THE Bonny SCOT: OR, The Yielding LASS.

To an Excellent New Tune.

This may be Printed,

R. P.
[spinning wheel]

AS I sate at my Spinning-Wheel,
a bonny Lad there passed by,
I keen'd him round, and I lik'd him weel
geud Faith he had a bonny Eye:
My Heart new panting, 'gan to teel,
But still I turn'd my Spinning-Wheel
Most gracefully he did appear,
As he my presence did draw near,
And round about my slender Waste,
He clasp'd his Arms and me embrac'd:
To kiss my hand he down did kneel,
As I sate at my Spinning-Wheel.

My Milk-white Hand he did extol,
And prais'd my Fingers long and small,
And said, there was no Lady fair,
That ever could with me compare:
Those pleasing words my Heart did feel,
But still I turn'd my Spinning-wheel.
Altho' I seemingly did chide,
Yet he would never be deny'd,
But did declare his love the more,
Vntill my Heart was wounded fore;
That I my love could scarce conceal,
But yet I turn'd my Spinning-wheel.
As for my Yarn, my Rock, and Reel,
And after that my Spinning-Wheel,
He bid me leave them all with speed,
And gang with him to yonders Mead:
My panting Heart strange flames did feel,
Yet still I turn'd my Spinning-wheel.
He stopt and gaz'd and blithly said,
Now speed thee weel my bonny Maid,
But if thou'st to the Hay-Cock go,
I'll learn thee better Work I trow;
Geud Faith I lik'd him passing weel,
But still I turn'd my Spinning-wheel.
He lowly vail'd his Bonnet ost,
And sweetly Kist my Lips so soft,
Yet still between each honey Kiss,
He urg'd me gang to farther bliss;
'Till I resistless fire did feel,
Then let alone my Spinning-wheel.
Among the pleasant Cocks of Hay,
Then with my bonny Lad I lay,
What Damsel ever could deny,
A Youth with such a Charming Eye?
The pleasure I cannot reveal,
It far surpast the Spinning wheel.

Printed for E. [...] [...]ner

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