THE BURGESS TICKET OF BUCKHAVEN GIVEN TO ALEXANDER BRYSON; Within the College thereof, upon the 32 Day of JULIUS CAESAR, 1698 Years.
Suits call [...]d, and the Court lawfully fenced, By Mother GREG.

THE Whilk Day compeared personally lang Sandy Tasone, Provost, Tanie Dolers, and Willie on the Know,, Bailiffs; with full consent of the Mem­bers of the College. TO Wit, Dr. Christopher Pills Principal, and Mr. William Ells Rector, Walter Pigs. Chirurgion and Apothecary Za­charias Silver, Gold-smith, John Cosh Black-smith, Thomas Weddal Spurrier, John Spails Wright, John Stones Masone, little John Kis­trel Shoemaker, John Black Tailor, Robert Tasone Barber, Alexander Tasone Haberdasher, John Selch Trunk-maker, Hugh Macgie Mirror maker, David Greir­son Clap-smith, Duncan Mackallum Horner, Thomas Gibson Constable-conveener, Richard Wood Millerr Jack Bell Cryer, Scourer clear Sword-slipper, Robert Thrippeny whit-iron­man, Thomas Bell Wheelabout, Francis Plates Puetherer, George Pipes Plummer, Lewis la-hair Perrewig-maker, Thomas Scribes Writer, Daniel Gold Imbroiderer, Clay-holes Pipe-maker, James Hydes Tanner, Alexander Tasone Barber, Lovy Glasier, David Durie ShiP­wright, John Main Town Major, William Rae Wobster, William Mitchel Herriots Cook Peter Bungs Brewer, John Tasone Gardner, Robert Stirrops Sadler, John Tasone and George Jack Officers, William Daes Gardners Officer, together with the whole Council of the said Burt, for ane new and lawful Election to be made of the Provost, Baillies, Council, and others thereof. In like manner compeared personally, Alexander Bryson, who humuly requir­ed his Burgeship, who was admitted and received Gild-burges of the said Burt, with Pow­er and Liberty to him, to sell, Canarie, Purle-royal, Pontack, vine de Paris, Ranish wine Italian wine, vine de Burdeaux, Brandy, Uscubea, Strong-waters, Ale, Bear, Sma-drink, Swats, Setlings, Draff, Schyrings, Pourings, and all other smaller Liquors, as Lemonado, or water Solis. And to take and kill all manner and Sorts of Fishes, that's within or with­out their above named Seas, as is hereafter specified, such as Allegators, Truts, Eils, Cros-fish. Brassi-fish, Killing, Ling, Scate, Codlings, Baggaties, Padles, Haddocks, Herrings, Grem­asking-fish, Sea-cats, Potches, Garvies, whitings, Whales, Spirlings, Floocks, Sandeils, Turbets Stock-fish, Ling, Kipper, Slupes, Carps, Pikes, Mennans, and Water Paddocks, and all o­ther the like Commodities, and ficklike, to sell and gather Dulse, Tangle, Sea-ware, Hen­ware, Slaack, and Badderlaick: And also, to gather Muscles, Cockles, wilks Lugg and Lim­peus, Pintle-fish, Lobsters, Partens, Buckies, Worms, and other gray Bait, and therwith to bait the great Line, Small line, Hand lines, Bangnet, and Casting-net. And also to use the wand for flaying and killing of fishes, such as Podleys and Potches, and to take Par­tens, Kavies, Crabs, Palochies, and other Shell fish, with Crook and Climpet and all o­ther Engines whatsoever. As also to take and kill Selches, powarts, Ottars, and suchlike wherever he can apprehend them either by Sea or Land. And the said Alexander Bryson binds and obliges him to watch, waird, Scot and Lot, and in Skaith keep that the said Burt be not win or taken in by the Great Turk, the Emperor, the King of Spain, the King of Denmark, the King of France, or any other Fugitives, Lowns, Vagabounds, Knaves Whores, Harlots, Thieves, Limmers, Tinklars, Laids, Bairds, Gaberlunziemen and other Sturdie Beggars: And for that Effect the said Alexander Bryson be armed with Musmegs Morterpieces, Connon Royal, Canon ordinary, Canon Serpentine, French Canon, Demy Cannon Eldest, Demy Cannon, Culvering, ordinary Culvering, Demy Culvering, Demy Cul­veridg something less, Sacker ordinary, Sacker or Minian, Falcon, Falconet, Blunderbush, Musquet, Carabein Hulster pistels, Side pistols. Pocket pistols, bourtrie Guns, Bane Guns, Quite Guns and Pen Guns; So being provided of all these, ordains him never to want a Hornful of Powder, and likewise to be furnished with Sting, Thing, Ling, and Pike-staff and all other Engines of war, such as was used by Alexander the Great, by Scanderbeg [Page]and Tamerlane, at the Ingagements between the King of BRITAIN, the French and the Hollander, or what was used at Worster. Dumbar, York, Newcastle, Kilsyth, Inverkeith­ing, Pinkie Field, Pentland, Bothwell-bridge, or at the Bickering between Leith and Edinburgh or at any other Fight since Cain and Abel, to that betwixt Michael Bobin and his wife with the Rock, to defend the said Burt in time of War and Trouble; and not to absent himself in Moss, Muir, Cleugh-Craig, Brae, Know, How, Hill, nor no other part whatsomever un­der the pain of poinding his readiest Goods and Gear, and Tinsel of his Freedom for ever. And gave in his great solemn Oath upon a Skate Rumple, before the Lords and Council con­veened, not to see any wrong or Prejudice to the said Burt, so far as his Strength and Power can reach. Whilk Act above written was read and approven of in Presence of the whole Ma­gistrates and Council conveened, with many Promises to Alexander Bryson of farder Prefer­ment and Authority, if he did behave himself according to the Uncivil Civilitie of the said Burt. Upon the whilk compeared Lang-Sandy, the most ancient Skipper of the said Burt, and protested against the said act and Election, as not being lawfully elected with­out his Consent and Advice, avowing himself to be the eldest Blood of the City, that be­cause his predecessors having evermore the Rule and Government thereof, these many years bygane, past memory of Man: And that he and his Predecessors has been in Possession as chief Magistrates of the said Burt, without tineing of Election, and in continual Use and Custom to trade and traffique after the said Manner particularly above-mentioned; and to have the first Vote, Place of Court, and Plaint, and all other priviledges in all Proceedings And for that Effect the said Lang Sandy, as having the eldest Right of Provostry, protested and took Instruments in Gideon Wilson's Hands, being the Town Clerk for the Time, and pre­sented Henry Tasone, his eldest Son and Heir, and desired that he should be admitted in his Place, in Respect he himself was grown, and aged, through much Ease, drinking of strong Drink, selling of strong waters, albeit in his Youth he might have gone through a large Curtin-Ring, Yet he was subject to great Travel, rowing and failing over the high and sandy Places in the Sea, and by the Art of Navigation, to compass the Seas of soft Yird, and hard Yird and west to the Cardown, the soft buckie Yird and the west ground of the Craig, the out Ground and In-groudd of Pickletillum, the outmost Channel, and the inmost Channel, taking up by Marks on the Land, the Fire-bank of the Berwick-law, Carlice-muir, and Great Law, Cleuch in Clachan, and little Lomonds, Drupies, Keley by the Law, the Lumond by the Loch, the Ca­non-gate, the Beacon on the Gallow-lee, the Skinoch Dinghal and Gridleness. AND therefore, the said Lang Sandy, as being weak and unable of himself to discharge the Office of Provostry, desiring his Son to be admitted and received in Manner forsaid, whilk made great Strife and Debate among the Clans of the said Burt, being all assembled in the said College; TO witt Tom Thomson alias Black Thomas, Robie Tasone in the Closs, Robs Tasone, alias White Wil­lies Sandy Tason and Jame Tason in the Know, and Willie Tason in the Brae, Thumbless Katies Good-man. David Tason Isobells Davie Junie lang Hendries Son, Willie Tasone, Bet­ties Willy, Tams Son, Pate Waker, dainty Nainsies Son, June Walker, Lybraes Son, and Ta­nie Dollers lade: All Fishers or Sea Fleshers of the said Burt, whilk Desire they would in no ways grant nor stand to, neither suffer a young Provost to be in Respect his Head would not fill his Father's Bonnet: Upon the whole Lang Sandy Protested and avowed to appeal to a higher Judge, whereupon the said Alexander Bryson sworn and admitted Burgess, asks Acts of Court Extracted forth of the Court Books of Buckhaven, be me,

Sic Subscribitur, With the Town Seal thereunto affixt, GIDEON WILSON, Cls Burgi de Buckhaveno.
[Buckhaven town seal?]

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