THE CASE OF THE Miserable Orphans of the City of London, Pre­sented to the Honourable House of Com­mons.

Humbly Sheweth,

THat there are about fourteen hundred Orphans, whose Portions left them by their Parents, and paid into the Chamber of the City of London, according to the Custom of the said City, for security of their Portions, which have for many years been de­tained from them that are of Age, and some out of their Appren­ticeships, who for want of their Money to set up their Trades, are reduced to such Necessities, that it hath deprived some of them of their Senses, and others have kill'd themselves, having nothing to subsist with; We having Received no more then Two-pence in the Pound from the Chamber for many years past. Our Ne­cessities are very great, the present Exigencies we are under are past Expression, the Grief of which hath killed many, and others lye Sick and Want, and others are in daily expectation of being sent to Goal for Debts, that have been Contracted for Necessaries to keep them from Starving.

These and many other Grievances (which for brevity are omitted) are with Submission humbly offered to your Compassionate Considerations, this Honourable House of Commons being the only Redressers of the Grievances of those whose Oppressors are too mighty for them, humbly beseeching your Honours, that you will be pleased to give us a speedy Relief, thereby preventing the perishing of some hundreds of us, which will Inevitably be before another Sessions.

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