day, by setting it over much on the Creatures, and thy Calling, but keep thy mind heavenly, and near to God, labouring hourly to keep the sweet relish of God upon thy Soul which thou hadst in thy mor­ning Contemplation and Duty, lest thy Mind and Affection cleave to the World, and so thou spend that day without God in the World.

4. When thy watch is set, then set upon thy lawfull Calling with Diligence and good will, do­ing every hours Work, as to the Lord, live not out of a Calling, nor idle in it, exercise as much Care as the weightiness of the work requires; make Conscience of spending the day well; judge a mispent hour no small sin.

5. When thou art in thy Calling, avoid all just cause of offence to God and Man, in Word and Deed; do not provoke God to wrath, nor those that dwell near thee; corrupt not any by thy wan­ton Carriage; wrong not any by unjust dealing; be courteous, peaceable, and harmless; do not easily take Offence, but be patient, long suffering, forgetting, and forgiving, as God for Christ's sake forgives thee.

6. Set a solemn time a-part to pray in, and with thy Family twice in the day at least, and let those prayer-seasons be when the whole Family can most conveniently assemble, and suffer none through sicknesse to be absent: let not Evening Prayer-season be deferred too late, lest the Body be unable cheerfully to assist the Soul; and oft, through weariness and heaviness, thou loss the Duty [Page 5] and displease God. In all these Duties be hearty, fervent, faithful and serious; spend also some of of the day in Meditation of Sin, of Christ, of Death, Judgment, and the Life to come.

7. Be careful all the day long of thy Discourse, for thou must give an account of every idle Word, and by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned; let all thy Speeches be serious holy, in-offensive, and edi­fying; weigh before hand what honour thy Dis­course will bring to God, what good to thy Friend, what good or hurt to thy own Soul; use not any foolish jesting, or taunting reproachful Speeches; spend not many words in thy Buying and Selling, abhore all lies, tales, idle stories, wanton songs, and do not curse nor swear, or use the name of God vainly: Let the matter of thy discourse be either on the things of God, or the necessary works of thy Calling: talk not much of other Mens matters, back-bite none; If thou speak of their Sins, let it be with Grief, and so avoid the same thy self: if of their Godliness, let it be to imitate them: Re­member God stands by, he hears, and write-down all thou sayest.

8. Observe hourly Gods providential dealing with thee or o [...]hers▪ If God hath appeared to thee or others, in any eminent mercy, or judge, ment, note that, and remember to praise, fear, and love him for it; especially observe what sin he hath shewed thee, what hints of his love, what hopes of his glory; write these in a Book, but chiefly in thy Heart, for thy supporting in desert­ing and dying times.

9. Have a care all day to the feet of thy Afflecti­ons, [Page 6] on what they are set; they will be apt to settle on the world and sin, and withdraw from God and Duty, review them continually, ask thy self often what thou lovest, fearest, desirest, where thou art, and on what, and recal thy soul if it be departed from God.

10. Take heed of letting loose the Reins to un­ruly Passions; If thou be angry, sin not, be easie to be intreated, again; let not the Sun go down on thy wrath: abhor railing, reviling, or stoma­ching any, in thy patience possess thy Soul.

11. When thou findest any temptations arising, be sure to meet the Tempter in the strength of Christ, with some Scripture commands, promise or threatning, which suits with the nature of the Temptation to repel it: and let not the Tempter get too near thee: If he be within thee, thou art like to be soiled: It's easier to keep out an Ene­my, than to cast him out when he is in; especi­ally eye the Tempter most, when he sets on thee to intice thee into thy Constitution Sins.

12. Mark every hour the coming and going of the Spirit, and attend upon its motions, hear what it saith unto thee, and when thou feel'st more than ordinary of his presence, than examine thy graces, mortifie sin, cleave heartily to God, and delight thy Soul in him; withal, then labour for assurance of his love, (but omit not thy calling) when thou feelest the Spirit depart, let it not go too far before thou criest after it: O make thy moan to God speedily for its income again.

13. Labour to add something to every grace each day of thy life, and to take something from thy sin; build up thy knowledge in faith, love [Page 7] joy, and fear daily; lay consideration to the root of all thy graces to quicken them, be as careful of the graces of thy Soul, as of the Children of thy Body, that each may have its meat in due season; withdraw thy Soul from every Sin, lay the ax to the root of them, and be cutting about them every hour.

14. Have frequent and hourly recourse to the Blood of Christ by acts of Faith, for renewed acts of pardon for thy renewed sins, and keep open the flood-gates of Repentance, which must run day­ly as thou sinnest daily; be perswaded that thy work is never done till thy Life be done; also be frequently leaning on Christ, and drawing strength from him, and help in every undertaking, making him thy All in the point of Accession with the Fa­ther, and assistance in all thy lawful works and duties.

15 If thou fail into the sin of a deep dye, lye not long in it, but apply thy self to Christ for help; and though thou must go with shame to God by Christ for forgiveness, yet go speedily and lye at the Throne of Grace, till thou hast got some sence of God's favour, and made up the breach which thy sins made; till thy strangeness to God by rea­son of that sin be removed from thy spirit: when thou art wounded, it's not good to lye long from the Physitian.

16. Above all, take heed lest thou fall into a custom of sinning; if one act or two may stand after Illumination of Grace, do not think too many will; betimes get out of the way of sinning, the more thou yieldest, the more sad thy case, and hard thy cure is.

[Page 8]17. Be doing or receiving good in all thy places God shall call thee: if thou art among thy Superi­ours in Grace and Knowledge, learn, if among those that are weaker, teach them; suffer not sin to pass by unreproved, but be a faithful, yet a wise Monitor of those about thee, and take reproofs thy self kindly.

18. In the Evening of the day perform thy Eve­ning Sacrifice of private and secret prayer, and praises for thy special graces mercies, and love▪ tokens received that day; then give up thy self to God and his protection, kiss his Son, and let him lye between thy Arms all night, meditate on him in the night watches, and take thy rest sweetly in the Lord.

Nullus Dies sine linea:

SCRIPTURE RULES To be Observed in Buying and Selling.

Rules concerning Buying Commodities.

1. IF you would not transgress Scripture Rules in Buying: then first, take heed that you do not discommend those Commodities that are very good, which you are about to buy, that so you may not bring down the price of the Com­modity, and get it for less than it is worth; there is a known place of Scripture for this, in Prov. 20.14. It is nought saith the buyer; but when he gone his way, then he boastet [...]. People in Solomon's time they were wicked, when they came to the Market to buy any thing, the Buyer he would dis­commend the Commodity, and say, it was nought though it were very good and saleable; but when the seller was gone, then he would boast of what a good penny-worth he had bought, and the like.

2. Do not make vows and protestations, that you will give no more for a Commodity than what you have first offered, when afterwards you will give more. This is a very common thing with Tradesmen: You shall have a man come to a Shop, and cheapen a Commodity, and the Buyer he will say, He will not give a farthing more, and the sel­ler will say, He will not take a farthing less; and [Page] [Page 8] [...] [Page 9] [...] [Page 10] yet both the Buyer gives more and the Sell [...] takes less: now this is no other than a palpabl [...] and downright Lie.

3. Do not give counterfeit money for those Com­modities you buy: This you have an Example o [...] in Abraham, when he was to buy the field in Mack [...] pelah of Ephron the Hittite, for a Burying-place in Gen. 23.16. saith Abraham I will give thee fou [...] hundred Shekles of Silver, current Money with th [...] Merchant; and therefore you transgress Scripture Rules, If you know you have brass Money, o [...] Counterfeit Gold about you, and yet pay it away for Commodities; you sin in doing so, though you your self took it for Commodities.

4. Do not give for a Commodities less than in your Conscience you think it is worth; it is an oppression in buying, when you seek to bring a Commodity under its due value and worth. Abra­ham when he was to buy the Cave in Mackpelah of Ephron, saith he, I will give thee the worth of it in Money and so Davi [...], when he was to buy the Threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite, 2 Sam. 24.24. saith he, I will buy it of thee at the full value of it.

5. Do not long defer the paying of these Com­modities which you have bought, when thou hast by thee wherewithal to pay it. There is an Excel­lent place for this in Prov. 3.27, 28. Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to give it. Say not unto thy Neighbour, go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give, when thou hast it by thee. This Text is re­ferred to works of Mercy, but hath relation to [Page 11] Buying and Selling, and Trading in the World. [...]f you owe a Man Money for a Commodity, you [...]ought to pay him, and not to let him come day [...]ter day for it, and go without it, when you have [...] by you. 2 Kings 4.7. It is the Badge of a wick­ed man in Scripture, not to pay his Debts, in Psal. 31.20. The wicked borroweth and payeth not again.

6. Do not engross a Commodity, that is, do not buy all of a Commodity into your own hands alone, that by that means you may sell the Com­modity at your own price; This is a meer oppres­sion, destructive to a Common-wealth, and to all Trading: The Scripture condemnes this in Prov. 11.6. It is spoken there of Corn-Mongers, saith the Text, He that withholdeth Corn, the People shal cu [...]se him; but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth i [...]. In Solomon's time there were Corn-Mongers, that when Corn was cheap, would go and buy up all the Corn in the Country, and would keep it up and sell none till Corn was very dear; now saith the Text, He that doth thus the People shall curse him for it; but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it. Now it is no sin in it self to engross a Commodity, thereby to sell it the cheaper; but, for a Man to engross a Com­modity meerly thereby to advance the price of it, this is such an oppression, that the People shall curse him for it.

7. Do not in your buying of Commodity take any advantage of the mistake or oversight of the Seller; as, suppose you should come to a Shop, and buy so many Yards of Cloth, or the like, [Page 12] and he should give you more than is thy due, o [...] take less money of thee than is his due, you should take no advantage of him in such a Case, but re­store it again: for if you take any more from hi [...] than you bought of him it is theft or if you give any less for the Commodity than you bargained for. It is Their. There is an excellent place for this in Gen. 43 12. Jacob, when there was a Famine in the Land he sent his Sons down into Egypt to buy Corn, and Joseph he knowing his B [...]ethren, filled their Sacks with Corn, and put the Money which they brought for the Corn in the mouth o [...] their Sacks again; and when they came home and found their Money in the mouth of th [...]ir Sacks, they told their Father Jacob of it: the [...] said he to them, Go back again, and take double Money in your hand; and the Money that was brought again in the mouth of your Sacks, carrie it again in in your hands, for peradventure it was an oversight Here was a conscientiousness in Jacob.

8. Do not buy any Commodities on the Lord's Day: It is true, upon urgent occasions to main­tain Life either of Man or Beast, this is lawful, but to buy any thing that you may well be without till. Munday, in this case you may sin if you buy any thing on the Lord's Day, in Neh. [...]0.13. And Ne­hemiah entred into an Oath, and the people with him, that if any of the people of the Land brought Wa [...]es, or any Victuals, to sell on the Sabbath day, that they should not buy it of them. And as the Law did not give them leave to break the Iewish Sabbath, so neither doth the Gospel give us leave to break the Christian Sabbath; and therefore I cannot see but that is a sin, for men to buy either Wine, or Beer, [Page 13] or Pepper, or Mustard, or any other trivial thing which they may well be without) on the Sab­ [...]ath Day.

7. Do not in buying a Commodity, work upon [...]he necessity of a poor man, that hath need of Mo­ney, this is a great sin in Tradsmen; they know [...]hat a poor man wants money, and he must sell [...]ff his Ware, or else he cannot buy bread for his [...]amily, and therefore he must work upon his ne­cessity, and will not buy the Commodity of him, [...]nless he will sell it cheaper than he can afford it: Now this is a great Oppression! In the 25th of Levit. 14. If thou buy any thing of thy Neighbour, [...]r sellest any thing to thy Neighbour, thou must not [...]se Oppression. There is an Oppression in buying as [...]ell as in selling: It is a great Oppression for rich [...]en to work upon the necessity of a poor Man, [...]o make him sell cheaper than he can afford, or [...]se to buy nothing at all of him.

10. Do not buy those things that are not fit to [...]e bought and sold: as first. Do not buy stolen [...]oods, they are not fit to be bought: If thou know­ [...]st that the Goods that are to be bought are stol­ [...]n Goods, they are not to be bought, but to be [...]estored; the Receiver is as bad as the Thief, so [...]e buyer is as bad as the Thief. Secondly, Do [...]or buy Monuments of Idolatry, for they are not [...]t to be bought, as Crosses, Beads, and Images, [...]d Crucifixes, and the like. Thirdly, Do not [...]uy Men for Slaves, this the Lord reproves in [...]mos 2.16. They sold the Righteous for Silver, and [...]e poor for a pair of Shoes: And so in the 17th of [...]e [...]t Thou shalt not steall thy Brother and m [...]k [...] [...]erchandize of him. We should therefore [Page 14] take heed, lest we split our Souls upon any of the Rocks; and let us labour that among all our b [...] ings, we buy that which Christ bids us by, Isaiah 55 1. Ho, every one that chirsteth come y [...] unto the waters; and he that hath no monie, co [...] ye, and buy, come buy wine and milk with money, and without price.

Rules concerning Selling Commodities.

1. IF you would not transgress Scripture Rul [...] in Selling Commodities, then in the f [...] place, do not multiply words in Selling: T [...] Scripture affords many Examples for this, as Gen. 13.15. Abraham, As I told you before, wh [...] he was to buy the Cave of Machpelah of Ephron, told him that it was worth Four hundred Shekles Silver, and Abraham presently gave him so mu [...] Currant Money with the Merchant: And so G [...] himself takes upon him to be a Seller, in Za [...] 11.12. If you think good, saith God, give my price, if not, forbear; multiplicity of Wor [...] is needless. In a multitude of words (saith S [...] lomon) there is Sin: Men should not lav [...] and frollick in a Shop.

2, Do not commend and over-praise a Comodity, when you know in your Conscience th [...] there is a fault in it: This is a vitious carria [...] in the Seller, when he shall use abundance of [...] words to set out a Commodity, when it is [...] good. As the Buyer should not discommen [...] [Page 15] Commodity when it is good, so should not the Seller over praise and commend a Commodity when it is nought.

3. Do not sell thy Commoditys by false Weights nor by false Measures. Do not keep a deceitfull Ballance, or deceitfull Measure; This is com­manded in Amos 8.5. They make the Ephah small and the Shekel great, and falsifie the Ballances by de­ceit: And so in the 20th. of Prov 20. Divers Weights, and divers Measures, both of them are a­like an abomination unto the Lord. Now this is spoken, not that the Weights and Measures in themselves are an Abomination to the Lord, but only those Men that doe use, and keep and sell by those Weights and Measures; and therefore the Lord gave a special Law for this, to all that did follow Trades in Israel in Deut. 25.14, 15. Saith God there, [Thou shalt not have in thy house divers measures, a great and a small, that is, a great measure to buy, and a small one to sell by, Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and small, but thou shalt have a perfect and a just Weight, and a perfect and a just mea­sure shalt thou have, that thy days may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee: And so in Mic. 6.10. Is there yet, saith God, the treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and the scant measure, which is a­bomination to the Lord.

4. You are to make Conscience in selling a Commodity, not only that you do nor speak falsly but also that you do not speak in an Equivocating, manner. It is an Observation that Luther hath [Page 16] upon these Words, Let no man defraud his Brother: Saith he. There are many Shop keepe that will not lye, but they will Equivocate ve [...] much: You shall have a Trades-man, that sell off a Commodity, he will get a Partner w [...] him, and he shall offer him so much for a Co [...] modity, and then he will tell the next man th [...] comes for that Commodity, that there was o [...] that offered him so much for it but even no [...] and then they will say likewise, It cost me much, when it may be they had other thi [...] with it of greater value and price; and it may they had a great deal of time given them to p [...] for it; whereas the Buyer payes ready Mone [...] and many other Equivocating words they u [...] which is as bad as lying.

5. In selling a Commodity, do not work up the ignorance and simplicity of the Man that co [...] to buy the Commodity; but if you discern him be unskillful, rather use him the better, than [...] worse: In Zech 1:9. says God there, In the same d [...] also will I punish all those young men that leap i [...] the Threshold, which fill their Masters Ho [...] with violence and deceit; And so in 1 Thes. 4. [...] Let no Men, sayes the Apostle, go beyond, or fraud his Brother in any matter, for the Lord is avenger of all such; and so in 2 Pet. 2 3. A [...] through covetousness shall they with feigned w [...] make Merchandize of you, whose judgement ling [...] not. When Men shall work upon the Ignor [...] of the Buyer, and so advance the price of Commodity; this is a great sin.

[Page 17]6 Do not imbase a Commodity from its pri­mitive price and goodness, and yet sell it at the full price as if it were Good, thereby to get the more by it; This the Scripture condemns in A­mos 8.6. They sell the refuse of the Wheat. The Corn mongers in those times they would pluck out the best of their Wheat, and yet sell the worst at the full price of the best; now this the Lord condemns: and so in Isa. 1.21. They mingle wine with water, and dross with silver: The Scripture condemns this, to imbase a Commodi­ty from its primitive goodness, and yet to sell it at the full value of the best.

7. Be not among the first that shall raise the price of a Commoditie: This I hinted to you before in Prov. 11.26 He that withholdeth Corn, the p [...]ople shall curse him; but blessing shall he upon the head of him that seileth it.

8. Be not so eager in selling of your Commo­dities, that you cannot content your selves to sell on the six days of the Week, but you must sell on the Sabbath-day likewise; Be not like those in Amos 8.5. saying, When will the new Moo [...] be over, that we may sell Corn, and the Sabbath be over, that we may set forth Wheat? And so in Neh. 13.15. In th [...]se days saith the Prophet, I saw [...]n Judah so [...]e [...] a [...]ng in W ne presses on the S [...]bba h▪ and br ngin [...] ln S [...]caves, and la [...]in [...] ass s, and all ma ner of Bu [...]hens, which they b o [...]h [...] into Jeru­salem on the Sabbath, and I testified [...]gainst [...]em in the day wherein they sold Victual N [...]w this is against your common sel [...]g H [...]s [...]s, and S ops of [...]ean Trades, that sell by retail, that makes no­thing [Page 18] of selling small trefling things on the Sabbath day, but this is a great sin.

9. When you are found out to be deceitful in your dealing, do not justifie your deceit; many men, if you come to them, and tell them tha [...] they sell dearer than their Neighbours, they wil [...] tell you that they do not; or if you tell then that the Commodity is not good which you bough [...] of them, they will say, it is as good as they ca [...] afford for the price, and the like; this is co [...] demned in Ephraim, in Hos. 12.7. Ephraim a Merchant, the ballance of deceit are in h [...] hand, he loves to oppress, and yet he saith I [...] become Rich, and I have found me out substan [...] and in all my labours they shall find no iniqui [...] in me, that is sin: you should not justifie yo [...] deceit.

10. Do not sell those things that are not sal [...] able: As first, do not sell spiritual things, for th [...] are not saleable; as in Acts 8.20. Simon M [...] gus, when he would have bought the gift of [...] Holy Ghost with Money, saith Peter to him, T [...] monie perish with thee, because thou thoughtest [...] the Gift of God might be purchased with Money▪ [...] condly, do not sell Monuments of Idolatry, Crosses, and Beads, and Images, and Crucifix and Conjuring-books, and the like, they are fit to be sold, as in Acts 19.19. Many also of [...] that used curious Arts, brought their Books t [...] ther, and burnt them before all Men, and [...] counted the price of them, and they found i [...] be 50000 pieces of Silver: This is spoken [...] of Conjuring Books; and notwithstanding [Page 19] were of so great a value, they would not sell whem, but burn them. Thirdly, Do not sell thy self as Ahab did, to work wickedness; for you are not your own, but Gods, and there­fore you must glorifie God in your Bodies and in your Sou [...]s, which are God's. Fourthly, you must not sell stoln Goods. Fifthly, You must not sell those things that are for no other use. but for to commit sin in the using of them. As for to sell stuff to paint Harlot's Faces, is a sin, be­cause it is for no other use, but to commit Sin in the using of it.


A Morning Prayer to be used in Families.

WE praise thee, O God, for thy many pre­cious benefits bestowed on us, for th [...] Creation of the World, and for the Redemptio [...] of Mankind by the Lord Jesus: thou didst safe [...] take us from the womb, and haste ever since car [...] for us, thou hast of thy sweet mercy caused us [...] be born within thy Church, where we have be [...] early given to thee in Baptism. Thou hast affor [...] ed us the means of Grace, and called us to [...] hope of Glory.

But, O most merciful Father, we poor a [...] miserable sinners, conceived in sin and brou [...] forth into iniquity, have gone astray from the [...] we have not cared to know thee, and to do [...] will. but have done our own wills, and follow our foolish and sinful inclinations: and do therfore deserve thy wrath and curs [...].

O Lord; have mercy upon us, turn us [...] thee, and grant us true Repentance and forgiveness of all our sins, for Jesus sake: let it henceforth be our chiefest care to please thee, and s [...] thy Kingdom and Righteousness: work in us a [...] Faith, and a lively Hope, and a frequent Ch [...] ty: make us Humble, M [...]ek, Patient, Sober, Just, Kind and Loving to all Men, Submiss [...] [Page 21] and Obedient to them that are over us: and well Content and Thankfull in every condition of Life: Grant that we may daily grow in Knowledge, Lov­ing, Fearing and Obeying thee: Creat in us clean Hearts, O God, and renew right Spirits within us.

O Lord, send thy Gospel through the World pour out plentifully the Spirit of Truth, Hollnes [...] and Peace on all thy People. Bless this Church and Kingdom, preserve our King and Queen, and all the Royal Family; Guide our Judges and Ma­gistrats, sanctifie and assist the Ministers of the Gospel: Visite all that are in Trouble, and san­ctifie their affliction unto them: be gracious to all our Kindred, Friends and Neighbours, bless and forgive all our Enemies.

We thank thee, O Lord, for thy care of us this night, watch over us this day, and Make us mindful that we are always in thy fight, that we may be in thy fear all the day long: bless us also, O God, in all our lawful imployments, and esta­blish thy work in our hands, and grant that through the whole course of our Life we may be Holy and Harmless in all manner of Life and Con­versation, than when this short and frail Life is at an End, we may be partakers of everlasting life through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose Name and Words we pray, Our Father, &c.

An Evening Prayer for Families.

MOst gracious God, what shall we render to thee for thy many and great benefits bestowed on us? Though we have been unthankful and undutiful servants to thee our Lord and Master; Thou hast continued thy care and kindness for us ever since me were born, and hast preserved us this day: let us never forget thy goodness, but grant that thereby we may be led to Repentance and Amendment of Life. Preserve us from every thing that is displeasing to thee. O Lord, keep us from cursing, swearing and lying from pride, stubborness and idleness: work in us an utter dislike of all uncleanness, gluttony, and drunkenness of malice and envy, of strife and contention, of deceit and covetousness: Give u [...] grace to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world. Cause us to understand and consider the Laws and Life of Jesus, that we may d [...] his will, and follow his steps. Let never th [...] cares of this life, nor the love of riches, nor ev [...] company, nor the corrupt customs of the world withdraw us from the obedience of thy Laws; [...] strengthen and establish us by thy holy Spiri [...] that we may live and die thy faithful Servants.

O Lord send thy Gospel through the Worl [...] pour out plentifully the spirit of truth, holin [...] [Page 23] and Peace on all thy people. Bless this Church and Kingdom, preserve our King and Queen, and all the Royal Family; guide our Judges and Magistrats, sanctifie and assist the Ministers of the Gospel, visit all that are in trouble, and sanctifie their afflictions unto them: be gracious to all our Kindred, Friends and Neighbours: bless and for­give all our Enemies. O Lord, be merciful to us, forgive us the sins of this day, watch over us this night, and keep us ever mindful that we must shortly die, and that we may without delay turn to thee, and pass the time of our sojourning here in fear. Good Lord, hear us, and grant these our desires, and what else thou knows to be need­ful for us, and that for the merits of Jesus Christ, in whose Name and Words we pray, Our Father which art in Heaven, &c.

Grace to be said before Meat.

O Lord, be merciful to us, and pardon our sins: sanctifie these thy good benefits, that we by the sober and thankful use of them, may be en­abled for thy service, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Thanksgiving after Meat.

WE thank and praise thee, O Lord, the giver of all good, who hast at this time fed our Bodies: stir up in us a greater care for our Souls: and grant that our short lives which are so carefully sustained by thy bounty, may be spent in doing thy will. Lead us safely through this vain and sinful World, in which we are pilgrims and Strang­ers, and bring us into everlasting rest, through Je­sus Christ our Lord, Amen.

THe Contents of this Book is desired to be practised by all good Christians.

By yours R. Alleine.

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