THE CASE OF THE Ancient Burrough OF Knaresborough, In the County of YORK, In the Return of THOMAS FAWKES Esq; to Serve as one of the Representatives of the said Burrough, in this CONVENTION.

THE Proprietors of Burgage-Houses within this Burrough, and none other, Elect by Prescription, and the Return is made by the Bayliff of the said Burrough for the time being, who hath Returned as followeth:

Pursuant to His Highness the Prince of Orange's Letter to me directed, and hereto affixt, I do certifie the Clerk of the Crown of the High Court of Chancery, That the Burrough-men of the ancient Burrough of Knaresborough, in the County of York, on the twelfth day of this Instant January, with an unanimous Consent, have freely chose William Stockdale Esq; to be one of their two Representatives in the Convention to be held at Westminster, the Twenty-second of this instant January.

And the Lord Viscount Latimer by the majority of the Ancient and New Votes together.

Or Thomas Fawkes Esq; by the majority of the Ancient Votes, who has been Sworn in Court, and relief'd for their Burrough-Houses, according to the Custom of the Burrough, to be th' other of their two Representatives in the said Convention.

The ancient Votes for Mr. Fawkes, agreed on all sides to be good, were Twenty-five.

The Ancient Votes for the Lord Latimer agreed on all sides to be good, were Nineteen; and the New Votes transferred lately, but otherways good, were Eighteen. To the truth of this Pole I have hereunto set my Hand, and the Common Seal of the said Burrough, the Twelfth of January, Anno Dom. 1688.

☞ Note, That the New Votes in the Return above-recited therein, said to be transferred lately, were transferred (if at all) by a pretend­ed assigning of Burgages, after the Date and Receipt of his High­ness's Letter (by the said Bayliff) and after the Court called by him for the said Election; which was done colourably only, and on purpose to serve a Turn. So that the said New Votes ought not to have been taken Notice of, and by consequence the said Mr. Fawkes was Legally Elected by a Majority of Votes, according to the Custom of the said Burrough.

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