The Case Of William Coryton, Esq for the Burrough of Michell in the County of Cornwall.
To be heard on Monday the 25 th. of November, 1689.

THAT a new Writ being Ordered to issue for the Choice of a Burgess to serve in Parliament for the said Burrough, in the stead of Charles Fanshaw, Esq the said Writ was accordingly taken out by the Petitioner Humphry Courtney, Esq or his Agents, the Twenty fifth, of June last, but detained in their own hands with­out delivering the same to the Sheriff to be executed, although often thereunto requested, until about the Eighteenth of September; at which time the Petitioner, and the said Mr. Coryton stood Candidates, and the said Mr. Coryton was thereupon duely elected by the Majority of the Burgesses and Inhabitants Electors of the said Burrough; the said Mr. Coryton having Twenty three Votes, and the said Mr. Courtney but Nineteen, as appeas by the Poll.

And the said Mr. Coryton was accordingly returned by the Port Reeve, the proper Officer of the said Burrough, and his Indenture annexed to the said Writ, and returned by the High Sheriff.

Yet notwithstanding the faireness of such Election, the said Mr. Court­ney to put the said Mr. Coryton, to, further Trouble and Charges, hath [...] presented a Petition complaining of an undue and and false Return, pretending that he had the Majority of well qualli­fied Electors; whereas in Truth and in Fact, the said Mr. Coryton was duely Chosen and Elected, as well by the Majority of the said Burgesses and Inhabitants of the said Burrough, as by the Majority of the said Burgesses and Inhabitants of the said Burrough paying Scot and Lot.

All which the said Mr. Coryton will make out at the hearing before the Committee.

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