THE BARGAIN Which the DUKE OF LUXEMBOURG General of the Troops of France, made with the DEVIL, to Win BATLES; AND To make his Name famous over all the habitable Earth, and to be Loved of the Kings of France, and of all the Lords and Ladies of that Court; With the Tricks and Cheats of the Devil. Containing twenty four Articles.
In a Letter from Paris to one at London, June 10: 1692.
Translated out of French.


I Have according to your desire made diligent Enquiry after the Articles of Com­pact, that the Duke of Luxembourg is said to have made with the Devil, and with much ado found one Copy of them, which I here enclosed send you. I doubt not but you may have heard, that when the said Duke was taken, and [...]nt to the Bastile, upon suspition of being concerned in the Poysoning Business, that [...]me y [...] ago m [...]d [...] such [...] noise all the Kingdom over, all his Papers were seized, [...]d this of the Compact was found amongst them, and some time afterwards Printed [...]re at Paris. By this you will see what the Boundless Ambition of a vain glorious [...]an is capable of seting him upon, and that he will make no difficulty to violate all [...]ivine and Humane Laws, to satisfie the same; But he who was a Lyar and Deceiver [...]om the beginning, served him no better then he alway do's all his Votaries, for not [...]e of the Articles did he keep or perform, this was the most powerful Argument that [...]evail'd with the Duke, to believe that he was cheated by the Devil, and made him [...]pent of his Bargain. The French King when he saw these Articles, asked the Duke, [...]y he would do so abominable a thing? his Answer was, That he believ'd nothing [...]nlawful that could contribute to the Glory and good Success of his most Christian [...]jesties affairs, both at Home and Abroad; And that he valued not what became of [...]mself afterward, providing he could have the satisfaction, in this World, of being [...] Chief Person in his favour, and be successful in War. The King 'tis said, smil'd the fancy, [...] thanked him for his Zeal; And sent Jesuits and other Ghostly Fathers to [...]ruct and disingage him of that Treaty; Which when they had done, and made [...]ort thereof to the king. His most Christian Majesty has ever since thought him [...] fittest Person in his Kingdom to be intrusted with the Chief Command of his Army's [...] Flanders, and else where.

Monesiur Luxembourge to the Devil.

1. THou shall give me every Month during my Life, One hundred thousand Crowns in good and Lawful Money, passable wherever I shall be, half Gold, and I Silver.

2. Thou shall make me win all the Battles I shall Fight, whither it be aainst the [...]ng's Enemies whom I serve, or my own particular Enemies.

3. Thou shalt preserve my Body from all Accidents, either from Wounds, Fire, or [...]ord, ad from poyson, and generally from all Accidents whatsomever.

4. Thou shalt let me know in six houres time the Secrets of all Courts, and of all the [...]uncels of Europe, with all the discourses they have in their conversations, &c.

[Page] 5. Thou shalt make me agreeable to all sorts of persons, as well of the one Sexe as the other.

6. Thou shalt make me Honoured and Respected by all Nations, and particularly by the Nations of Europe.

7. Thou shalt give me a Spirit of Judgement and Understanding to do all things easily that are necessary for me.

8. Thou shalt make me know all Sciences and Arts, as well as the Mathematicks as Others.

9. Thou shalt make me expert at all Exercises, either to Command the Armies, or to manage ARms, Dance, or Ride the great Horse.

10. And when I am sick, thou shalt give me Physick to cure me in three dayes.

11. Thou shalt prolong my Life, my Dayes for thirty years, counting from the day of making the Bargain between thee and me.

12. Which Conditions if thou shalt perform, I promise to give thee my Body and Soul to be disposed of as thou shalt think fit. And for the Execution of my promise, I sign the said Bargain with my own Blood.

The Devil to Monsieur Luxembourg.

1. I Will give you every moneth, during your life, One hundred thousand Crowns o [...] Good, and Lawful Money passible where ever you shall be; half Gold, & half Silver

2. I will make you win all the Battels you shall Fight, either against the Enemies o [...] the King whom you serve, or your own particular Enemies.

3. I will preserve your Body from all Accidents, either from Wounds, Fire, o [...] Sword, and from Poison; and generally from all Accidents whatsoever.

4. I will let you know in six houres time, all the secrets of all the [...], and all [...] Councels of Europe, with all the Discourses which they have in their private conver­tions.

5. I will make you agreeable to all sorts of Persons, as well of the one Sex, as the oth [...]

6. I will make you honoured and respected by all Nations, and particularly by [...] Nations of Europe.

7 I will give you a Spirit of Judgement and Understanding to do easily all this that are necessary for you

8. I will make you know all the Sciencies and Arts, as well the Mathematicks, as oth [...]

9. I will make you expert at all Exercises, either to command the Armies, or manage Arms, Dance, or Ride the great Horse.

10. And when you are sick. I will give you Physick to cure you in three dayes.

11. I will prolong your Life and your Dayes for thirty years, counting from the [...] of making the bargain between thee and me.

12. Which if I perform, thou shalt give me thy Body and Soul to be disposed o [...] [...] I think fit.

Re-Printed conform to the LONDON Copy, Printed for S. Daniel, 1692.

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