Mondayes VVorke. OR

The two honest neigbours both birds of a feather

Who are at the Ale-house both merry together.
To the tune of, I owe my Hostesse money.
GOod morow neigbour Gamble,
Come let you and I goe ramble,
Last night I was shot
Through the braines with a Pot,
and now my stomacke doth wamble:
Your Possets and your Caudles,
Are fit for babes in Cradles:
A piece of salt Hogge,
And a haire of the old Dogge
is good to cure our drunken Noddles.
Come hither mine Host, come hither,
Here's two birds of a feather,
Come hither mine Host
With a Pot and a Tost,
and let vs be merry together.
I rose in the morning early,
To take this Iuice of barly,
But if my wife Ione
Know where I were gone,
shée'd call me to a Parley▪
My bones I doe not fauour,
But honestly doe labour:
But when I am out.
I must make a mad bout
come here's halfe a pot to thée neigbour.
Come hither, &c.
Gramarcy neighbour Iinkin,
I sée thou louest no shrinking,
And I for my part,
From thee will not start,
come fill vs a little more drinke in.
I'th weeke we aske but one day,
And that's next after Sunday,
Our custome wée'le hold,
Although our Wiues scold,
the Mault-man comes a Monday.
Come hither, &c.
Come let's haue our Liquor about vs,
Mine Host doe not misdoubt us,
Yet if we should call,
And pay none at all,
you were better be without vs:
But we are no such fellowes,
Though some in clothes excell vs,
And yet haue no coyne,
For Liquor to Ioyne.
yet we haue both whites and yellowes.
Come hither, &c.
We scorne those rooking Rorers,
That are such common scorers,
No coyne they can spare,
Because they are
such Dicers and such Whorers.
But we doe hate such doing,
Wéele wast no meanes in wooing,
Yet such as they be
Make you thinke that we
will not pay what is owing.
Come hither mine Host, come hither,
Here's two birds of a feather,
Come hither mine Host
With a pot and a Tost,
and let vs be merry together.

The second Part.

To the same Tune.
COme ply your worke my Masters,
Let vs not be time wasters,
To worke or to play
Very hard (as some say)
is a signe of good fore-casters.
Much prate to me is loathing
To cumber the house for nothing,
I hate a long tale,
Giue me some more Ale,
which is meate, drinke, and cloathing,
Come hither mine Host, come hither,
Here's two birds of a feather,
Come hither mine Host
With a Pot and a Tost,
and let vs be merry together
If wicked Will the Weauer,
Or True the Taylor either,
Were here with vs now,
To part we knew not how,
till we were drunke together:
Or Tom the neate Shoomaker,
Or Kit the Iouiall Baker,
If any one of these
Come hither and sée's,
with vs héele be a Partaker.
Come hither mine Host, come hither,
Here's two birds of a feather,
Come hither mine Host
With a Pot and a Tost,
and let vs be merry together.
But sith there is no more here
Wéele say as we did before here,
Betwéene vs weelè call,
And pay for it all,
for we scorne to goe on the score here,
Let's take off our Liquor roundly,
And though we doe drinke soundly,
Our humour is such,
Wéele not drinke so much,
vntill we both on the ground lye.
Come hither mine Host, come hither,
Here's two birds of a feather,
Come hither mine Host
With a Pot and a Tost,
and let vs be merry together.
Now lest our Wiues should find vs,
Tis fit we should look behinde vs,
Let's see what is done,
Then pay and be gone.
as honestly hath assign'd vs.
Tis strong Ale I conceiue it,
Tis good in time to leaue it,
Or else it will make,
Our foreheads to ake,
tis vanity to out braue it.
Come hither mine Host, come hither
Here's two birds of a feather,
Come hither mine Host
With a Pot and a Tost,
and let vs be merry together.

London Printed for F. Grove.

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