The Character of a Trimmer,

HAng out your Cloth, and let the Trumpet sound,
Here's such a Beast as Africk never own'd.
A twisted Brute, the Satyr in the Story,
That blows up the Whig-Heat and cools the Tory.
A State Hermaphrodite, whose doubtful Lust
Salutes all Parties with an equal Gust.
Like Iseland-Shocks, he seems two Natures joyn'd,
Savage before, and all Betrimm'd behind:
And the well tutor'd Currs like him will strain;
Come over for the KING, and back again.
'Tis such a Sphinx, the Devil can't unriddle,
A Human Schism upward from the middle,
And split again below, which gives us light
To the sole Point that can all Sects unite.
Thus did the fam'd Dutch-double-Monster Trimm,
And that cleft Soul's Pythagoriz'd in him.
Noah (whom for the sake of Wine we love)
Sav'd Natures breed by Mandate from above,
But all the learned Sages doe agree
He kept his Ark from Mules and Leopards free,
All such mix'd Animals he scorn'd to float,
And would not save one Trimmer in his Boat.
Beasts feed on Beasts, and Fishes Fish devour,
And o're weak Birds the Winged Tyrants tour;
But this same Land-Fish with his Feather'd-Finns
Commits both Air, and Earth, and Water-Sins,
Complies with those that Fly and Walk and Dive,
But fastens only upon those that Thrive.
In short, his only Art is to inveagle,
Flatter the Popular-Power as well as Regal,
Like a State Janus, or a Church Spread-Eagle.

London: Printed for Jo. Hindmarsh at the Black Bull in Cornhil, 1683.

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