THE CASE OF THE Free Butchers OF THE City of London.

THE Free-Butchers which reside without the Liberty of the City, are obliged by Reason of want of Room, and the Rents being dear in the City, to take Houses in the Out-parts for their Conven­iency of Killing, &c And keep the Markets in the said City to vend the same, and have no other Place to do it in.

AND for the better Ordering and Regulating of the several Markets in the said City, there are Instructions in an Act of Common-Council, made in the Maioralty of Sir William Hooker, late Lord Mayor of the said City; persuant to which Act, there is a Time appointed for Foreigners or Countery People to bring their Provisions to sell in the said Markets, which is four Days of the Week only: But for want of proper Officers to Inspect the Markets, they use the Markets every Day of the Week, and so break thro' that Clause of the aforesaid Act, that fixes the seve­ral Days, and likewise every other Clause thereof, to the great Prejudice of the Citizens, who pay▪ and bear Scot and Lot for all the Charges that are required by this Antient City, to support the Grandure thereof.

THAT there are great Numbers of Persons that come up to Town as Labourers, who get into some Place where they learn a little insight of the Trade, and after that they come and sell Meat every Day in the City, and claim as much Right under the Farmers of the Markets as a Person serv­ing seven Years to the Trade, and others that serve part of their Time, and upon a Non-Inrolment, or Death of their Master sets up the Trade as if they had duly served their Time.

THAT the Butchers, or those that call themselves so, which daily use the Markets are not Countrey People, but Persons that live in and about Shoreditch, Cowcross, Swan-Alley- the back of Grays-Inn Lane, and divers Places Adjacent to the City, of which many have served their Time, but will not take up their Freedoms of the City, having the enjoyment of the same Privilege as the Citizens themselves.

THAT, for the Reasons aforesaid, the Company as well as the City suf­fer, for none Cares to bind or take up their Freedoms, having no more Privilege than a Foreigner; Whereas there is now many hundreds that would either buy their Freedoms, or take them up.

THAT the King, City, and Company loose their several Duties and Fees, and the Orphans suffer in the Duty apropriated for them likewise.

NOW, if the Citizens and Freemen of London had the Privilege of abiding in the City-Markets (they having, as is above observed, no other Place to use their Trade in) to dispose and sell their Provisions but the two Days called By-days seperate from the Foreigners, who, according to the aforesaid Act of Common-Council are both excluded selling Pro­visions on these two Days, then all that had a Right would gladly take up their Freedoms, by which means both King, City, Company, and Orphans would have their Dutyes, Dues and Taxes secured; Likewise the Farmers of the Markets would find their Interest in it. And also the Inhabitants of this Great and Populous City would be supplyed with as great if not greater Plenty of all sorts of wholsome Flesh, and at as Cheap a Rate, if not Cheaper than now it can be conveyed to them. But under the present Dilemma, most Persons are indifferent, they will not bind Apprentices or take up their Freedoms when out of their Time.

N. B. The Persons complain'd of in this Case are so numerouse, that they have frequent Meetings to collect and subscribe Money to oppose Justice in any Paosecution on the several Heads aforesaid, and for want of proper Penalties a Prosecution is Inefectual.

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