The Beautiful SHEPHERDESS of ARCADIA: A new Pastoral Song of a courteous young Knight, and a supposed Shepherd's Daughter of Arcadia, in Peloponnesus.

To the Tune of, The Shepherd's Daughter, &c.
THere was a Shepherd's Daughter
came tripping on the way.
And there she met a courteous Knight,
which caused her to stay:
Sing trang dildo lee.
Good-morrow to you beauteous Maid,
these words pronounced he,
O I shall dye this day, he said,
if I've not my will of thee:
Sing trang, &c.
The Lord forbid, the Maid reply'd,
that such a thing should he,
That ever such a courteous Knight
should dye for love of me:
Sing trang, &c.
He took her about the middle so small,
and laid her on the plain,
And after he had got hs will,
he took her up again:
Sing trang, &c.
Now you have had your will, kind Sir,
and put my body to shame,
Even as you are a courteous Knight,
tell me what is your name?
Sing trang, &c.
Some do call me Jack, Sweet-heart,
and some do call me John,
But when I come to the King's fair court,
they call me Sweet William:
Sing trang, &c.
He set his foot into the stirrup,
and away then he did ride;
She tuckt her girdle about her middle,
and ran close by his side:
Sing trang, &c.
But when she came to the broad water,
she set her breast and swam;
And when she was got out again,
she took her heels and ran:
Sing trang, &c.
He never was the courteous Knight
to say, Fair Maid will you ride?
Nor she was never so loving a Maid
to say, Sir Knight abide:
Sing trang, &c.
When she came to the King's fair court,
she knocked at the ring,
So ready was the King himself
to let this fair Maid in:
Sing trang, &c.
O [...]
your body Christ save and [...]
You have a Knight within your court
this day hath robbed me:
Sing trang, &c.
What hath he robbed thee of, Sweet-heart,
of purple or of pall?
Or hath he took thy gay gold ring
from off thy finger small?
Sing trang, &c.
He hath not robbed me, my Liege,
of purple or of pall,
But he hath got my maiden-head,
which grieves me worst of all:
Sing trang, &c.
Now if he be a batchelor
his day i'll give to thee,
But if he be a married man
high hanged shall he be:
Sing trang, &c.
He called down his merry men all
by one, by two and by three;
Sweet William us'd to be the first,
but now the last comes he:
Sing trang, &c.
He brought her down full forty pound
ty'd up within a glove,
Fair Maid, I give the same to thee,
and seek another love:
Sing trang, &c.
Oh, i'll have none of your gold, she said,
nor i'll have none of your fee,
But I must have your fair body,
the King hath given me:
Sing trang, &c.
Sweet William ran and fetcht her then
five hundred pound in gold,
Saving, Fair Maid take this to thee,
thy fault will never be told:
Sing trang, &c.
'Tis not thy gold that shall me tempt,
these words then answered she;
But I must have your own body,
so the King hath granted me:
Sing trang, &c.
That ever any Shepherd's Daughter
should be a fair Lady of mine:
Sing trang dildo lee.
Would I had drank the puddle water,
when I did drink the ale,
That ever any Shepherd's Daughter
should have told me such a tale:
Sing trang, &c.
A Shepherd's Daughter as I was,
you might have let me be,
I'd ne'r a come to the King's fair court
to have crav'd any love of thēe:
Sing trang, &c.
He set her on a milk-white steed,
and himself upon a gray,
He hung a bugle about his neck,
and so they rode away:
Sing trang, &c.
But when they came unto the place
where marriage-rites was done,
She prov'd herself a Duke's Daughter,
and he but a Squire's Son:
Sing trang, &c.
Now you have married me, Sir Knight,
your pleasures will be free;
If you make me Lady of one good town,
I'll make thee Lord of three:
Sing trang, &c.
Accursed be the gold, he said,
if thou hadst not been true,
That should a parted thee from me,
to have chang'd thee for a new:
Sing trang, &c.
Their hearts being so linked fast,
and joyned hand in hand,
He had hath purse and person too,
and all at his command:
Sing trang dildo lee.

Licens'd and Enter'd according to Order

London: Printed for A. M. [...]. [...]. and [...]

This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.