SOLITARINESSE IMPROVED, In occasionall MEDITATIONS upon several Subjects.

By D. L.

LONDON, Printed for John Rothwell.

[Page] [Page 1]DAILY Imployment for the Soule.

MEDITATION. 1. Vpon the sight of a IEW.

WHat have I, or this Man, in Vs? that He should be reiected, I received. It might seeme to have beene as easie to [Page] [Page] [Page] [Page] [Page] [Page] [...] [Page] [Page] [...] [Page] [Page] [...] [Page] [Page 1] [...] [Page 2]have kept him In who was In, as to place me In who was Out. But who dare dis­like, what the high Court and Parliament of Heaven hath pleasd to enact. Thou art as good (O God) in thy Iusti [...] as in thy mercy. If his fa [...] be my rising, the number o [...] thy Elect is still certaine. [...] see it is more necessary t [...] have Iesus Christ our Brother▪ then onely Abraham to b [...] our Father: that covenant o [...] Circumcision must be crown [...] by that of Faith. If I hav [...] his seat in the Church given to me, who was, and i [...] as yet excommunicate for no [...] comming there, Who ca [...] or dare accuse the Lord o [...] [Page 3]that Court for unjust: I de­sire hartily of God to make him my Pew-fellow, let him see his error, and be joynd to the glorious Assembly of the Saints. God excluded none who first did not ex­clude themselves, We all are bound and I doe heartily pray, that all Israel may come In. My perfection and theirs shall be together, ha­sten both (O Lord,) and make the Children of A­braham and Christ all one in the vnity of the same Spirit, and the same Faith.

MEDITATION. 2. Vpon PILATE, washing h [...] Hands.

SEe now this Roman Deputy seemes to affect innocence, He will appeare to be [...] though he will not be a sincere Iudge, While he washe [...] his hands, He pollutes hi [...] heart; What a vaine foll [...] was it to dippe in water, t [...] swimme in blood? What [...] strange delusion was this▪ to seeme the cleaner, to b [...] the fowler. Outward pretences may, and are ofte [...] voyde of sincerity. Man [...] Roman Pharisees doe ofte [...] [Page 5]sprinkle themselves in Holy water, yet vnder this wal­low in the blood of Prin­ces, and Gods weaker mem­bers, and so many Hypo­crites amongst us under the forme of sanctity com­mit the deepest and despe­ratest impieties. The worst complexions, and sordidst natures are deepliest pain­ted. The grosser villanies have the fairer excuse. That great Imposter when Hee meanes worst, appeares as an Angell of Light. We are not to relye upon ap­pearances, I desire not to [...]ash with him, I had ra­ther have a cleane Heart and foule Hands, then [Page 6] cleane Hands and a fou [...] Heart. Praestat esse quam v [...] deri.

MEDITATION. 3. Vpon the sight of a Toade.

VVHich of us two a [...] of the Ancient [...] House? the Earth is our m [...] ther. This creature ma [...] plead antiquity of nature, of [...] sinne. My originall Pol [...] tion makes this so loathso [...] to the sight. I am beholde [...] to it, for bearing so patien [...] some part of my burthen. B [...] nature I am as full of poys [...] as It. Every sinne is not onely [Page 7] venemous, but mortall. In my corrupted nature, I doe appeare in the Eyes of God as ugly as this deformed beast. It would perhaps be better if it could; I may bee, if I will. This creatures de­formity comes from mee; mine from my selfe and Sa­tan. How am I beholden to that God, that did not, though hee iustly might have made me so. How am I bound to praise Him, who to make mee comely, lets the whole creature suffer un­der vanity. Rom. 8.

MEDITATION. 4. Vpon hearing a Woman [...] die in child-bed.

THE unlawfull desire [...] taste fruit, made her [...] in bearing fruit. Eves s [...] procurd her suffering. The opening her wombe is a p [...] parative to her grave. It ma [...] well bee called a Trava [...] when the Mother takes he [...] journey out of the World▪ I see truely what a dangerous thing it is to conceiv [...] and breed sinne. St. Iam [...] spoke true, That sinne whe [...] it is conceived brings for [...] death. Children (I thinke) [Page 9]have good cause to love their Parents who are willing to part with life themselves to give it these. How ought we then (O Saviour) to love thee who to give us eternall life was so willing to lay downe thine owne life in the grave. And in the case of regeneration, so must every Child of God doe. His body must die wholy to sinne, that soule and body may live wholy unto righteousnes, unto glory. The onely way to live hereafter, is to die here.

MEDITATION. 5. Vpon SAVLS going from Heirusalem to Damascus.

VVHither posts thi [...] deepe-learnd Pharisee with such Eagernes an [...] Zeale? did Gamaliel his Tutor ever read such a Lectur [...] of bloody persecution t [...] him? where found he thi [...] Axiome in the whole Law t [...] persecute the Gospell? wher [...] learnt he ever to make Mose [...] fight against Christ? Coul [...] he so deeply love the Seruan [...] and yet kill the Master. Al [...] knowledge and Religion i [...] [Page 11]any professor is but zeale blin­ded without Christ. It may seeme strange that the Pro­fessors of Divinity should have such Iarres and so deep­ly uyed. Behold! the great goodnes of God. In the depth of darknes Saul is caught and compassed with the great light of a glorious Sauiour. We are not masters of our owne Thoughts, It was a true speech of Ioseph, ye thought euill but God brought it to Good. VVhen wee thinke many times to doe most, wee then cannot doe any thing. I see it's vaine figh­ting against the Church of Christ. God does well know how to catch a Sinner at [Page 12]aduantage. Even all things persecution it selfe workes for the good of Gods Saints. He beganne his Iourney a Saul. But ends it a Paul. So if I be asked where Saul is, I may safely answere. Is not Saul now among the Prophets and Apostles blessed for Euer.

MEDITATION. 6. Vpon DAVIDS Adultery.

IS it not pity such a Rose should have such a Can­ker? so faire a face such a Blemish? But what Saint is priviledged with the state [Page 13]of Perfection here? This fall (as it proved) was but for his surer standing, better heed taking. The greatest Benefit (I see) that God lends to recover Him, is a good Sermon preacht, and Well applyed by a Worthy and well learned Prophet. send (O God) such alwayes (upon need) in the Courts of earth­ly Princes. They deserue there places with reverence, with respect. No Member of Christ can expect a Freedome from tentation. Our head had his trialls, and those sharpe ones too, by that wick­ed One. the fairest Sunne sometimes meetes with Cloudes. So the purest lights [Page 14]of the Church want not their blemishes (O God) let not me so much sorrow that he fell, as reioyce that he did in time recover. Let me looke well to my selfe. For I may be sure, that if Sa­tan durst invade such a religi­ous Crowne. He will not spare the weaker subiect. The best course to keepe out Satan is to avoyd idlenesse.

MEDITATION. 7. Vpon CAINS murthering his brother ABEL.

VVHat? but two bre­thren in a whole [Page 15]World? and they together by the eares. What's the quarrell? for wealth? or ho­nor? the one was not knowne, the other not affected. Was it religion? this would have taught Cain love, not revenge. This was an early persecution, the divell began Warr be­times; goodnesse can no soo­ner be begun, but it shall meete with opposition. We must not loose our religion, though we bleed for it by our owne brethren; All in a family are not the children of the same father, Grace is not tyed to the first-borne. God may choose the youngest, leave the eldest. Cain scornes to hate under blood-shedding. The di­vell [Page 16]is a murtherer from th [...] beginning. Brethrens div [...] sions especially in matte [...] of Religion are hardly recon [...] led, But though this on [...] dyes, God knowes how t [...] bring up another, goodne [...] shall be sure of Enemie▪ but it cannot be utterl [...] rooted out. Abell hath ha [...] abundance of brethren, Ca [...] did not so much kill Ab [...] as himselfe. It is a tru [...] Maxime that Sanguis mart [...] rum semen Ecclesiae. S. Pa [...] shall conclude it in thi [...] saying. That he that wa [...] borne after the flesh persecu­ted him that was borne after the Spirit.

MEDITATION. [...]. [...]pon the good Samaritan and the wounded Man.

[...]Ee how we poore wret­ches are beset with dan­ [...]rs, our life is but a continu­ [...] passage through robbers & [...]ee-booters. It's the safest [...] keepe our selues at home. [...]hen we goe forth; we [...]pose our selues to haz­ [...]ds. It's not every Mans [...]ppines to have such a [...]npassionate Passenger. That [...]n liues safe whose minde [...]epes within. A retired [...]e hath the fewer incon­ [...]niences. This Man found [Page 18]most good at the hands [...] a stranger. A friend is m [...] Neere then a brother. It [...] grace not nature, affecti [...] not affinity that are [...] sensible and sympathizi [...] of distresses. I see plaine [...] that those Iewish cerem [...] nies are not so Helpfull▪ [...] the mercies of God in Ie [...] Christ, It's not the Eye [...] the passenger but the he [...] which does good to miseri [...] ▪ I doe desire to keepe ho [...] but if thou (O God [...] shall be pleased to impl [...] in publicke, eyther prote [...] me from these spiritu [...] murtherers, or send [...] speedily such a comfortab [...] Physitian.

MEDITATION. 9. Vpon Demas leaving Saint Paul.

VVHat a poore condi­tioned truant was this having such a good master. It was a miserable sequel of instruction Apo­stolicall to forsake God and goe to the Divell, upon what warrant, did he ground him­selfe to be so sodainely besot­ted with the lust of so base a strumpet? Where had he this posture to turne tempori­ser? Was it feare of any per­secution? What made hee then in that Spirituall war­fare? if blowes would daunt [Page 20]him? did hee suppose th [...] present world the safer or th [...] s [...]eeter? why then did he s [...] Hypocritically joyne to tha [...] Heavenly Doctor in Divinity▪ what made he in this Co [...] ledge if he did not intend t [...] proceed? His non Proficiency [...] an Argument of weaknes▪ And the leaving of thi [...] society, argues enough t [...] prove him an ideot. And such is every one that leaves Heaven for Earth. How many have beene, and are sicke of this malady: The naturall mans faith, is his sence, and his Present Pos­sessions are his Heaven. He prefers the things that are seene before those that are [Page 21]not, for want of fayth. I would he had beene the first and the last of this nature; I pray thee (O God) to weane my heart from cove­tousnes. And since thou hast pleased to admit mee into the schoole of grace, let me so order my affections that I alwayes may be a Student of that society.

MEDITATION. 10. Vpon the two Disciples going from Hierusalem to Emaus.

SEe what may fall out by the may. I doe verily sup­pose [Page 22]when these two began there journey, they little thought to have had such a good Companion to have gone along with them. But God takes his advantagious opportunities. There dis­course is politicall, yet feare­full; commendable from the subiect, they talkt on; relish­ing of distrust, from the par­ty they spoke too. Its not safe opening the Closet of our hearts to every Traveller▪ wee may lend our eares and our tongues to many whom wee will not trust with our hearts. (O God) I doe en­treat thee in all places let my words be such as relish of sanctification. In the high way [Page 23]upon my journeying, as well as at other times, good society makes tedious things seeme pleasant, and is a Whetstone to give an edge to a doubting soule. Thou dost (O Savi­our) allow us wisedome with the Serpent, as well as inno­cence with the Dove: we may safely discourse of thee, but we must not deny thee: our policy must not exclude our faith. I doe intreate thee to take that advantage of eve­ry one that doubts of that high point of thy resurrecti­on, or his owne, as to catch him and confirme his wave­ring heart in that point of faith. Lodge thou Oh Savi­our in my soule, so I shall [Page 24] know thee truly, and rai [...] with thee eternally.

MEDITATION. 11. Of a Dogge in a Chaine

THe malice of this Cr [...] ture is great, but it [...] wisely limited. His power, a [...] his will are not proporti [...] nable; though being chain [...] he cannot bite with his te [...] yet his barking showes wh [...] he would doe at liberty. A [...] mirable is that divine Pow [...] of God limitting, permitti [...] that great Dogge of H [...] when he persecures by bond [...] imprisonment, and captivit [...] [Page 25]then he bites sore: when he slanders, reviles, and envies, then hee snarles, and barkes onely. If God should not permit this Curre, few would feare his justice: if he should not limit him, many would question his mercy. It shall be my comfort to know that my greatest Enemy is at my Fathers disposing: if I bee barked at, or sorely bitten, I know it is his malice, and Gods permissive Will, I will not feare him, though I will endeavour to shun him. Sen­nacherib was a whelpe of this litter, let loose, but sodainely puld In againe; he may bee to warne me, not to worry me: He shall speed never the [Page 26]better though God us [...] him. I doe not much grie [...] that there is such a Dog [...] nor doe I much feare h [...] breaking loose, being [...] strongly chaind by such [...] wise master. My prayer [...] God shall be, to tie him [...] shorter, and I could wish [...] were alwaies musled, b [...] Gods will be done.

MEDITATION. 12. Vpon a beautifull and pu [...] Virgin.

VVHo would think [...] that corrupted N [...] ture could send forth su [...] [Page 27] [...] rich jewell to the world. How seemely and decently is [...]very Part proportioned; [...]hat a curious Tabernacle, [...]s here wrought by the will [...]f Heaven, how gloriously [...]nd richly covered, while [...]any others either want [...]his resplendancy, nor counter­ [...]eit it by impostures, and [...]aintings, give mee that [...]all not adulterate; native, [...]ot artificiall beauty, No Ague, Aches, diseases, have as yet seized upon, or im­paired her Perfections: Any ingenious and well quali­fied Spirit desires such a [...]ate. How lively an em­ [...]ame is this of our soules, [...]fore eyther corruptions, [Page 28]or imperfections have tayn [...] them. But she doth plain [...] describe that mysticall Virg [...] the Church tryumpha [...] which shall be presented [...] her Husband undefiled, wi [...] out any blemishes, sp [...] or wrinkles, all her Pa [...] keepe harmony, and dece [...] cy; she shall bee gloriou [...] moulded in immortality, a [...] incorruption; Her coveri [...] shall then bee the glorio [...] Roabes of her Husban [...] righteousnesse. The Church [...] Hypocrites, though now [...] show, and appearance bea [...] tifull, shall then prove b [...] a strumpet; (O God) Haste [...] that day of happy unio [...] and let me be but in the remotest [Page 29]and extreamest part of that mysticall Body, I shall be sure to taste Ioy and Comfort enough.

MEDITATION. 13. Vpon seeing a Man arrested, and carried to Prison.

SEe the power of Law and justice transgressed▪ That Party broke his bond, wants Bayle, and is fallen into the pawes of a mercil [...]sse Creditor. What can bee expected but a full satisfaction, or else a Per­petuall imprisonment. It was no otherwise (O God) [Page 30]with thy Law and thy Iusti [...] by all transgressed, we bro [...] our Bonds, and our Co [...] nants, and so fell into [...] danger of that great jayle [...] Satan did plead for a [...] and an execution at [...] Barre of thy Iustice, [...] being seald turn'd Serie [...] and arrested us. Wee [...] wanted sufficient Bay [...] and were not able to g [...] Satisfaction. This gra [...] executioner seizd upon [...] ▪ But (Oh Eternall Savio [...] ▪ we are for ever bound [...] love thee who of thine o [...] mercy and free love didd [...] rescue us from our Cre [...] tors hands, by thy mer [...] paiedst the Debt and [...] [Page 31]us wholy free, how Carefull ought we to be to shunne all sinnes, which make us all such desperate Debtors. Oh let mee ever bee paying thee with thankes, who to set me free didst willingly goe to Prison thy selfe.

MEDITATION. 14. Vpon the sight of an Hive of Bees.

Doe not a little wonder [...]at this Common-wealth [...]f Flies. Every one by his [...]oper diligence in particu­ [...]r, aduances the riches of [...]he state in generall. There [Page 32]are 4. things remarkeable i [...] this little busie-body. 1. The make no strangers Deniz [...]ns▪ 2. They bring home store o [...] wealth but transport little▪ 3. They harbour no sluggis [...] droanes. 4. They goe fort [...] well furnished with wing, an [...] sting, for defence, or offence. [...] good patterne for Nation [...] and societies of men, happ [...] Republiques where store [...] wealth flowes in, but littl [...] goes out: where All are kep [...] from idlenes, and are well imployed, and where ships go [...] forth like Bees, that can upon all lawfull occasions, eythe [...] fly, or fight, well stored wit [...] Ammunition. It's no otherwise with the soule of a faithfull [Page 33]Christian. It must not admit of strange Gods, or strange worship. It must fetch in grace by spirituall labour and diligence. It must hate idlenes as the ruine of it's wel­fare, and when it goes out in her spirituall warr, must be furnished with the whole Armour of God. I doe beseech thee (O God) to make me a subiect of this na­ture, and a Bee in this Hive.

MEDITATION. 15. Vpon a Mans shadow.

See not this mourning Seruiteur attend my corps [Page 34]in a Cloudy day, nor in [...] darke night, Nor when I s [...] still in a close study. It i [...] onely my attendant in th [...] Sun-shine, or in the Moonelight, or else in such place [...] as are capacious of bo [...] these Celestiall Candles. [...] plainely see that flatte [...] most followes a prospero [...] state. Parasites hide the [...] heads in dangerous occa [...] ons. A reserued life v [...] tuously imployed admits [...] such Hang byes. Men wh [...] lives, and actions are publi [...] and courteous, are peste [...] most with such vermine, the [...] doe me this fauour, that the [...] make the world beleeve th [...] I am a substance, or else ha [...] [Page 35] It. And this is the state of the soule. What is the world? the Flesh? Wealth? Honour? but meere shadowes, which in perilous times eyther ap­peare not, or to no good purpose. He shall bee my friend that will bee my companion in a storme. Pros­perity gets followers, but Adversity makes the true distinction of them. There is no trust in such Reeds; for he sung truely.

Quem Dies vidit veniens Superbum,
Hunc Dies vidit fugiens Iacentem.

MEDITATION. 16. Vpon the sight of the Raine-bow.

THis Bow is bended bu [...] without an Arrow, bu [...] God hath abundance in hi [...] Quiver. He forbeares to punish, not for want of instruments, but because hee i [...] patiently mercifull. I do [...] admire the Maker of it, an [...] the faithfulnesse of his promise, I may well belee [...] him, who hath kept hi [...] word these five thousand yeere [...] and upwards. It is usually seene before and after Raine▪ [Page 37]when I see it before, I may expect a shower, not feare a Deluge: when I see it after Raine, it doth confirme my faith, summons my Repen­tance, and doth strengthen my obedience. Lord thou art willing to teach us by all meanes, Thou art so mindfull in this, and in all other thy promises, that we may safely take them for performances. Oh then I pray thee quickly to show that signe of thy Sonne comming to Iudgement.

MEDITATION. 7. Vpon a Winter day.

HOw cold and darke is this season? and how un­comfortable? it's well it is contracted, and so long a night succeeds, with the hopes of a ioyfull Spring-tide, how diligent is every one to pro­vide warme houses, good cloaths, restorative diet, sufficient fewell for the house. How easily in this doe I see that Winters-day of sicknes, persecution, and death: with­all, I take comfort, because they are limitted; violent they may be, long they can­not [Page 39] be. Sorrow may endure for a Night, but ioy commeth in the Morning, these Mysticall floods may bee great, and rage horribly, but they shall passe over mee. This pit of death may be deepe, but it cannot shut his mouth upon me: under I may bee, above I shall bee. Howsoever my grave shall put a Period to the greatest of these outward, and temporary sufferings. I know I shall sleepe in rest, untill the ioyfull day of the resurrection, as a glorious Spring-time doth advance me, (Lord) I pray thee give me wisedome to provide that Habitation, and Tabernacle which is eternall, the warme [Page 40]Roabes of Iesus Christ his Righteousnes to adorne me, thy Spirit to heate my af­fections; So I shall be sure, that though it be bitter with me here, it shall be sweet to me hereafter, and since this Winter day shall come, let it not take me unprovided.

Conturbatus mundus, Caelum serenum est.

MEDITATION. 18. Vpon the Sunne.

THis heavenly Candle is comfortable for his light and heat, admirable for his beauty and motion; necessa­ry to all the inhabitants of [Page 41]the world. He is wisely, and worthily placed, and he keepes his station, and honourably performes the will of his Master, he moves not ob­liquely, but directly in his course. It is a great blessing when good men are advanced to preferment. When Mo­ses, and Aaron rule the ship of the Church, and Common­wealth, it then goes safely, stands firme, and feares not winds, or waves. What respect, and reverence ought the Magistrates of the Church, and Common-wealth to have of Inferiors. Such glori­ous lights ought to be much and highly honoured; Our safety and wel-being comes [Page 42]from them, These keepe all the Heavens in an order, and comely motion. It is a manifest symptome of a diseased Commonwealth, when these are not esteemed: These ar [...] the eye and heart of the bod [...] politique. All inferiour members receive comfort fro [...] their wisedome. Learne [...] (Oh God) a quiet subordin [...] tion and a conscionable su [...] mission to these wor [...] lights. I see the Sunne gi [...] heat to all. Gods blessin [...] are not to be impropriat. H [...] that gives to others sh [...] not have the lesse virtue [...] Himselfe. It is usuall for [...] Candle to light up anoth [...] Bonum quò communius, eò me [...]

MEDITATION. 19. Vpon the sight of a Brave new House without Land or Meanes to it.

I Suppose that stately edi­fice was scituated there for pleasure, and health, But I neyther see good furniture within, nor proportionable meanes without to mantaine [...]. It hath nothing but a [...]re prospect to move enuy, [...]d high Turrets to show the Pride of the owner, and to expose it to stormes, and windes, when as yon­der little Cottage close [...] seemes poore and base [Page 44] without, yet is admirably well furnished with Olive branches within, to comfort the two aged Parents.

How plainely doe I des­cribe beauty, and outward comelines, without any endowment of the minde▪ alwayes the fairest face hath not the soundest harte▪ outward perfections are no [...] a generall argument of inward goodnes. The Caske [...] may be faire, and gilded▪ yet have poyson in stead o [...] pearles within it. Natura [...] parts at the best are bu [...] meere blemishes withou [...] Grace.

All is not to be truste [...] that is faire in show, prid [...] [Page 45]and ostentation may please the passengers eye. But give me that little low grace of Humility, I had rather not seeme, and be rich, then to seeme, and not be so. The one is close retirednesse with con­tent, and safety. The other is onely empty formality with inward vexation.

How many Pharisaicall professors are faire, and plea­sing to the eye, yet rotten at the soule. May I ever pro­fesse the power of godlines, & not strive onely to hold the forme of it. Reall performan­ces of good duties are that which God looks for, not fai­ [...]d and counterfeit seemings, [...]e one are but high clouds [Page 46]without water, the other Wels full of lively springs. Give me an humble heart full o [...] grace, so I shall be satisfie [...] when they shall be emptie▪ and shall have a sure cornerstone, when they shall moulder to rottenes.

Respicit Deus Humiles, reij [...] Superbos.

MEDITATION. 20. Vpon the sight of a Butche [...] killing a Lambe.

I Cannot but thinke [...] that saying of St. Pa [...] The creature doth groane u [...] der the bondage of corrup [...] on. How meekly, and patien [...] [Page 47] It submits to the Knife. At sight of this, I may say, Ecoe Agnus Dei, who so quietly suffered all the iniuries offe­red him, & as a sheepe before the shearer, so opened he not his mouth: His adversaries were not so violent, and eager in their thirsting for his life, as hee was ready, and willing to lay it downe, and whereas they thought to conquer him by malice, hee did conquer them by meeknes, and mercy. How different was thy desire from theirs, Thou (O Savi­our) camest to give them all [...]ernall life, and they hunted [...]ith bloody wils to take a­ [...]ay life from thee. I see al­ [...] the lot & share of all thy [Page 48] holy ones, They are Tanquam oves, and Agnelli. They are but counted as sheepe for the slaughter: Oh Butcherly an [...] bloody world! will not th [...] blood of that One satisfie th [...] madnesse? must thou need [...] swim in the blood of h [...] poore members also? persec [...] tion even to death is the p [...] tion of Gods children. Th [...] head hath suffered, and [...] must all looke to follow: [...] that will live godly in Ies [...] Christ must suffer persecut [...] on: (Oh God) learne m [...] courage, and chearefulnes in [...] tryals, for thy name sake, f [...] I know this, if I suffer wi [...] thee here, I shall reioyce wi [...] thee hereafter.

Per Crucem Itur ad gloriam▪

MEDITATION. 21. Vpon a Doore, turning upon his Hinges.

THis is contented with its owne motion. It turnes backwards, and forwards con­stantly: sometime forwant of Oyle it skreikes, and makes an unpleasant noyse; but it will not bee gotten of from that motion without violence.

In this see the sinner Ha­bituated and accustomed unto [...]ill courses, can the Black­ [...]ore change his colour; or [...]e Leopard his spots? then [...]ay he that is accustomed to [...]ill, doe well. How he winds himselfe from one sinne to [Page 50] another, but ends in the same Center. Sometimes wear [...] with the motion in one wickednes, he turnes to another▪ but his whole life is nothing else but a gally-mophrey of a [...] sinnes, he moves as in a circle, from ill desires to cov [...] tousnes, so to usury, so on t [...] oppression, then to exactio [...] then to grinding the faces o [...] the poore, and at last eates up Gods people, as if he would eate bread. His remoueals a [...] but from one evill to a worse▪ and dies in the highest strain [...] of all impiety. But perhap [...] his conscience now and the [...] gals him with horror. The [...] Satan oyles him with som [...] new pleasure or profit, an [...] [Page 51]so keepes him eyther as fast bound or faster then before. There is little or no hopes of his ceasing, unlesse it bee by the strong Hammer of Gods Word preacht home to his conscience. Let me (Oh God) hate and leave all sinne, least I be too soone accustomed in any. I pray heartily that none may bind themselves Apprentises to that unlawfull Trade.

Consuetudo altera Natura.

MEDITATION. 26. Vpon the sight of a Sword.

THis defends our persons, and offends our Enemies, [Page 52]use makes it bright. Vpo [...] some occasions the scabber [...] is either the best, or worst plac [...] for it; It's terrible in th [...] hand of an expert Warriour▪ Many should use it, who ye [...] for feare, or favour, or both, le [...] it rust. Three sorts of me [...] ought to use it discreetly, th [...] publique Magistrate, the So [...] dier, and the Traveller. It also showes mee the nature o [...] that spirituall word of truth▪ which is the safest Buckler, and sheild for our soules, and bodies, in all conflicts and combats, destroyes all the power, and Armadoes of that Prince of darknesse; the oft­ner it is used, the more excel­lent it is. The mouth of a [Page 53] diligent prophet showes the Energie of it. They doe ill that debarre the use of this weapon to Gods people. It's ill when 40000. Israelites can scarce have it, or use it rightly, but it's worse when the Magistrate will not, and when the Prophet cannot handle it.

Lend me courage (Oh my Saviour) in my calling and this weapon. So I need not feare the malice, or multitude, faces, not forces of those pre­sumptuous Philistins. Teach thou my Hands to Warr, and my Fingers to fight, then I need not question the conquest. If I perish, it's mine owne weakenesse [Page 54]and cowardize, not the insuf­ficiency of the Instrument's.

Diabolus Hostis,
Scutum Christus.
Verbum est Gladius.

MEDITATION. 23. Vpon a virtuous Wife, havi [...] many Children.

IT's not Every mans happines to enjoy such a blessin [...] without fruit, how well is [...] with him that hath g [...] administred to him in suc [...] plentifull, and rare Models▪ [...] am perswaded that her hu [...] band feares God: For she [...] promised a portion onely [...] men of that qualificatio [...] [Page 55]Hee need not feare his Ene­mies, because his Quiver is full of these Arrowes. It's well when goodnesse multi­plies, such Seed cannot bee sowen too soone, nor spring up too fast. Sterility is fittest when the wombe is not holy. God threatens to give dry breasts, and barren wombs as a curse to sinfull, and disobe­dient Husbands.

Thy Church (O Saviour) is as this virtuous Matron well stored with Daughters, and Olive branches to adorne the Courts of that new Hie­rusalem, in her Husbands Ab­sence how she mournes, how lovingly and patiently she desires, expects, and prayes [Page 56]for his comming, how pru­dently shee governes her fa­mily? and how carefully doth shee provide for there diet, and sustenance? And just so it is with thy Syon, Thy long absence makes her seeme as a Widow, and how earnestly, and often hath, and doth she pray for thy second comming; and [...] as one of her youngest sonnes doe cry and pray to see my Fathers presence▪ Come Lord Iesus, come quickly.

Ecclesi [...] ut Spousa,
Christus Sponsus.
Math. 23.5.

MEDITATION. 24. Vpon the sight of a Grashopper.

WHere doth this Summer singing Souldier, take up his quarter in Winter time? No man can know from whence he marches, nor whi­ther he retreats. Thus much we may learne, to be obedient to God, for here is an Army of potent Souldiers ready fur­nished to punish where their Lord commands. God hath 4. Regiments of such forceable destmiers, the Locust, the Pal­mer worme, the Canker, and the Gras-hopper; These have beene alwaies found able and wil­ling to execute judgement having had their Commission. [Page 58]But what strength or pow [...] can reside in these poore li [...] tle Wormes? or what weapo [...] are they able to manage? as [...] all Egypt, and it will tell yo [...] with amazement.

It's good to keepe in pe [...] with God, least he arme [...] Creatures against us. G [...] can, and doth bring great A [...] tions to passe by small, a [...] weake Instruments. All h [...] force enough when He i [...] ploies them. The Flie, a [...] Worme are as able as the Ly [...]I▪

Its not so much to que [...] on with what a man is pu [...] shed, as to learne from wh [...] and whence it commeth, I w [...] (Oh God) acknowledge t [...] power in all thy creatures, [...] [Page 59]thou makest me an Example of thy Iustice by the least, for despising their seeming im­potencies.

Non in quantitate, sed qualitate virtus.

MEDITATION. 25. Vpon the sight of a dead Man.

TEach us (Oh Lord) so to Number our daies, that we may apply our harts unto wisedome, for so soone passe we away, and are gone, All flesh (I see) is Grasse, and all the beauty of it is as the flower of the feild, Thou (Oh God) hast determined the number of our dayes [Page 60]which we cannot passe. See what followes the seperation of the soule, and body. As long as this Tabernacle lodg­ed the soule, It was sensible, active, could heare, see, speak, or move, now that guest is driven forth by the Maker, there is nothing in it, but breeds loathsomnesse.

I plainely see that all con­fidence in man is vaine, and deceitfull, we must all dye for sinne, but keepe me from dying in sinne, since I must dye, let me end in grace, not in nature. I descry the natu­rall mans unfitnes for any spirituall exercise, what can he performe without Christ? And as the body is dead [Page 61]without the soule, so both soule and body without grace, Oh let me alwaies be as a dead man unto sinne, so this death shall end in life, and this dissolution shall be the onely meanes to have both happily, and gloriously united.

Mortuus peccato, vivus Christe.

MEDITATION. 26. Vpon the sight of a Lottery.

HOw cunning the world is to deceive the world? here are a thousand Blankes for one Prize. The World deales all upon cheating, It's thousand to one if any good [Page 62]man gets any good by i [...] ▪ from it, or in it. See what [...] throng is heere, Every ma [...] strives to be first to cheate▪ and deceive himselfe. I do [...] see places of more profit, an [...] pleasure stand empty.

The world hath mo [...] Clyents then the Church, w [...] cannot conclude the great [...] company to bee the be [...] Goodnes cannot bee just [...] numbred by the Pole. The [...] is more Earth for the Pott [...] then for the Gold-smith. I [...] no safe argument to follo [...] the multitude. Every o [...] that drawes hopes for a pri [...] but hee that hopes to be [...] Winner in this world, shall [...] a Looser.

[Page 63] The folly of the worldly mans wisedome is here easily seene. Here he will willingly cast away Pounds vpon un­certaine hopes: but in Gods Lottery the Church, hee will grudge his farthings, nay his presence; Yet here he gaines time, and saves his estate, there hee looses both. (Oh Lord) I beseech thee to give me grace to come to thy Store-house, where I may fur­nish my selfe with rich com­modities at a low rate. I need not feare to adventure, for all that comes from thee advantageous.

MEDITATION. 27. Vpon a great Candle in a fa [...] Candle sticke.

HOw comfortable, ho [...] comely is this? a [...] how wisely is it placed. It's pity but such [...] Candle should have such [...] seat, and such a Candle-stick [...] deserves such a Light. The [...] is not any but affects it, if h [...] be well disposed.

How easily doe I in th [...] see a good, and painfull Preacher, well, and wisely placed i [...] a good Pulpit. His Doctri [...] is no lesse comfortable, the [...] convincing. My Prayer sha [...] [Page 65]be that every such light may have such an Eminent Prefer­ment. Those whose lives, and Doctrine are both holy, and sanctified are indeed burning, and shining Lampes, and doe grace the Temple, and Gospell of Christ. Let me (Oh Lord) be but even a little Candle in thy Temple thus qualified, and I cannot dislike my place, nor doubt of Accep­tance, and Approbation with thy Saints.

MEDITATION. 28. Vpon a dead Coale.

VVHy this sooner ex­tinguishd then ano­ther? [Page 66]or why at all? Ca [...] that heate, so sodainely, an [...] totally vanish from the subiect? or being dead is it not [...] be revived? It's manifest tha [...] remotenesse, and solitarine [...] makes it die. But joyned [...] the whole Company ho [...] soone recovers it the form [...] virtue.

It's no otherwise with t [...] Elect Children, want of go [...] exercises, and Company ma [...] abate, and lessen their hea [...] of zeale, but thou wilt n [...] suffer it to bee extinguish [...] Satan by policy may cau [...] some remissenes, but he sh [...] not procure absolute dea [...] nes. Graces in the Act are n [...] alwaies so sensibly operati [...] [Page 67]yet the habit may remaine firme. The Sunne may bee hid with clouds, but we know It doth then move in his Orbe. It's not a meane bles­sing to enjoy the company of Gods Saints, who are not onely warme in Grace them­selves, but also make others so to be.

MEDITATION: 29. Vpon seeing the Sunne setting.

HOw glorious, comforta­ble, and pleasant was his light, this last houre? now how darke and disconsolate is the Heaven, and what [Page 68]a sable Mantle spreads ouer our heads, and how are the Earthly Inhabitants Canopi­ed in Darknes.

How doth it shadow out the vncertaine condition, and fraile estate of the greatest Monarchs, & the mutability of all worldly lustre. Scepters have their periods, and the greatest honours, and prefer­ments their appoynted dates, Nothing under the Sunne but is subiect to setting.

Iust such is the case of the body without the soule, and such is the state of the soule, without Christ, miserable, un­comfortable. I entreat thee (Oh Saviour) never to de­prive my soule of thy presence, [Page 69]but let mee alwaies bee com­forted with the light of thy countenance, so I need not feare the darknesse of the Grave, nor that of Hell, being alwaies in thy presence, who art that Light, and that Sunne which never sets, or changes.

MEDITATION. 30. Vpon a Stone in a River.

HOw unmoveable, obdu­rate is this, though the waters are about it, above it continually. It changes not the forme, seldome the place, and is absolutely unfit for any building, or necessary [Page 70] Imployment, when as other [...] that are heavier, and greate [...] then it, with a few drops o [...] Raine onely, are mollified, receive impression; are square [...] and fitted for many excelle [...] imployments.

I cannot but behold (O [...] God) the severall conditio [...] of sinfull men, some are s [...] desperate, and accustomed i [...] wickednes, that neither th [...] often showring downe o [...] mercy, nor iudgement w [...] worke any thing upon the [...] ▪ such Pharaohs are they i [...] self-will, perversnes, custom [...] These are setled upon the [...] Lees.

Others though heauier, a [...] more loaden in sinne, yet wi [...] [Page 71] one drop of mercy, or at the first showre of punishment, relent, mollifie, and so, are sen­sible of their miserable con­dition, and are often fitted by the Goodnes of God, and the Ministery of a diligent Prea­cher, for excellent uses in his Church. Keepe mee (Lord) from hardnes of heart, and insensiblenes in sinne, let my soule be mollified by thy mer­cy, and terrified by thy judg­ments, that thou mayest em­ploy it in some service for the glory of thy Name, the exam­ple of others, and the comfort of it, at that great day of Reckonings.

MEDITATION. 31. Vpon the ill, and neglige [...] Servant, Mat. 25.27.

HE ought to have put his Masters money to the Exchangers, but did not. Why not he labou­ring as well as his two other fellow servants? Where was he priviledged to bee idle, while the others were wor­king? why not he performing his duty though others were careles? he shall answer fo [...] himselfe. It's dangerous sinning by example, or pattern [...] of others, but this man sin­ned against precept, and without [Page 73] patterne: and I feare hath folly made himselfe a Pat­terne, and Example to others to sinne by. It is bad to follow wickednes, but it's damna­ble Impiety to lead others. That seemes to be one aggra­vation of Ieroboams wicked­nes, That he made Israel sin, what excuse can this idle soule make? will hee plead ignorance? or impotency? not so: His conscience galls him there, what then? was it a suspitious feare of loosing? he know this way of managing it, was the onely warrantable, and advantagious course, this was one principall end why he had it bestowed on him, out see how impudent hee [Page 74]is in a lye to his masters fa [...] I knew thou wast an ha [...] man, &c. While hee [...] ashamed to father his fa [...] himselfe, he villanously see [...] to disgrace his Lord.

I see thus much that ma [...] a wicked and ungodly wre [...] may be under a good maste [...]

VVithall that many [...] wicked man hath had fa [...] means of saluation lent hi [...] ▪ The only way to bee cro [...] hereafter, is to be Dilig [...] here: It is not the enioy [...] of the meanes, but the [...] employing them that gi [...] Happines. I may read [...] Lecture to my selfe, and [...] other Ministers, and One [...]Gods people. That the ri [...] [Page 75]and constant excercising my calling is best in the Royall Exchange, The Church. That those which are Gods Factors for soules must imploy themselues in this place. And for the people, that the only thing that will give content to their conscience, and that will bee approved of GOD, is to turne there Talent of Hearing into Doing.

MEDITATION. 32. Vpon the Soldiers that watcht the Sepulchre of our Saviour.

VVHat a stirre is here on all sides? The [Page 76] Priests, the elders, and S [...] diers all plotting to sh [...] themselues. The first f [...] lish in their Command [...] the second Corrupters, a [...] base by bribes of money, [...] third careles, & suborned [...] on so high a point of [...] uice. What a folly was [...] to watch him, who did wa [...] them? see how greedy t [...] were of monyes, these m [...] spoake words against the [...] owne lives, what? Watch-m [...] and sleepe? and upon the [...] guard? at any time is pu [...] shable by death; much mo [...] upon such a case as this wa [...] ▪ Yet further, All of them, [...] well there Commaundeire [...] the Soldiers? and yet mo [...] [Page 77] [...] this for to colour other mens [...]ults. Nulla sides, pietas (que) [...]qui castra sequuntur.

But will they say it was a [...] Summe, It Enriched thē [...] ▪ The baser they were that [...]ve it, and they onely the [...]her lyers, gaines cannot sup­ [...]nt a heart resolued upon [...]eth. ill do those become [...] chaire who would [...]er the virtue of Christs [...]rrection.

What they will urge yet, [...] [...]hey were Soldiers? and [...] but an Ideot would re­ [...] such an offered Prize? [...] had they beene such [...]d, they would have dis­ [...] unfaithfulnesse, and [...] the receiving of gains [Page 78]It may be the easier ad [...] ted, if it neyther doth [...] iudice faith, trueth, consci [...] nor the life of any, but t [...] receiving is liable to [...] ▪ It's a part of Iudas to [...] all these for money: [...] what effected this there [...] orned untrueth? did it [...] or overthrow the fame of [...] Saviours Resurrection, [...] noe! the Sepulchre, [...] great stone, the Seale [...] the Watch could hold him [...] minute beyond his [...] the third day shall [...] him glorious, maugre all [...] malice, God will ge [...] [...] glory, even by the a [...] wicked men.

But how many ha [...] [Page 79]wages of unrighteousnes cor­rupted, and spurd on to bad seruices? Bribes make wise men purblind, shipwracke Con­science, and truth. It's a cleare case for the Conscience, that Rewards are not to be taken then, when Gods glory, and truth must be declared.

Yet seldome hath it beene [...]owne that wicked men [...]ve wanted Assistants for [...]ere worst intentions. Liars [...] well furnished for the [...]st part with Excuses. Sup­ [...]ters of trueth as they are [...]lyticians, so they are well [...]red with Instruments. Re­ [...]lion seldome marches with­ [...]t Complices. The Execra­ [...]st murthers as they have [Page 80]had their Plotters, so they have found Vndertakers fo [...] the Execution.

Lord I beseech the [...] keepe mee from withho [...] ding the trueth in a ly [...] ▪ Let not any gaine sedu [...] or draw mee to concea [...] what I am bound to mak [...] knowne. Let mee learne t [...] prize truth, more then wea [...] and to speake trueth thoug [...] I should loose by it. Th [...] man paies deare for gold, wh [...] sels himselfe to damnati [...] to purchase It.

MEDITATION. 33. Vpon the Aethiopian Eunuch converted by Philip.

THis noble Courtier tooke good paines to take so long a journey to goe to Church, and it did please God to reward him well go­ [...]g Home-wards. The Church [...] the most likely place to be [...]essed in. He made the rea­ [...]ng of the Scriptures as a pleasant History, though the virtue, and the mysticall meaning was as yet hid from him. Hee was neither idle, [...]r ill-imployed in his Iour­ney. Reading is commenda­ble, [Page 82]especialy of such things, as may make for the bettering of vs. Vpon this see how God salutes Him with an Occasionall [...]ing'd Preacher.

God knowes the Opportunities to worke vpon vs. Philip must ioyne to him, th [...] he may be ioynd to God.

I read not that this Grea [...] Lord Treasurer in his Coa [...] disliked this Preachers comming, nor yet the seemi [...] bold question that hee pr [...] pounded.

I see in this Religiously [...] fected Noble-man good D [...] sires and good Motions t [...] know, and also God seco [...] ding his pious Endeauors a [...] [Page 83]workes his happy conversi­on. It's no small blessing to enjoy the company of a faith­full Preacher. Wee cannot suppose what great Things God may bring to passe by these too much despised Em­bassadors.

It's not every one that can expound Scripture aright. But here was one that rightly di­vided and applyed the word of Trueth, and see the ope­ration of one Sermon preacht effectually.

God send every true Be­leiver such a man to meete him, and bid him deliver his Heart to God: these two met well, and parted better. Their salutation ended in [Page 84] salvation. Let mee upon a [...] doubts light upon such a [...] Expositor, and bee store [...] with such a Commentary.

MEDITATION. 34. Vpon seeing a Bird caught [...] a Snare.

HOw Agile, swee [...] framd, beautifull, a [...] Pleasant, was th [...] prety Quirrister, before [...] was thus captived; now, h [...] heavy, mourning, and disco [...] late is it: having not on [...] lost her freedome, but [...] pos'd her selfe to open [...] struction.

[Page 85]The use of liberty without wantones is a pleasant bles­sing: but ayming at some unlawfull pleasure, or profit, proves dangerous to the En­ioyer. (O Lord) it was the soule of Man that was thus beautifull, pleasant, pure, and active in the state of Inno­cence. What a spacious liberty had it eyther for Exercise, or Recreation? but being enthrald by that too too cunning Fowler, by the snares, and traps of sin­full pleasure; How heavy, how irkesome, and how loathsome is it, even to it selfe?

Sinne makes us loose all our spirituall mirth, and [Page 86] liberty, and exposes us to manifest perdition. (Oh God) since there are so many snares, and politique fowlers. Let my Soule, keepe Above and not settle here Below, so I shall escape their devises, and preserve my owne liberty.

Columba est Anima, Auceps e [...] Diabolus.

MEDITATION. 35. Vpon the sight of a Thorne Tree, full of Blossomes.

VVHat makes thi [...] growing, and flouri­shing [Page 87]in so good a piece of Ground? It do [...]h deserve a fire rather, then such an happy Scituation being naught in it selfe, and choaking the good Seed. It's well when wic­kednes is barren, better when it's quite rooted up, (may some say.)

But I admire thy pati­ence, and thy wisedome, (Oh God) even towards these vessels of wrath. It's thy will, and wisedome to place them here. Who dare then question thy Action for un­iust? it stands here eyther for an open conversion, conviction, or confusion.

We must not be our owne sharers in our Petitions. All [Page 88]is not best that seemes so i [...] our desires. We should revenge eyther too hastily, o [...] two deepely in our owne, o [...] our friends wrongs. Thy L [...] ly was troubled, and th [...] owne Israel was molested by these, yet both by thy Permission. (I believe they sha [...] have a hot day of it when [...] comes.

I enuy not the felicity o [...] the wicked, but patientl [...] waite to see thy wisedo [...] manifested. Wee are bu [...] foolish Logicians, if we conclude hapines from temp [...] rall blessings, the wicke [...] may surfet with them, an [...] thy Elect want them. Le [...] them grow where, and [...] [Page 89]long thou pleasest, I beleeve thy words, That the wicked shall be rooted out at the last.

MEDITATION. 36. Vpon visiting a Rich man, in time of his sicknes.

VVHat resorting to His house, by kin­dred, friends, and Neighbours? Hee wants not their compa­ny, Councell, or helpe: when as an honest poore man may lie long enough under a tedious sicknes, and have no such Visitants. They come for his Goods, rather then to doe him any good. [Page 90]much like greedy Gleaners when the Corne is cutting downe. He makes his wil [...] against his will, settles his state, assures all for the World. At last sends for a Preacher, who finds him unfitting fo [...] God, or the World.

Sicknes, and death (I see▪ are bold and impartiall Ser [...] ants. The World, and wealt [...] are but poore Baile upo [...] deaths Arrests. All meane [...] are nothing when God strike [...] us. The wisdome of the worl [...] is but an [...] for Heaven.

The Rich are unwilling t [...] dye because they know no [...] a better life, and want fai [...] to beleeve it.

[Page 91]Wealth, and riches often are but Percullisses let downe to stoppe the passage through the Gate to saluation. Rich worldlings have Gods Word in least, and last considera­tion.

Soe let God order mee, that in all estates I may be ready to part with All to enioy Him. But it is truely spoaken, Oh! How bitter is the Remembrance of death to a man in his full pos­sessions.

MEDITATION. 37. Vpon Hearing a faire Shippe come home Richly laden.

VVHat dangers thi [...] Poore Vessell hat [...] passed? what Rockes, Pirat [...] ▪ Sands, Waves, and Winde [...] hath it encountred with▪ What hunger, cold, heat, an [...] blowes hath she indured▪ What a greene, tedious v [...] knowne, moueable way hat [...] shee flowne over? What [...] world of water hath she plo [...] ed through? With wh [...] strange Nations hath she [...] traded? And yet what mor [...] is, how often hath shee been [...] reputed and given for lost▪ [Page 93]Yet safely at length arrived with Drums beating, Trum­pets sounding, Colours dis­playd, and rich Prizes in Her. GODS Name bee praysed.

Every sonne of man comes into, and goes out of this world as a Shippe to Sea. What miseries, afflictions, cala­mityes, poverty, disgrace doe encounter them? Happy is he that keepes the Vessell of his soule by Patience to the End. Many split, and sinke, some are taken Prisoners, others die with hunger. All are liable to Combats, and fiery Trialls.

More specially I thinke of, and pray for that Royall [Page 94]Shippe of thine (oh Saviour) called the All-saints, o [...] the Church militant. Whic [...] hath beeee long forth, hat [...] endured Heauy things, ye [...] (as I hope) shall ere lon [...] put happily into her safe Harbor of rest, and repose.

VVhat reioycing, an [...] gladnes shall there bee a [...] Her approach, which come [...] laden with so many thousands of pure Soules to be [...] put into that Royall Exchange. Fetch home thy Syo [...] (Oh Lord) and thy R [...] deemed one with much peopl [...] Let mee bee any Prize i [...] her, and I shall be rich enoug [...]

Ecclesia Navis est,
Animae piorum sunt Mercat [...]

MEDITATION. 38. Vpon the sight of an Infant fed with Milke.

IF it were not for this kinde of foode the poore Infant might starue. See how God proportions to all Nou­rishment sitting there Age. How quietly you may see him receive it? How kind­ly the Nurse giving it? How [...] agrees with his tender Con­ [...]ution, and digested, fits him [...] stronger diet.

How doth (Oh God) thy Heavenly Wisedome appeare, in giving us sincere Milke out of thy Heavenly [Page 96] word. While we are babes in Christ, how meekely doth the thriving Child in Grac [...] receive it, which is able to save his soule. How lovingly doe thy faithfull Ministers feed him with it; an [...] being rightly received, make [...] him grow up unto the perfect stature of a Man i [...] Christ.

God is carefull to provide food for mans soul [...] The Preacher ought to be d [...] ligent in the distribution [...] it, and the hearer ought [...] be constant in the receipt [...] it.

Children that will not r [...] ceive Milke, eyther sicken, die, or else prove Dwarf [...] [Page 97]Seeing (Lord) it is uncome­ly, unnaturall, alwaies to be a Child, ever learning, but never comming to perfecti­on. Let mee so receive thy Word that I. may grow from strength, to strength, and from virtue, to vir­tue.

They are unnaturall, and unfiting Nurses, who ey­ther doe not give Children Milke at all, or else a­dulterated, and sophisticated with many dangerous In­gredients to hinder their growth.

The first are careles, and unlearned Ministers: the se­ [...]nd are superstitious, and [...]olatrous false Teachers, [Page 98]who presumptuously mixe their humaine Traditions to Gods Word, hindring the growth and encrease o [...] Gods Church.

Gods Word admits no mixture; it's desperate boldnes eyther to withhold it, o [...] to adde to it, being first, so necessary: secondly, so perfect in its nature: Both wi [...] undergoe that heavy cur [...] of God, the one for Substraction, the other for Addition.

MEDITATION. 39. Vpon the sight of the Moone.

THis Creature is now in the full lustre, in the re­volution of a few daies, how is the beautifull light of it diminished, because it is not of, or from it selfe, but borrowed from the Sunne.

That is absolutely perfect whose subsistence is in it selfe. That body is but imper­fect whose Fundamentals are Externall dependances. Those Princes are counted weake, whose Forces are borrowed from their Neighbours. Mi­serable [Page 100]is that man who [...] His necessary imploymen [...] must have a Legge from o [...] a Hand from another, a [...] an Eye from a third. Th [...] party dares not diso [...] him, by whose power h [...] Head stands on his Sho [...] ders.

Seldome doe they acco [...] plish any great Actio [...] whose Materials are oth [...] mens Beneplacits: To bor [...] another mans faith to g [...] to Heaven, would seeme b [...] the Errand of a begga [...] Christian.

The body of the Mo [...] Encreases, and Decreases, [...] our sence, it is as subj [...] to change, as it is to [...] [Page 101] motion, If Phylosophy will serve for an Argument. Mans mutable state of his body sympathizes, or else is caused from it.

But how soever it is no such mervaile if men bee unconstant, faulty, and fa­ding, since those more Cae­lestiall, and Superior crea­tures stood not all stedfast, The Angels kept not their first Integrity. Worthy Cal­ [...] hath it, Si peccare norunt [...]arentes in paradiso, quid mi­ [...]um si Nos in sterquilinio?

It is (Oh Saviour) with [...] soules, as with the Moone, [...]ee hath light onely from [...] Sunne. The light, and [...]re wee have in our soules [Page 102]is thy comelinesse and bea [...] ty. We are darknes, but th [...] hast made us light in [...] Lord. Let mee (O Lord▪ cast away now the work [...] of darknes, and put vp [...] my soule the Armour [...] of Light.

Lux mea a Te.

MEDITATION. 40. Vpon the falling of [...] in Autumne.

VVHat a strange a [...] ration is here in t [...] Tree? The last quarter h [...] flourishing? how repl [...] shed? and decked with th [...] [Page 103]sands of Attendants in greene, promising much to the sa­tisfying of the beholders, but this was in Summer.

How many such seeming Parasites are there, which will spread Saile with us in a faire gale of Wind, or in a prosperous terme, promising fidelity, but in the tempests, and violent stormes of ad­versity, or affliction are so­dainely gone with a Non Novimus. Few men make haste to that Market where there is nothing to be bought but blowes.

It showes also to [...] the fraile condition of the bo­dy, and worldly prefer­ments, how beautifull, and [Page 104]comely hath this man beene and how honourable this day, when sodainely but one fit of a feaver, or one frowne of a Prince hath lopt both in a moment. Sodainely have such Meteors, and Comets beene extinguished▪ God make mee so resolute in perseverance, that I may hold my first love. So neither the heate in Summe [...] shall make mee too proud▪ nor the frosts in Winte [...] affright, or displace me.

MEDITATION. 41. Vpon Reubens divisions. Iudg. 5.15.16.

I wonder much, and grieve more at this unmatchable seperation. Can those hearts which should alwaies bee u­nited, in so small a distance be divided? was it any dis­content that this Tribe har­boured because it lost the priviledge of the first borne? Indeed lawfull Heires sel­dome part with their Pre­rogatives, but threaten re­venge, or intend it to the present possessors with Esau, could not the Equall Testa­ment of a father so inspired [Page 106]be admitted for just, in [...] many Generations, Without malice, or revenge.

This had beene a faire opportunity for Reuben to ha [...] gaind that honour in the fie [...] which he lost in an unlawfu [...] Bed. Was it because D [...] borah a Woman was then th [...] Generall in the Feild? An [...] so Reubens Regiment scorne [...] to be led up in Armes b [...] so weake an instrument? bu [...] certainly he was then th [...] more culpable, being [...] potent a Tribe, and abse [...] VVill he put the fault [...] Iordan because he could n [...] Passe over his high su [...] VVaves? Oh no! A willi [...] minde slights such poore [...] cuses, [Page 107]and will affront the greatest perills.

VVas it the force of the Enemies Army that affrigh­ted him, or did he thinke he should come too late? For the first, he could not have hazarded his life in a fairer quarrell, nor amongst nearer friends, and if he had come, though after the Battaile, no question but Deborah, and all the Lords would have beene glad to have seene his Colours in the Feild to tryumph, though not to Fight. It would have shewed a readines, and propensity of minde, and would have made an Apology for his whole Tribe.

[Page 108]Howsoever hee should have renewed his old fami­liarity with his brethren, and more then that, It would have caused a great feare in the Army of the Aduersaries, to have heard his Drummes beating to succour his Brethren: The union of Brethren is terrible, but their divisions are alwaies spurres to their Adversaries, and great advantages.

But briefly to lay him forth, hee was busie about his private Commodities, his Flocks, and his Heards, workt more with him, then Gods cause. It is a great sault to slip opportunites in doing good, especially to [Page 109]our selues, and brethren, how long could he thinke to have enjoyd his flockes at home, if his Enemies had got the Feild from his Brethren. Our Private gaines must not be preferd before our Countries.

And such, and no other are worldly men, when I am assaulted by the power of Satan, or tentations. What comfort will these afford my soule? Noe: they will ney­ther lend me Comfort; Coun­cell, or Prayer. So his fault was in respect of the Cause, the Time, his Person, his Freinds, Aduersaries, and Ex­ample.

Concordiâ Res parvae Crescunt,
Discordiâ evertuntur Maximae.

MEDITATION. 42. Vpon Sleepe.

THe naturall sleepe is a cessation of all labor, motion, action. With excesse i [...] brings poverty, shame, disgrace, sicknesses, diseases▪ Hee that is given to sleep [...] shall not bee rich. It stupefies, besots the best sences and faculties of the soul [...] and makes them unfit fo [...] any good imployment, o [...] virtuous action. It is th [...] Rust of the whole man.

Nature cannot move t [...] Grace in its owne condition▪ The spirituall sluggard i [...] [Page 111]the onely poore man. Hee that lies downe in the sleepe of sinne, shall rise in shame.

No such diseased person as the spirituall sluggard. His poverty, and shame may come slowly, but violently as an Armed man.

I beseech thee (O Lord) to waken mee from slum­bring, or sleeping in sinne. So I may worke powerfully, and [...]erefully while the time, and day of grace doth shine: [...]he night of death will come, [...]hen no man can worke. I [...]ould wish that all would [...]ake St. Pauls counsell, ‘Awake thou that sleepest, arise, [...]nd stand up, and Christ shall [...]e thee light.’

[...]omnus animae periculosus.

MEDITATION. 43. Vpon the sight of a faire Garden.

I Question not the Ga [...] ners skill, nor his diligen [...] neither doubt I the good [...] either of the Ground, [...] of the Seed sowne in [...] ▪ Yet I see more Weeds, th [...] Herbes, or Rootes, wh [...] base vsurping, intrud [...] Hinderers are these of b [...] ter things. Pull them [...] what make they growing [...] so choyce a Piece, to [...] disturbance of those who [...] some, and medicina [...] Hearbes and Flowers, [...] [Page 113]the patient Wisedome of the Master. They must grow, for that place is not priviledged here. This Mixture is tolerable as long as the Master per­mits it. The best Wheat may be fanned, but yet there will some Chaffe be amongst it.

(O Lord) thy skill, and diligence, is admirable in the Managing of that of spi­ [...]ituall Garden the Church. Thy Word which is the seed [...] good, and pure, thy Mi­ [...]isters, which are the true [...]bourers, are watchfull, [...]d carefull over it, Yet [...] purest Congregation is [...]erlac't, and mixt with [Page 114] Hypocrites. It was not tha [...] Heavenly Iury of Apostle [...] that was free from a Iudas.

I pray God, I may truel [...] and faithfully discharge m [...] duty. And leave the success [...] and end to the wise will o [...] my Lord, and Master.

Gods Congregation is n [...] more to bee forsaken f [...] Hypocrites being in it, the [...] a wedge of fine Gold is, f [...] having two, or three graines [...] drosse in it.

MEDITATION. 44. Vpon Fire.

THere are five speciall gifts that make this In­ [...]ment admirable. Heate, Light, Purity, his nature of [...]cending, and Consuming. If [...]e come too neere it, it [...]l prejudice us, if wee [...]nd too farre from it, it will [...]t benefit us. A wise Me­ [...]iocrity is the profitablest [...]ation.

I doe lively (Oh God) in [...]is see, and acknowledge [...]y heavenly spirit of trueth, [...]s that good Spirit that [...]nlightens our understan­dings, [Page 116]that by his power, and Energy I eats our Affections▪ who by his onely Purity, an [...] Sanctity cleanses our Soule [...] and Bodies, making the [...] fit Temples for Himselfe, an [...] Peculiar Vessels for his ow [...] use, who by his worth teaches vs to set our Affection [...] and Soules not on Thing [...] below, Temporary, Worldl [...] and such as are subject [...] sence, and corruption, but [...] mount Higher, and to se [...] those Things which are [...] boue, who doth expell, a [...] drive out of our Soules [...] sinfull lusts, and rebelli [...] corruptions.

Learne mee (O Go [...]Humility, not with too [...] [Page 117]bold a Presumption to pry into thy Closet of Divine, and reserved Secrets, and withall, giue mee that care, and wisedome to frequent: those spirituall exercises, for [...] the first is forbidden rash­ [...], so the other is forbidden [...]th, and negligence.

Lord let me alwaies have [...] Coale of this Fire, in the [...]use of my soule, to warme [...] by, in the coldest day of [...]fliction, and let mee ever [...]e a vigilant care that I [...]fer it not to be quenched, [...] extinguished.

Ignis hic Fovendus.

MEDITATION. 45. Vpon the sight of a poore ma [...] Begging.

HEe makes the High [...] the place of his gaine [...] his Rags and Soares, th [...] Orators of his necessity, an [...] the induction for mens ch [...] rity. Oftentimes Petitionates some Nobleman, b [...] relation of his long suite in Law, or of his losses by th [...] casualty of Fire, or Wate [...] or that hee is destitute [...] Friends, and Meanes, an [...] so findes Reliefe, Compass [...] on, Cloathing. What a goo [...] Policy is this for our poo [...] [Page 119]and miserable soules, Ie­sus Christ in his Word, in his Sacraments, and Church, is the road way of our gaines. Our sicke, and distressed Soules, and Consciences, our wounded and broken Spirits [...]e the Sores and ulcers, [...]hich moue us to begge, [...]d cry out for mercy: which [...]so are the onely and best [...]eanes to get thy Pity, fa­ [...]our, compassion. Prayers [...]e our Petitions to turne [...]ay the Rigour of thy [...]aw, and the Fire of thy [...]ustice.

Shew thy mercy (Oh Lord [...]nd Saviour) or wee are [...]retched. No Friends, or meanes but thy Selfe, Me­rits, [Page 120]Pardons, Indulgences, Pur­gatory, Pilgrimage, Superero­gations have no force, o [...] virtue. Lend us thy Roab [...] of Righteousnes to adorn [...] us, Thy selfe to cherish us▪ so our Persons, and Praye [...] shall bee accepted, otherwis [...] thou mayst goe by us, an [...] we never the better.

Lord, make us commo [...] and earnest Beggars at th [...] Doore of Mercy, so we [...] need not bee ashamed of th [...] Gifts, nor of this Profe [...] sion.

MEDITATION. 46. Vpon the sight of a Frontiere Garrison.

VVHat care, provision policy, and guar­ding is in this place. What Walles, Moates, Halfe-moons, Horne workes, Draw­ [...]idges, Ramparts, and Palli­ [...]does do I behold, to secure [...]emselues within, from the [...]olence of a threatning foe without.

How fitly doth this obiect learne me to Barricadoe my soule from all the entrances, and approaches of my bloody, and spirituall Aduersaries, [Page 122]those Out-guards, and for­lorne Sconces of my Eyes, Eares, Words, and Actions are to bee well lookt too; and that priuy passage of my thoughts must be warily kept, for vsually the Enemie will be Vnder-mining that Place, or else closely in the Night of ignorance will enter that too too weake Passage. So I must looke that my will judgment, Memory, affec­tions, and understanding b [...] alwayes ready prest for th [...] Holy performance of sanctifi [...] duties.

Bee thou alwayes (O Lord) the Commandeire, wal [...] thou the Round, and gi [...] Orders to mee, how I sh [...] [Page 123]watch, so I neede not feare any Surprisall, nor Onslaught, if thou who never sleepest takest upon Thee to be the Gouernour in the little Citty of my soule, and except thou thou doest keepe it, all my [...]atching will be in vaine.

MEDITATION. 47. Vpon a King, and Traytors.

THe Law apprehends, Ar­raignes, Conuicts, and Condemnes these Malefac­ [...]rs, They not onely loose [...]eir owne lives, and honours, [...]t disgrace and overthrow [...]eir Children, the King may [Page 124]of mercy, power, free love, and his princely Prerogative save, or execute, Some, All, or None. Yet the Offendors in themselues without Plea, Ex­cuse, or Merit.

It's just the case of A [...] by Nature, God by his Law, Iustice, Severity may; or could condemne us: we are Vnable, undeseruing, without excuse. It's therefore (Oh Heavenly Father) thy mercy, and free love to save Any o [...] All, when as thou Iustly mightest have destroy'd All▪ (good God) grant me a Pardon royall for all my Re­bellions, and seale it I be­seech The with the Blood o [...] Iesus Christ.

MEDITATION. 48. Vpon the Angels.

THese Creatures are agile, Powerfull, All perfect, and good by Creation, dif­ferent by sinne. Their Nature, Number, Imployment, show the Mercy, Iustice, Power, and VVisedome of their Creator. Their imployment showes the Iust wages of O­bedience, & Pride, their num­ber what a Large, and Royal Court Heaven is, and what a vast prison Hell is. Their Of­fice proves that the Righteous are alwaies well guarded with Seruants, and Defenders: and that the wicked are alwayes [Page 126]vext with tormenting Execu­tioners.

Let me (Oh God) be­ware of sinne, which made Angels, Divels. Thou did­dest punish it in these se­verely, wilt not Allow it in any. My Calling gives me [...] the same Name, let me be [...] [...]ound faithfull in it, lest [...] loose Honor, and life. They and Men are the chiefe o [...] thy workes for Mercy, an [...] Iustice. They both are the bes [...] and the worst of all thy Creatures. I may learne fro [...] these, what I had beene, wha [...] I must not be, and what [...] shall be.

Corruptio Optimi pessima.

MEDITATION. 49. Of a Physitian.

GOD hath made him a fit Instrument for Health. [...]xperience, Knowledge, and [...]ithfulnes warrant, and [...]ommend him. The dis­ [...]sed must receive his Pre­ [...]riptions with Preparation, Approbation, Thankesgiuing: [...]here's little hope of any [...]fe without him. These [...]ree adde Efficacy to his Medicines. Some neglect the [...]st, others the second, some All. So they justly groane, and greive under a continu­ed sicknes.

[Page 128] It's no otherwise with God, and our Soules. Hee hath sent Iesus Christ the Author of our Spirituall Health▪ his Knowledge, Experience, and faithfulnes are wonderfull▪ His Prescriptions are all war­rantable, and Soueraigne▪ Many have Vlcerated Consciences, and soules deepe in a Spirituall Consumption▪ because they will not re­ceive this onely Restoratiu [...] I hold it best to subscrib [...] to thy Directions for Purge [...] [...]otion, or diet, my Recovery is not to be doubted▪ if I follow thy Aduise, H [...] onely Remedies all shakin [...] Agues of wavering Consciences. Burning Feavers o [...] [Page 129]sinfull Lust. All Consump­tions of Faith, and zeale, and All the swellings and rising of the Lights to Pride, or vaine Ambition (Oh good Samaritan) dwell in the little House of my soule, so I shall be purg'd, Cured, and Comforted at all times, [...] All diseases.

MEDITATION. 50. Vpon a Soldier.

See in these Professors a dangerous Mixture, some [...] march in the same Army [...]ose Hearts are with their [...]ethrens Enemies, And as [Page 130] Opportunity serues, Runne [...] way, mutineere, or tu [...] absolute Cowards upon Pu [...] of Pike, or any great seruic [...] ▪ Yet some there are, w [...] deserue Commendations [...] their qualification of O [...] dience, Courage, Patience, [...] fulnes, and Constancy.

It hath beene alwayes [...] (Oh Lord) in the Spiri [...] all Army, some Israeli [...] have their Hearts with [...] Lords of the Philistines, f [...] dayly Runne away f [...] Gods Garrison, the Ch [...] ▪ They goe out from us, [...] cause they were not of u [...] [...] thers turne Rebels to [...] Christ his Kingdome, wi [...] Nolumus Hunc Regnare, [...] [Page 131]thousands are faint-harted, and white liverd, though the cause be good, and God hath promis'd to defend it.

They are thy Faithfull, and Elect (O God) that un­dergoe the Heat of the day. I beseech Thee qualifie me with parts Requisite, and then I feare not the faces, nor forces of those Goliah-like, Enemies. I am sure I shall have some trew Comrades to goe with me, and some to fol­low me. The Lord Generall is march'd before with a strong Regiment, He hath, and will for ever Triumph. I doubt not to have a share of Comfort with him, as well as of Blowes for him.

MEDITATION. 40. Vpon seing a Man looking upon the Sunne with his Eyes Immediately.

THis mans Iudgment is Erroneous, because his Perspectiue deceives him, he Concludes the Sunne to be noe greater then it doth Appeare to his Eye. He may as well conclude that it doth not move, because he perceives It not. The Height of it from the Earth, the weaknes of his Sence, and the Greatnes of It's Light makes this confusion in his Iudgment.

It's no otherwise in the [Page 133] spirituall Vision, the Natu­rall Man perceives not the Greatnes, and Glory of that Sunne of Righteousnes, The state of Glory is not to be seene with the Eye of Sence, or Reason. Spirituall Obiects must bee Spiritually discer­ned.

He that will Rightly, and Effectually behold Thee (Oh Saviour) must have the Prospective of Faith. The Mystery of thy Conception, Incarnation, Resurrection, and Ascension are so high above Nature, That Flesh, and Blood cannot attaine unto them. Such Knowledge is too deepe for the meere Naturalist, [...] beholding these deepe [Page 134]Points, Let me put out the Eye of Reason, and open the Eye of faith. Oh Lord give me such an Instrument, so I shall neither faile in my Ex­pectation, nor bee falsified about the Obiect. For Faith drawes firme Conclusions.

MEDITATION. 52. Vpon seeing a Tent Pitcht up, and suddenly Re­moved.

HOw fit this Instrum [...] is for motion, when [...] great Howses are Burthen [...] and are of that nature th [...] they cannot bee our C [...] panions [Page 135]in any sodaine extre­mities. This I see is of that ease, and yet convenient e­nough for a Covering, That a man may carry it all day at his backe, like a Snayle.

In cases of sodaine necessity the Tent is the better house. I had rather have a Tent, and escape the danger of a Pur­suing Enemy, then a faire great House, and my life ta­ken away in it.

(Believe it) Riches, and this worldly Pompe have the greater Inconveniences. He that hath least of this worldly Goods, hath the fewer feares. Feriunt Sum­ [...]os fulmina Montes, Give [...]e a poore Life with safety, [Page 136]rather then Riches with such hazards. Let me never looke for a long stay of certainty here, but alwaies so live, as expecting every moment [...] removeall from hence.

Militia est vita hominis sup [...] terram.

MEDITATION. 53. Vpon the covetous Rich Ma [...] ▪ Luk. 12.16,17,18,19,20.

HOw full of care was this Earth-worme? yet how secure? how foolish?

What a base sinne is tha [...] [Page 137]which makes men so greedy, and so restles in getting wealth, and being gotten, d [...] the Master of the R [...] or of any good Vse [...] while he will not part with his Monies, hee must part with his Soule. And when hee thinkes to gaine the World, he must loose it. While hee is making his Resolutions, hee is forc't to his Dissolution: before hee can Build, or Enlarge his Barnes, he must passe to his Grave.

He basely seekes to hoard up that, which hee should have distributed, what faire Opportunities doth a rich Covetous man loose.

Many may, and sha [...] smart for having so mu [...] lent to them, and they no [...] lending any, to any.

The possession gives no [...] the master happines, so much as the distribution.

The onely way to gaine Eternals, is to passe away Temporals.

The certainty of death▪ and the uncertainty of the time, is, and ought to bee a great Motive to weane us all from covetousnesse.

MEDITATION. 54. Vpon the sight of a Pismire.

I See greater Creatures that may learne of this, to get their owne living, some reasonable Ones scarce get it so diligently, and honest­ly, as this contemptible Worme. It labours while a faire opportunity is offered, Her worke is not to preju­dice others by Oppression, or Extortion, meerely for susten­tation against harder times, and for the well being of her selfe, and her necessary Fa­mily.

A necessary direction for all Sluggards, and Spend­thrifts, who may goe to her, and heare Lectures of Diligence, and Providence wisely discoursd of. The first, shee teaches to get his owne Bread, and not to live by unlawfull meanes. The second, she tutors to provide for his Wife, and Children, and to have something re­seru'd for a rainy Day of Sicknes, or Adversity, or both.

As I see providence in this Creature, so I observe a society with Order. There are no Private or Do­mestique quarrels practised amongst them. Nature hath [Page 141]setled peace, and concord in their Confines. Privat Con­tentions are a continuall dropping to a Family, which may prove an unhappy o­verflowing tempest to the Republique. Abrahams ad­vice is worth Imitation. Let there bee no contention be­tweene thee, and mee, or thy Shepheards, and mine, For we are Brethren: Vnity crownes Fraternity. Divisions are the bane of the strongest Societies: civill wars made potent Rome a Cripple, an house divided against it selfe is, as when the Head wounds the Heart, or the H [...], both. It was de­plored, when Ephraim was [Page 142]against Manasseh, and M [...] nasseh against him, yet bo [...] against Iudah. Peace no [...] onely makes a State flouris [...] but also establishes, and co [...] firmes it.

The goodnes of the Cre [...] ture lies not in the grea [...] nes▪ Wisedome goes not a [...] waies by strength. Many [...] ther Creatures read Moral [...] to man, this little great St [...] dent reads Morality, and D [...] vinity. I would be loath th [...] litle Harvest-man shou [...] condemne me. Let me g [...] ther food for my soule whi [...] I have the Sun of the Gospe [...] So in the daies of scarce [...] I shall haue enough.


IT's Beautifull, Large, High, and Firme, God made it a Court for Him­selfe, Angels, and good men. There have beene many in it, who shall never come into it againe. They cast out them­selves Electione firma, It is full of beauty, Majesty, yet the poorest Peasant may be a priviledged Cour­tier.

It's large, to give spaci­ous liberty to the Inhabi­tants. It's High, yet made for the Lowly, and Humble, [Page 144]firme to consummate the blisse of the godly.

The beauty of thy Court makes mee thinke what an infinit Majesty the Maker of it is of. Secondly, it puts me in mind of the necessity of my sanctification, for no uncleane thing shall come in there. Thirdly, the glo­rious happines of thy Elect vessels, that shall dwell in it for ever.

The largnes of it showes that this Earth, and my Body, are the Prisons of my soule, so that I desire to enjoy that spacious liberty.

The Height, and distance of it from the Earth, warnes me to begin my journey [Page 145] thither betimes. The firmnes of it keepes mee from des­paire. I may the surer finde [...]t, because the Court never [...]emoves. Thy Court (O God) [...]s full of Favorites. Let me, [...] entreat thee bee enrolled a­mong the rest, for One. The [...]ay is narrow, yet to bee [...]und. If I seeke it, as I may, [...]s I ought, or as thousands [...]ave done before mee. (Oh Lord) whom have I in Hea­ [...]en but Thee? and who doe [...] desire on Earth, in compa­ [...]son of Thee?

Glorious things are spoken [...]f Thee, thou City of God.

MEDITATION. 56. Vpon the Fish in the Sea.

HOw long have these crea­tures spaciated them­selves in this watry World▪ yet come forth not infecte [...] with the saltnes of the place their Bodies are capabl [...] of it, they lodge, and liv [...] in it, feed in it, and sp [...] in it.

Behold an Admirab [...] Patrerne for vs from the [...] Sea-faring Inhabitants. [...] godly man will keepe his [...] tegrity at all times, and [...] all places. Though it bee [...] [Page 147]great Blessing to have our Lotte, and Habitation in Zion, yet if it be in Sodome, goodnes is not there to be left.

I shall never approve of his Actions, who changes his minde with the places hee passes through: to be for the Coule in Rome, and Rhemes, in Geneva a Praecisian. A Lu­theran in Dantzick, A Pro­testant in London, and an Hea­then in Barbary.

He is not a good man who followes this Mutability, These Creatures shall Con­demne those then that will Conforme themselues to all s [...]nes, of all places. Drun­kennes with the Dutch, Lust [Page 148]with French, Infidelity with the Italian, Ambition, and cruelty with the Spaniard, Treachery with the Moore, Witch-craft with the Lap­lander, Covetousnes with the Iew, Malice with the Turke, and Hypocrisie at home.

A Wise Man keepes him­selfe free from the sinnes of the Times, persons, and places. It is not the place that makes Good, or Bad. A Man may bee Good in the Campe, and bad in the Church. I beseich thee (Oh Lord) to give mee Circumspection over my Waies, so in all places I may retaine goodnes, and keepe Piety.

MEDITATION. 57. Vpon Saul sparing Agag, and the rich, and best of the Booty 1 Sam. 15.

HEaven would punish Amaleck with the sword, But Earth will piry him with Govetousnes: God in­tends Iustice, Saul aimes at Profit. Hee lookes not so much upon his Commission to obey it, as he seeks Eua­sions to transgresse it.

The greatest Princes may faile in their designes, when such Generalls are put upon the Execution.

Actions of the greatest [Page 150]Consequence layd upon the performance of vniust stew­ards come short of the first Intendments.

Couetousnes is as Bad a fault in a Commaunder as Cowardize. The one dare not fulfill his Iniunction, the other will not.

The Pity is Execra­ble that hinders Heavens Iustice. The Sword is some­times to be vsed rather then the Scepter. There may be time when the Generall in the Feild must be as a Iudge, not regarding the beauty, wealth, or quality of the per­son, but must proceed with Iustice. If God commands the Rule to be Generall, it's [Page 151]no safe practise to put in Exceptions. Gods Edicts need not humane helpes to per­fect them. The fitest Glosse upon them is Obedience to them. This conclusion is firme. Heaven commands this, or that, therefore it's good, beeing good, It is to be performed.

Sauls proceeding in this kind is much like to a Par­tiall Minister. God Com­mands him to destroy all those spirituall Amalekites, sinnes. But he onely beates downe the sinnes of poore Men, but spares, and con­nives at great Mens faults, holding them Prisoners in his heart, not willing to [Page 152]Incurre perhaps their Dis­favour.

And all those Men which onely roote out small Cor­ruptions, and lesser sinnes from Their soules, but let great Ones raigne still, either for Profit, or Pleasure, or both, doe falsifie with God, as Saul did here.

Lord I pray thee give me grace to performe what thou Commandest. For O­bedience is at all times, in all things pleasing to Thee.

Obedientia praestantior Heca­tombis.

MEDITATION. 45. Vpon his owne Thoughts by way of conclusion.

IT's harder I thinke than to be well Imployed, not to be imployed at all. It is as Toylsome to bee ill Oc­ [...]upied, as it is to be Idle. [...] cannot conceive that such [...]n Operative Organ as the [...]oule can want worke. It may [...]s well be thought to cease [...]o Bee, as not to be labou­ [...]ing. Shee is mistresse in such [...] foule House, shee had need [...]wayes be cleansing, she lodges [...]o many guests, that it is a [...]ontinuall worke to place all [Page 154]in Conuenient Roomes. Many Thoughts are such Quicke Guests they will bee gone, and steale away some good from her, unles shee bee wary.

They are all like Curreirs carrying out, and bringing in newes from her, to the World, and from the World▪ to her.

They are alwayes in Travaile, the soule abounds with them, as the Sunne with Moates. Wee are borne to Labour, and we must performe our Taske. As th [...] Thoughts of Man ar [...] Many, so they are different, All are not good, no [...] all bad.

There is not any thing is [...]lest with such a Library, as [...]he soule of Man is, Every Obiect within, and without [...]eades to her obseruations of Morality, and Piety. Shee [...]annot complaine for want of Variety, for the whole Vniverse is her study.

Her thoughts are but [...]er Servants, which shee [...]ntertaines, or discharges as [...]hey please, or dislike her.

I could wish that my [...]houghts would be tied up­on the Quatuor Novissima. [...]o they would never be ill [...]mployed.

I pray thee (O God) [...]o set a watch ouer all my [...]houghts, That they may be [Page 156]such onely as may Glorifie Thee, Benefit my selfe, and Better others, and this is my Thought.

Come Lord Iesus, come Quickly.

MEDITATION. 59. Vpon his reading the Oc­casionall Meditations of the Reverend Doc­tor Hals Com­position.

IT's good to have a pa [...] terne, then it's a great ble [...] sing to stirre up others to goo [...] Indeauours. I must confes [...] [Page 157] I had not laboured but by His aduice: his Fire made my Coale burne. It is as ne­cessary a way for a Christi­ [...]n, as I know any, and as Be­ [...]eficiall, and pleasant to the [...]oule.

It's Lawfull to Imitate any [...]od Action in any One, we [...]ight else casheire Exam­ [...]es, and onely entertaine [...]recepts, but that Magis [...]cimur Exemplis quam Prae­ [...]tis, the virtues of our [...]edecessors had died before [...]is time, had they not [...]ne maintained by wor­ [...] Imitators. It is Blockish [...]piditie then to be senseles [...] embracing such offered [...]efits.

It is the easier for the soule to collect something out of euery thing. We are all be­holding to the Pens that hath writ before us. I cannot see how a wise Christian can let any thing passe him without some benefit by it For a good Scholler in Christs Church will re­duce most things to Appli­cation. *⁎*


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