MEMORIAL To be Dispers'd thorow the KINGDOM, For Collecting of MANUSCRIPTS IN TO THE Advocates Library.

ALL Polite Nations, at this Time, acting in a manner by Concert, in the Design of Rescuing their Antiquities from Oblivion; and in Collecting and Digesting into Catalogues such Manuscripts and Ancient Monuments, as may conduce to clear their Origine, and establish the Truth of their Histories.

In like manner, the Faculty of Advocates, for that, and other Ends, have Erected their Library, which, in a short time, is very much Advanc'd; and of late, has had a considerable Ad­dition of Manuscripts.

But there being many Manuscripts and Monuments of Antiquity, in the Hands of several Persons, or in the Charter Chests of An­cient Families, which, if still keep't Latent, will be Useless to the Publick, and expos'd to many Accidents, that are preven­ted by their lying in a publick Library. Therefore it is earnest­ly desired, That the Havers of any such, whether Histories, Char­tularies of Monasteries, Old Charters, or other Manuscripts whatsoe­ver, would be pleas'd to send them in to the Advocates Library; where such Benefactors, and their Donatives, shall be Faith­fully Recorded, and Honourable Mention also made of Them, in publick Catalogues, to be Printed by the Faculty.

All other Persons likewise, who are Possessors of, and who design to Sell, any such Manuscripts, are also Invited to bring them in; And the Curators of the said Library will Pay them therefore, to their Satisfaction.

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