The Confession of a Papist Priest, VVho was hanged drawn and quartred at Tiburne, For seducing the Kings people, the 26. of July 1641. and had foure severall names which are these, William Waler, alias Walker, alias Ward, and alias Slater.

FIrst he confessed, that he had beene a Papist Priest this twenty foure yeares, and presumptuously pro­tested, that if he weare to live millions of yeares, he would more & more persevere in his wickednesse, and strive to seduce the people towards this religion.

Secondly, he vowed and protested, that he was not at all sorrowfull for his own death, for his pardon was granted him from his Ghostly father the Pope; and the last thing that stirred him up most to doe it, was that he was sure to be canonized for a Saint.

Thirdly, he openly protested, that all those whatsoever, which did not love and adore the Religion, in which faith he died, were damned Hereticks.

Fourthly, he confessed how that he had beene banished this kingdome of England, no lesse then three or foure times, and still he returned againe gathering Soules for Rome, but at last hee was hanged for his labour.

Fiftly, he gave away his ink horne to one Father Grizley entreating him by his example to be constant to the sea of Rome, and employ it no worse then hee had done.

Sixtly, hee gave his Beads to Master Crostly an Austine Fryer, with the like admonitions.

Seventhly, he bragged that he could spit defiance in the very face of death, for hee was assured that hee should have what he had merited, viz. life everlasting.

Eightly, he threatned his adversaries (as he tearmed them) with the Popes Bull.

Ninthly, he invok'd the Saints that they would now at this time assist him with their aide, & pray to God for him.

Tenthly, he secretly repeated over to himselfe his Avemaries, his salve Reginaes, with many more Po­pish, and damnable prayers.

Eleventhly, he fitted the halter as neare as possibly hee could to the bur of his eare, that hee might swing the easier.

Twelthly, and lastly, young Gregory drove away the Cart, and left him to the mercy of the hempe.

Thus beloved Christians, may you see how desperately many men will run the wrong way. I cannot see how this religion can stand with truth or reason, when the greatest part of it is grounded upon murther & mischiefes; were it not too late, I would bestow a charitable Lord Iesus receive his soule on him, expect the last day, for most of our Saviours words are accomplished: one thing in this man, for he gave us warning that we should not trust false Prophets, for in these dayes they should come.

The manner of his execution: he was drawne upon an hurdle, with foure horses, from Newgate to Tiburne, and was hanged, halfe a quarter of an houre, then taken downe, and ripped up, and his members and bowells burnt in the fire, then his body quartered, and put in a Basket, and brought to Newgate to be parboyled. This was the manner of his execution.

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