CUrs't be the Stars which did orĀ­dain,
That Whigs in England e'er should reign,
Who by their damn'd rebellious brood,
Laid the Three Kingdoms all in Blood;
Curs't be the Tribe, yea doubly curs't
Be those that Murther'd Charles the First,
And may their Names recorded be
In Hell to all Posterity.
Curs't be the Tribe who would have done
The same to Charles the Martyr's Son;
But Curs't of all the Race be those,
Who basely did King James depose:
Under pretence to set us free,
They sold us unto Slavery.
Curs't be those Rebellious Knaves,
To free themselves would make us Slaves;
Curs't be that Rebel Delamere,
Who with the Rabble did appear,
When first th' Invasion was begun,
Against the Father by the Son,
Curs't be th'ungratefull Churchill, who
Betray'd his King and Master too.
Let us with one accord agree,
To set our King and Countrey free,
From this accursed Tyranny,
Which by unnatural Usurpation,
Beggers us for the good of th' Nation,
Which is to Swear with mental Reservation.
For sure he never could intend,
The Church of England to defend,
When Prelates he left in the Lurch,
And set the Kirk above the Church;
Unless he thought that Prelacy,
The Common Prayer and Liturgie,
Were all the Church's Enemy.
Curs't be the Name of English Man,
To Curse it more Live William.
Then we compleatly shall be Curs't,
For of all Cursings he's the worst.
How to Curse more I cannot tell,
In him are all the Plagues of Hell,
God bless King James, and so farewell.

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