The A, B, C. OR, A CATECHISME for yong Children.

Appoynted by Act of the Church and Councell of SCOTLAND, To be learned in all Families and Lector Schooles in the said Kingdome.

PROV. 22.6.

Traine up a child in the way he should goe: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Printed by Authoritie. 1644. Cum Privilegio.

[Page]A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U X Y Z.

a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s t u w x y z & sh ss ff si fi.

A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

A a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r r s s t u v w x y z. & ā ē ō ū st sh ss ff si fi sl fl () y e y u y e: , . = ? ;

  • ab eb ib ob ub
  • ac ec ic oc uc
  • ad ed id od ud
  • an en in on vn
  • ap ep ip op vp
  • ar er ir or vr

A Catechisme for Yong Children.

1 Qu. WHo made man?

A. God.

2 Qu. In what estate made he him?

A. Perfytly holy in body and soule.

3 Qu. How fell he from the good estate?

A. By breaking of the Commandement of God.

4 Qu. What punishment followed thair upon?

A. Death and condemnatione to him and his posteritie.

5 Qu. How are we deliuerid thair frae?

A. By Gods frée mercy in Iesus Christ.

6 Qu. What kind of persone is Iesus Christ?

A. He is very God and very Man in one person.

7 Qu. Why call ye him verie God?

A. Because he is the eternall Son of God, of one and the selfe same Godhead with the Father and holy Ghost.

8 Qu. Why call ye him verie man?

A. Because hee is like us in all things, sinne onely except.

9 Qu. Why was he without sinne?

A. That hee might bee ane vnspotted sacri­fice for sinne.

[Page]10 Qu. What hes he done for ws?

A. He dyed for our sinnes, and rose for our righteousnesse.

11 Qu. Ar all men that perished in Adam saued be Christ?

A. No, but onely those that hath true faith in him.

12 Qu. What call ye true Faith?

A. It is the true knowledge of Iesus Christ, with assurance of saluatione in him.

13 Qu. Rehearse the Articles of your Faith.

A. I Beléeue in God the Father Almightie, maker of Heauen and Earth.

2 And in Iesus Christ his onely Son our Lord.

3 Who wes conceiued of the Holie Ghost: borne of the Virgin Marie:

4 Sufferid vnder Pontius Pilate, wes crucifi­ed, dead, and buried, he descended into hell:

5 The third day he rose againe from death.

6 Hee ascended into heauen, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almightie:

7 Frome that place fall hee come to iudge the quick and the dead.

8 I beleeue in the Holy Ghost.

9 The holy Church vniuersall.

10 The communion of Saints,

11 The forgiuenes of sinnes,

12 The resorrection of the body, and lyfe euer­lasting.

[Page]14 Qu. Be what meanes doth Gods Spirit worke this faith in yow?

A. By the word of God.

15 Qu. What call ye the word of God?

A. The holy Scripture of the old and new Testament.

16 Qu. Be what meanes doth Gods Spirit con­firme this faith in yow?

A. By the same word, & by the Sacraments.

17 Qu. What call ye the Sacraments?

A. They ar visible signes and seales ordai­ned of God for the confirmatione of my faith.

18 Qu. How doe they confirme your faith?

A. By receiuing thame as pledgis, that Christ crucefied (represented and offered in thame) is giuen to me in particular to be my Saviour.

19 Qu. How many Sacraments is thair?

A. Two, Baptisme, and the Lords Supper.

20 Qu. Why wes ye baptized being ane Infant?

A. That thereby I might be ingraft in Christ, and enterit in his Church, which is his mysticall body.

21 Qu. What profit have ye by Baptisme now?

A. It seales vp the remissione of my sinnes in Christs blood; and aduances the reno­vation of my heart in his Spirit: which ar my spirituall watching.

22 Qu. What call ye the Lords Supper?

A. It is the Sacrament of my spiritual nou­rishment on the body and bloud of Christ.

23 Qu. How doe ye eat his body and drink his bloud?

A. By beléeuing assuredly that his body wes broken and his bloud wes shed for me.

24 Qu. What thankfulnesse owe ye to God for gi­ving his Son to shed his bloud for yow?

A. I ought to denie my selfe, and walk in his Commandements all the dayis of my life.

25 Qu. Rehearse the Commandements.

A. HEarkin and take héed Israel, for I am the Lord thy God who hes brough [...] thée out of the land of Egypt, and out of the house of bondage:

1. Thou salt haue none other Gods but me.

2. Thou salt not make to thy selfe any gra­ven image, nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue, nor in the earth beneath, nor in the water vnder the earth: Thou sall not bow downe to thame, nor worship thame, for I the Lord thy God am a iealous God, and visi­teth the sinnes of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of thame that hateth me, and sheweth mercie vnto thou­sands of thame that loue me, and kéep my Com­mandements.

3. Thou salt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vaine; for the Lord will not [Page] hold him guiltlesse that takes his Name in vaine.

4 Remember that thou keep holy the Sab­bath day: sixe dayes sall thou labour, and doe all that thou hast to doe: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou salt doe no manner of worke, thou nor thy sonne, nor thy daughter, thy man seruant, nor thy maid seruant, thy cattell, nor the stranger that is within thy gates: for in sixe dayes the Lord made heauen and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and restid the seuenth day: wherefore the Lord blessed the seuenth day, & hallowed it.

5. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy dayes may be long in the land which the Lord thy God hath giuen thee.

6. Thou salt doe no murther.

7. Thou salt not commit adulterie.

8. Thou salt not steale.

9. Thou salt not bear false witnesse against thy neighbour.

10. Thou salt not couet thy neighbours house, thou salt not couet thy neighbours wife, nor his seruant, nor his maid, nor his oxe, nor his asse, nor anie thing that is his.

Lord have mercie upon us, and write all these Lawes in our hearts, we beseech thee.

26 Qu. Which is the summe and effect of all these Commandements?

A. Thou salt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind, and strength, and thy neighbour as thy selfe.

27 Qu. Is any man able to doe these things perfit­ly in this life?

A. None at all.

28. Qu. Why so?

A. Becaus no man is perfitly sanctified in this life.

29 Qu. Yet must not we prease to a perfectione in fulfilling of Gods Commandements?

A. Doubtles, for otherway is thair is nather faith nor feare of God in vs.

30 Qu. What must we doe then when we breake any of these Commandements?

A. We must run to God by repentance and prayer.

31 Qu. What call ye Repentance?

A. It is the turning of my heart to God with vnfained sorrow for offending his Maiesty, and a constant resolutione to a­mend my life.

Qu. What call ye prayer?

A. It is ane incalling of God in the name of Christ for things belonging to Gods glory and our necessitie.

33 Qu. Why is it not lawfull to pray to creatures, as to Angels and Saints glorified?

A. Because God hes commandit vs to wor­ship himselfe alone.

[Page]34 Qu. Why must we pray onely in Christs name?

A. Because he is our onely Mediator and in­tercessor.

[...]5 Qu. How then sould we pray?

A. According to that patterne of prayer that our Master hes set before vs, laying, when ye pray, say:

OVr Father which art in heaven:

1. Hallowed be thy Name.

[...] Thy kingdome come.

[...] Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen.

[...] Give vs this day our dayly bread.

5 And forgiue vs our trespasses, as wee forgiue thame that trespasse against vs.

6 And lead vs not into tentatione, but deliuer us from evill: for thine is the Kingdome, the power and the glorie, for euer and euer. A­men.

36 Qu. How ar yee assured that God will heare your Prayers?

A. By Christ is owne word, promising that what euer we aske the Father in his name, it fall be giuen vs.

37 Qu. What is the fruit of all this your religione and of serving God.

A. Hereby God is glorified, and I am saued, through Iesus Christ my Lord, to whome be euerlasting praise and glorie. Amen.

Prayers and Graces for yong Children.

Morning Prayer.

MY gracious God, I blesse thée with m [...] whole heart for thy fatherly providenc [...] watching over me this night. And [...] beséech thée to continue thy mercy with me bo [...] this day and the whole course of my life; to th [...] end, and in the end: that being alwayes guided by thy grace, and guarded by thy providence, I may spend this time of my pilgrimage in thy feare, and end it in thy favour, through Iesus Christ my blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Evening Prayer at going to bed.

IT is of thy undeserved mercy (O God) that I have passed this day in safetie without some notable inconvenience in those infinite dangers wherein I continually cast my selfe through my folly. Now I beséech thée (good Lord) let it please thee of thy gracious goodnesse protect me also this night; and grant me quierest in soule and body, that I may better serve [Page] [...]hee in both, through Iesus Christ my gratious Lord and Saviour. Amen.

I will both lay me downe in peace and sleep: for thou Lord only makes me dwell in safetie. Ps. 4.8.

Grace before Meat.
Psal. 145.15.

THe eyes of all wait on the (O Lord) and thou giuest thame thair meat in dew sea­son: thow openest thy hand and satisfieth the desire of euery living thing: (good Lord) blesse vs and those gifts which we receiue of thy large liberalitie, through Iesus Christ our Lord. So be it.

Ane other.

PArdon our sinnes (O God) and giue us thy blessing with thy benefits, that they may haue strength to nourish vs, and wee may haue grace to serue thee our gratious God in Iesus Christ. Amen.

Grace after Meat.

THe God of glorie and peace, who hee creatid vs, redeemed vs, and presently hes led vs, be blissed for now and euer. So [...] it.

Ane other.

MOst mightie Lord and most mercifull [...] ther, we yeeld the heartie thanks for o [...] bodily sustentation requiring also most intire thy gratious goodnesse so to feed vs with [...] food of thy heauenly grace, that we may wort [...] ly glorifie thy Name in this life, and after partakers of thy euerlasting glorie, throu [...] Iesus Christ our Lord So be it.

Ane other. Matth. 4.4.

LOrd thow hes said it and we beléeue it, th [...] man liues not by bread onely but by euer word that procéed is out of thy mouth: Therfore giue vs (we beséech thee) thy blessing w [...] thy benefits, that in the strength of thy blessi [...] this life being intertained we may spend t [...] thy holy seruice, till we a [...]tain to life everl [...] sting, through Iesus Christ our Lord and one [...] Saviour. Amen.

To any of these or the like Graces that fall be sa [...] after meat, let these or the like prayers be adde [...] for the Church and for the King, &c.

GOd saue the Church vniuersall, God co [...] fort the comfortlesse. Lord increase o [...] faith, O Lord, for Christ thy sons sake, by me [...] cifull to the common wealths whair thy Go [...] pell is trewly preached and barbarie grant [...] to the afflicted members of Christs body, [...] [Page] illuminate according to thy good pleasure all nations with the brightnesse o [...] thy word. God save our most gracious King Charles, our Queene Marie the hopefull Prince Charles: The Lady Elizabeth, and her Princely Pro­genie, guide thow thair hearts (O God) by thy grace that they may rule thy people a­right to the terrour of euill doers, and the comfort of all those that feares the and loues thy truth. Amen.

A briefe of the Commands.

HAve thou none other Gods bot me.
Vnto no image bow thy knee.
Tak not the name of God in vaine.
Doe not the Sabbath day prophane.
Honour thy father and mother to.
And sie that thou no murder doe.
From whoredome keep the pure and cleane.
And steale not though thy state be meane.
Sie that thou no false witnesse beare.
And covet not thy neighbours geare.
O Lord our soules to the convert,
And write thy lawes into our heart.

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