The CASE of the Contractors with the C'ZAR of MOSCOVY, for the Sole Importation of Tobacco into his Dominions.

THEY were incouraged to enter into a Treaty with the Czar for a Free Importation of Tobacco into his Dominions, by a BILL that was Depending in the House of Commons for Inlarging the Trade to Russia, by an Easie Admission into the Freedom of that Company; and they deferred the Concluding any Absolute Agreement, till the BILL had passed that House, and had Deferred it till it had Passed the House of Lords and the Royal Assent, but that the C'zar and his Ministers, were then upon their Departure.

They thought a Thing of that Nature, so greatly and unquestionably Ad­vantageous to this Kingdom, and by which no Man's Property was Invaded (because the BILL made no Alteration in their Charter, but only fixed the Fine for Admission; which neither their Charter nor the Act of Parliament that Confirmed it, takes any notice of) would not have met with any Oppo­sition.

They paid the C'zar 12000 l. immediately upon Signing the Contract, and it cost them above 1000 l. more in other Charges to obtain it; and this they did before one half of the Sum was subscribed that was intended for a Stock suffi­cient to Carry on the Trade. But when the BILL was opposed, all further Subscriptions ceased; every body being sensible that without a Freedom of the Russia Company, the Trade could not be Carried on to any Advantage; and unless the Terms of Admission were very easie, those Persons that were but lit­tle concerned in the Tobacco Contract, would not take their Freedom: And except every Man concerned were Free, the Trade could not be driven: thus the whole Burthen of that Undertaking fell upon the Shoulders of Seven­ty or Eighty Persons, who were the First Subscribers; and some of those up­on the fore-mentioned Discouragements, do refuse to pay their Proportion of the 13000 l. or be any ways concerned in the Trade.

Nevertheless the rest thought it needful to send some Tobacco, and thereby shew their willingness to Comply with their part of the Contract, lest the C'zar should take an Advantage by their Neglect, and so they might lose the 12000 l. paid Him, and all their other Charges; and the Nation the Advantage of that Liberty which had been so long desired.

But the BILL not passing, and the Russia Company having power to seize any Englishmens Ships and Goods that Trade to Russia without their Licence, they could not send any Tobacco from hence directly for Archangel, the only Port of Russia: Therefore they ordered about 110000 Pounds of Virginia Leaf (that were first sent from London to Holland) to be sent from Holland thi­ther. What more they could get ready for that Season, which was about 180000 Pounds of Role and Cut Tobacco, with Tobacco Pipes, Boxes, &c. they were forced to send from hence by way of Narva, a Sweeds Port; which [Page] hath proved very prejudicial to them, because the Sweeds demand upon the Role 17, and upon the Cut 34, per Cent. Custom, according to the true value: all which might have been saved, if they had had Liberty to have sent it direct­ly to Archangel.

Their Factors in Russia have sold part of the Tobacco that was sent them, and write that in a few years a very considerable Quantity may be Vended there; but being a New Thing, it will require Time and a great Charge, to put it into a Right Method, and make it Diffusive throughout that Vast Empire.

They hope their Undertaking being of such National Advantage, and by which they have at present so little Prospect of Profit to themselves, will meet with all due Incouragement from the Publick.

If they cannot obtain their Freedom of the Russia Company this Sessions, upon Moderate Terms, they shall not be able to Comply with their Contract with the C'zar, but must be forced to throw up their Patent, or dispose of it to the Dutch on the best Terms they can; for the Russia Company will neither make use of it themselves (tho the Contractors have proffered it them and a Large Sum of Money, to accept of it) nor suffer others to do it, that would, except upon such Conditions as cannot be Complied with.

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