The CASE of the Clothiers and Fullers of the Counties of Glocester, Devon, Oxford, Worcester, York, Dorset and Wiltshire.

THE East-India Company have for several Years last past Bought about 10000 Clothes per Annum, which are fully Manufactured, and do amount to upwards of 100,000 l. per Annum, in which same Manu­facture upwards of 40000 Families are Annually Imploy'd.

The said Company (besides Great Quantities of Norwich-Stuffs, Callimancoes. Camblets, &c.) have also Bought for several Years last past, upwards of 8000 Exeter Long Ells per Annum; which are likewise fully Manufactured here, and do amount together to upwards of 20000 l. per An­num; which Manufacture does, in like manner, Annually Imploy many Thousands of Poor Families.

The said Clothiers and Fullers being Inform'd, a Vote is past the Honourable Committee, for Ways and Means for Laying a farther Duty on the East-India Trade, which if it should pass into a Law, they have great Reason to believe it will be so great a Discouragement to the said Trade, as to disable the said Company from Buying and Exporting the said Manufactures; which in Consequence will be the Ruin of many Thousands of Poor Families, and will considerably Lessen the Price of Wooll.

They therefore do most humbly Pray, the said Duty may not be Laid.

THE CASE OF THE Clothiers and Fullers, OF THE Counties of Glocester, Devon, Oxford, Worcester, York, Dorset and Wiltshire.

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