SERIOUS OBSERVATIONS LATELY MADE, Touching his Majesty Charles the Second, KING OF England, Scotland, France & Ireland.

King Charles Stuart, in Hebrew thus: .מלך כרה לוש צור אט

Translated into English, is thus, ‘The King hath prepared a Refreshing, hee hath Crushed it out of the Rock by Degrees.’

Published to inform the People,

Per H. Walker. S. S. T. S.

LONDON, Printed for R. I. and are to bee sold by William Gil­bertson at the Bible in Gilt-spur-street. 1660.

Serious Observations Lately made, Touching his Majesty CHARLES the Second, KING OF England, Scotland, France & Ireland.

HIs Royall Majesty Charles the Second, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, is both in the Hypostasis, and in the Prosopon, (under God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ) in this juncture of the time of his tempo­ral life, our true and Soveraign Lord, rightly pos­sessed of the Crown and Government; according to the mind of God revealed in his word, and the Laws and Customs of these Nations; And wee ought to bee subject to him, not for fear, but out of Consci­ence; and God hath declared damnation against those that resist him, Rom. 13.

1 His Majesty hath the Hypostasis, that subsistance to which God hath formed him to King-ship, in whose brest alone is (for us) the Royall Abstract: God hath qualified him to use him as his Instrument for the Government hee hath appointed him to, o­ver us; wee cannot think that the Kingly heart mentioned 1 Sam. 10.9. is at this time in any breast fitted for these Nations, but in the bosome of his sacred Majestie.

His Royal Father (in whom it was till death) had treacherous servants that conspired against him, and slew him at his own House, since which, that dispen­sation of the Spirit descendeth upon his Majesty that now is, whom wee are obliged to honour and blesse God for, as the Jews did good King Josiah, who reigned in his Fathers stead, 2 King. 21.23.

2 His Majesty is the Prosopon, that person in the Concrete, upon whose sacred brows the Royal Dia­dem is rightly seated; however others have brood­ed upon the Crown, to flatter their ambition, or fancied themselves Urinals, to delude the senses, or assumed the Robes on their own backs, to terrify o­thers, with a pretence of the Plague in it; and da­red to remove the Diadem, and take off the Crown; yet God hath over-turned, over-turned, over-turned it, that it should bee no more, untill our gracious King Charles came, whose right it is, and to whom God hath given it, as hee promised, Ezek. 21.26, 27

Besides these Observations, there are many other peculier rayes of glory that shine about the Throne of his Majesty, to demonstrate to all the world, a most clear manifestation of the Lords wonderfull presence with, and owning, and blessing of his Ma­jesties Reign over us.

I. His Majesty hath an eminent seal from God, by healing the Evill. For the Lord Jesus hath declared in the holy Scriptures, that, to bee one of the signes that shall follow them that beleeve; They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover, Mark 16.18. His Majesty doth lay hands on great numbers sick of the Evill and they do recover; By Prayer he prevails with God to give an effectuall issue to his touching [Page 3] of them; None, that in his Royal absence assumed the Government, could do it; all their strokings and pray­ers to accomplish it, would become vain, but, Where the word of a King is, there is power, Eccles. 8.4.

II. His Majesties Name and Title, King Charles Stuart, written in Hebrew thus מלך כרה לוש צור אט hath a notable signification, and answers the fulfilling of an excellent Prophecy, and glorious Promise, in which the Lord Jehovah, graciously stands ingaged to his Church: The plain translation of the said Hebrew into English is this, The King hath prepared a Re­freshing, hee hath crushed it out of the Rock by de­grees. The Lord by him hath fulfilled that great blessing promised to his people, Isa. 3.1, 2. Behold! a King shall reign in Righteousnesse, and Princes shall rule in Judgement, and a man shall bee as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest, as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shaddow of a great Rock in a weary land.

When wee were scorched worse than Israel, in a barren, starved, Wildernesse-condition, when storms fell about us, and wee had no shelter, when all waters, and means seemed to fail; Religion, Government, Trade, Food, Peace, Hope, all our Springs were dry­ed up; then the Lord called our Royall King Charles the Second, to Reign in Righteousnesse, and rule in Judgement, to bee an hiding place, and a covert for us; who is become our Moses, and hath prepared a refreshing banquet for us in the Wildernesse; he hath smote the Rock, and given us drink out of the great depths, hee hath crushed us out sweetnesse, and made rivers of refreshing streams to glide pleasantly in the midst of us, like that, Psalm 78.15, 16.

Government is (blessed bee God) by his Majesties Reign over us, restored to its basis, Religion and Piety is by him countenanced & encouraged, Prophaneness, and Debauchery, by him reproved and shamed; And it is much upon his Royall endevours to contrive ad­mirable expedients to reduce our differences, to repair Trade, supply Food, and establish Peace and Truth: So that our hopes are great in the Lords restoring of his Majesty to us, who hath already made us to suck honey out of the Rock, and oyl out of the flinty rock (as that) Deut. 32.13.

III. Those whom God calls to honourable and choice Places and Imployments at their age of thirty years hee usually poures down upon them a more than ordinary manifestation of his gracious presence, to make them very eminent.

Devout Joseph was thirty years old when God ad­vanced him to that great dignity wherein hee stood before Pharoah, who took off the ring from his own finger and put it on Josephs hand, arrayed him in fine Robes, with a Gold chain about his neck, and made him to ride in a stately Chariot; And they cryed be­fore him, Bow the knee; And hee was Ruler over the Land of Aegypt, Gen. 41.41, to 47.

Holy David, a man after Gods own heart, was thir­ty years old when hee began to Reign King over Israel, to whom all the people of the Land came to Hebron, saying, Behold wee are thy bone, and thy flesh; and King David made a league with them before the Lord; And they annointed him King over Israel, 2 Sam. 5. & 4 last verses.

When the Levites were called to the Ministeriall Office, to enter into the service of the Lord, to do the work of the Tabernacle, they were appointed by God [Page 5] to bee thirty years old, Num. 4.

The Lord Jesus Christ himself, when hee began to be thirty years old, then was hee baptized and anointed into the Priestly Office, when praying, the Heaven was opened, and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a Dove upon him & a voyce came from heaven which said, Thou art my beloved son, in thee I am well pleased, Lu. 3.21. &c

And this is the age of our gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second, in which, through Divine Providence, by the wisdom, power and goodnesse of God, his Majesty is come to the Throne, and established in his Royal Go­vernment.

IV. The Lord saith of those days wherein hee shall arise, and the glory of Christ shall be seen, Isa. 40 2. That Kings shall come to the brightnesse of his rising, and the people shall flock with them, ver 3. &c. And this hath God fulfilled in our eyes, making the King, and many that were banish­ed into strange Lands, to return and minister unto us, and build up our broken walls. And God that in his wrath had smitten us, hath thus mercy on us, according to his promise, ver. 10. And those that affl [...]cted us, bow them­selves down at his Majesties feet, whose bosome the Lord hath made a refreshing to us; the Lord make him an eter­nall excellency, and the joy of many Generations.

V. The Lord hath promised that in Christs exaltation in the midst of his Church, Kings shall see & arise, and Prin­ces shall worship, because of the Lord that is faithfull, and the Holy one of Israel, hee shall choose them, Isa 49.7. Thus hath God shewn his faithfulnesse to our gracious King, whom hee hath raised up, and chosen to bee a nursing Father, to bring us in his armes, and on his shoulders, to an happy estate, as it is ver. 22, 23.

VI. M [...]ny have spoken and written of glorious times [Page 6] expected to bee, from what they have gathered out of Gods word, under eminent and choice Rulers, Monarchs, and Powers, which God shall establish among his peo­ple; And the times computed by the most of them, doe begin about this present, being the Year of our Lord 1660. and so on to 1670. So much hath been said of this, not only by R. Hillel Hannasi, and other Rabbins. Anony­mus and other German Drs. But the Lord Nappier of Scot­land, Brightman of England, and many of these Nations. Yea, those called the Fifth Monarchy men, have made this their common Theam; little thinking who the person should bee that those sayings pointed at, Our gracious K. Charles, whom the Lord Jehovah is (we may hope) mak­ing so great a Monarch, in this period of time.

VII. It may bee said of his Majesty and these revived Nations of England, Scotland & Ireland (that are like dry bones raised from the dead) as it was once said of David and the people of Israel, Psal. 144.10, &c. It is God that giveth salvation unto Kings, who hath delivered his Ser­vant our Soveraign Charles the Second our gracious King, from the hurtfull Sword, that hath rid him out of the hands of strange Nations, and brought him to his Right, to Reign in great splendor over us; That our sons may bee as plants, and our daughters as polished stones, that our garners may bee full, our sheep bring forth thousands, our Oxen bee strong to labour; that there may bee no breaking in, nor going out▪ that there bee no complaining in our streets.

Happy are wee now, a people in such a case; happy are wee who have such a King; yea, happy are wee whose God is the Lord. And while wee have breath let us say,

God save King Charles the Second.



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