THE bad Husband's Information of ill Husbandry; Or, He goes far that never turns.

SHEWING, How a Good-fellow spent most of his Estate,
But did repent before it was too late:
Wishing all others to take warning by this,
And strive in time to mend what is amiss,
To the Tune of, Digby's Farewel: Or The Jovial Crew.
YOu bonny boon blades that are company keepers,
Come hither and listen unto this my Song,
All you that strong Liquor do love for to tipple,
'Tis unto you that these Verses belong:
'Tis known a bad Husband I have been all my life,
But now i'le be loving and kind to my Wife?
Eor surely I thought it would never be day.
Until I had brought my Estate to decay.
I have spent all my treasure, and wasted my time;
In keeping of Company both night and day,
And my loving Wife she would often come to me,
Saying Thomas come hither and here what I say:
But I ne'r regarded the words that she told,
So long as my Money and Credit would hold:
For surely I thought &c.
Sometimes to the Market I would go and sell
A Quarter of Barley, or Wheat of the best,
And when that my pockets with money were fill'd,
My hart and my mind could take little rest;
But unto the Ale-house I straight would away,
And there peradventure all night I would stay:
For surely I thought &c.
And when that I unto my Hostis did come,
I would call for a Flaggon and a private room;
Then her daughter Katherine would wait me upon,
And instead of a Flaggon she brings me a Gun:
My Hostis she presently smil'd in my face,
For she knew I would call for my Liquor apace;
I would pay for it roundly and down with my Oust,
For I found that my Landlady car'd not to trust.
IN singing and dancing was all my delight,
And there I would tarry from morning till night;
I would have the Musick unto me to play,
And thus I did tipple my money away:
I should have a Girl to sit on my knee,
O such foolish fancies have beggered me:
For surely &c.
But my Wife and Children I left them at home,
Still waiting and waiting when I did come,
To bring them provision, or Cloaths to their back,
For I knew very well that such they did lack;
But though I did know it, I never took care,
Tho their bellies did pinch & their backs did goe bare;
So I had but Liquor to fill up my skin,
I never regarded what case they were in.
And when that I late came home in the night.
With my wife and my children straight would I fight
And as soon as I put my feet in the door:
I should out with my purse and call my wife Whore;
At these urging speeches she would sit and cry,
The more silly Rascal and Drunkard was I:
For to abuse her that was my best friend,
But now I'm resolved in time for to mend.
For I see if a man do spend all that he have,
At last they will count him but a drunken Knave;
They will point their fingers as he doth pass by,
Saying there goes a Drunkard, and so he will dye;
Therefore all bad Husbands take warning by me,
Lest that you do bring your selves to poverty:
For surely I thought, &c.
For the other day as I past up the Town,
I met with my Hostis in her silken Gown,
With the Knees of my breeches and elbows burst out
But she was so ready to give me a flout,
I could not get a Flagon of Beer at her hands,
Tho with her I had spent my house, goods & lands:
It made me to sigh and am ready to cry,
O what an ill Husband and Drunkrrd was I;
But if I had been rul'd by my Wife at the first,
I might have had silver and gold in my Purse,
To maintain good house-keeping, & children at nurse,
But I hope it will mend when it is at the worst;
I am resolv'd now to lead a new life,
And ever be loving and kind to my Wife:
For it makes me to sigh and am ready to cry,
O what an ill Husband and Drunkard was I;
Now I am resolv'd a new life to begin,
The Ale-wife shall, card and her daughter shall spin,
Before I will be any more such a Mome,
I'le be a good Husband, and tarry at home;
'Tis not their fair speeches that shall me entice,
Nor bring me again into Fools Paradise:
For it makes me to sigh and am ready to cry,
O what an ill Husband and Drunkard was I▪
Young-men and bad Husbands take warning by me,
Lest that you do bring your selves to poverty;
And in your expences pray be not to bold,
But lay up your Mony against you are old;
Be sure do not spend your Money in vain,
But keep it in your Purse your charge to maintain:
Then you will not be forc'd to sigh and to cry,
O what an ill Husband and Drunkard was I.
Concluding these Verses, which here I have pen'd,
I hope that no honest Man here I offend:
Then read them, and buy them, and bear them away,
And like to me do not wander astray;
The price is a Penny, and it is not dear,
For there's many a Penny spent worse in the year;
And if that you chance to take warning by it,
I think you've an excellent penni-worth of Wit,

Printed for P. Brooksby at the Golden Ball in Pye Corner.

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