THE CASE OF THE Lieutenants of the late second Marine Regi­ment, Commanded by the Honourable Sir Clowdsly Shovel, and of several of their Wi­dows.

THAT they are in Arrears of full Pay from the 17th. of February 1696/7, to the Time of their being Disbanded, being the 11th. of September, 1698. which is above Twenty One Months; during which time They never received any Subsistance.

THAT they stand no ways Charged with any In­cumbrances whatsoever, which may affect this their Pay.

THAT the Parliament did Appropriate Money for the two Marine Regiments for this very time they are in Arrears, which hath never been Paid them.

THAT most of them have Contracted several Debts upon the Credit of their said Pay, which is like to prove Destructive to them, their Creditors Suing them for the same, which they are no ways able to pay without their Ar­rears.

And in Regard some of the Lieutenants of the same Re­giment by particular Favour from the late Lords Commissi­oners of the Treasury, have Receiv'd their Arrears for the Time aforesaid.

It is therefore Humbly Hoped, That this Honourable House will take their said particular Case and Hard­ship into Consideration, and Order them such Relief therein, as to your Honours Justice shall seem meet, They having made due Application both to the late Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, and Commissioners of the Navy, but without Effect.

[...] Second Marine Regiment and of several of their Widows▪

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