THE CASE OF THE Cow-keepers, within the Weekly Bills of Mor­tality, in Relation to the BILL now De­pending before this Honourable House, For the better Regulating Select Vestries.

THAT it is too well known, how the Poors Rates have increased of late Years, and what very great Losses the Cow-keepers have lately sustained; Indeed they have suffered so much, that they wou'd inevitably been Ruined, had not His MAJESTY been Graciously Pleased to have been Bountiful to them.

THAT by the Bill now Depending, it is Humbly Conceiv'd, That all Houses, Lands, and Personal Estates, will be Charged with an equal Pound Rate, which will be a very heavy Burthen, not upon the Land-Owners, but upon the Land-Holders (especially the Cow-keepers) within the Weekly Bills of Mortality; and if the Cow-keepers are made liable to this Charge, they will not be able to follow their Imployments, so absolutely necessary for the Supplying the Cities of London, Westminster, Borough of Southwark, and Suburbs thereof; For the Rent of such Land, as lies within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, is very high, and the most Considerable Return, a Tenant or Land-Holder can make from such Land, is by the Stock kept thereupon; so 'tis Humbly Hop'd, That Stock upon Land shall be Exempted out of the present Bill Depending, the Legislator having thought fit to Exempt all Stock upon Land, from the Tax laid upon Personal Estates, by Virtue of the several Acts past, for Raising Money by a Land-Tax, &c.

THAT since all the Land, or the greatest Part of it, within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, is generally held by long Leases, from the Land-Owners, the Tenants will be obliged to Pay the Pound Rate, so intended to be laid upon Land, whereby they will Pay almost a double Tax; which the several Parishes must unavoidably lay upon the Cow-keepers, unless Provision be made in the Bill, That the Land may bear only a Proportion, of Two Third Parts to the Charge upon Houses; which has been Practised for several Years, in such Parishes, where a Pound Rate has been laid, for Raising the Poors Rates.

IT is Humbly Pray'd, That this Honourable House will be pleased to take into Consideration the great Losses the COW-KEEPERS have sustained, and the many Debts they have incurred by Reason thereof, and what Hard­ships they will be under, if the Bill aforesaid shou'd Pass, as it is now drawn, and to give them such Relief, as to Your Honours shall seem Reasonable.

AND they will ever Pray, &c.

THE CASE OF THE Cow-keepers, within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, in Relation to the BILL, now Depending before this Honourable House, For the better Regulating Select Vestries.

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