The Ballad.
⟨On the Bishops⟩

ASsist me some good spright with a hie, with a hie,
Whilst I sing of a flight with a ho.
Of in Auspicious Fowles,
All sillier than Owles.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
Not so grave as Owles they be with a hie, &c.
Nor so wise in time you'l see with a ho.
These Birds when they'r Install'd,
All Magpies they are call'd.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
The platter faced Owl with a hie, &c.
Like a wise sober Fowl with a bo.
Is bashful in the Light,
And preys only in the Night.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
But our PRELATICK PIES with a hie, &c
Not so modest nor so wise with a ho.
On Church and State they prey,
In the open face of day.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
Peaceful Ssorks men believe with a hie, &c.
In Republicks only live with a ho.
But this chattering SƲCK-EGG-PIE,
Thrives best in Tyrany.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
'Tis a strange dapple thing with a hie, &c.
Against the people for a King with a ho.
Be he Mogul or be he Turk,
It's all one they'll do his work.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
'Tis as he shall them incline with a hie, &c.
For all their Right Divine with a ho.
If he'll make his people slaves,
They'll be his humble Knaves.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
They say Protestants they are with a hie, &c.
Yet they wish a POPISH HEIR with a ho.
And it's plain they lye in the lurch,
To give up State and Church.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
Some say they are Learned Elves with a hie, &c.
And read Fathers like themselves with a ho.
Silly School-men they run o're,
And desire to know no more.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
Thus with their own dull Load with a hie, &c.
They jogg along the Road with a ho.
In a Track like Carriers Horse,
Each Nose in t'others Arse.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
It is small Learning when they with a hie, &c.
Learn but what others say with a ho.
And never step aside,
To learn any thing beside.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
Without knowledg in our Laws, with a hie, &c.
They wou'd run down our Cause with a ho.
By obedience implicite,
To a King that does solicite.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
To Rule they would be content with a hie, &c.
By the Old Testament with a ho.
Against Magna Charta they
Bring Scripture into play.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
Their Auditors they abuse with a hie, &c.
With old Laws of the Jews with a ho.
Meant by God no more for ours,
Than they for higher Powers.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
To the Hab [...]as Corpus Bill with a hie, &c.
They'd oppose all their skill with a ho.
All good Laws they would prevent,
One and all not content.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
Let the Old Roman see with a hie, &c.
Claim Infallibility with a ho.
But to ours it does belong,
To be always in the wrong.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
Our MAGPY's a strange creature with a hie, &c.
Of a base Mungril nature with a ho.
'Tis call'd a Lord it's cleer,
But as true it is no Peer.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
The right Rev. BƲGGERRING LORD with a hie, &c.
MAGPY of Waterford with a ho.
By a Common Jury try'd,
By a common Hang-man dy'd.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
He acts a Lord for life with a hie, &c.
But no title has his Wife with a ho.
Jus Divinum is his Word,
For which we care not a Turd.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
They are Tapers without light with a hie, &c.
They present to your sight with a ho.
Rich alters to your eyes,
Without a Sacrifice.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.
This Taffety and Lawn with a hie, &c.
From the Whore of Rome did spawn with a ho.
For which they and all their Fry,
Would still keep very nigh.
With a high trony nonny nonny no.
Let the MAGPIES then to Rome with a hie, &c.
From whence they all do come with a ho.
They do all the Popes work
And like Ravens cry YORK, YORK.
With a hie trony nonny nonny no.

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