THE Bonny Scottish Lad, AND THE Yielding Lass.

To an excellent new Tune much in Request, called The Liggan Waters.
BOnny Lass I love thee well,
bonny Lad I love thee better,
Wilt thou pull off thy Hose and Shoon,
and wend with me to Liggan Water?
Liggan Water is so deep,
and I am loath to wet my feet.
But if you'll promise to marry me.
I'll put off my Shoon and follow thee.
I have House, and I have Land,
I have all things at command,
I have a thing that you ne'er see,
Bonny Lass wilt thou Mow with me?
I good store of Cattel keep,
Cows, Bulls and Oxen, Hogs and Sheep,
And all I have I'll give to thee,
bonny Lass wilt thou mow with me?
Bonny Lad it is all in vain,
before you shall your will obtain,
I'll make you promise to marry me,
and then thou'st freely Mow with me.
For your Goods and Lands I do not care,
then bonny Jocky pray forbare,
For I will never yield to thee,
without you'll promise to Marry me.
As I went forth one Morning fair,
I met with a bonny Lass, fresh and gay,
A bonnier Lass, I ne'er did see
until I chanc'd to meet with thee.
This bonny Lass did ogle me,
and I could hardly pass her by,
She began for to be so free,
and sighing said, she'd dye for me.
From her white hand a Ring she took,
and said, My Lad this is for thee,
She gave me a smiling look,
and soon did yield to lig with me.
Then bonny Jenny pity take,
Ise left that bonny Lass for your sake:
Soon I began to fancy thee,
then bonny Jenny lie with me.
All night in softest Wool we'll lye,
and kiss as close as Cockles do;
Then we the Bliss of Love will try,
in Summer and in Winter too.
How can you so fickle be
to doat on all that you do see?
If I should yield to lig with thee,
thou soon wou'd prove as false to me
I'd have all Lasses wiser grow,
and not fond Love to young Men show
For before that I do yield to thee,
I'll make you promise to marry me.
But yet alas! for all her Act
little Cupid shot a Dart,
That she could not resist Love's Charm
but strait did yield to Jocky's Arms.

Printed for I. Conyers at the Black Raven in H [...]born.

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